Imam Khomeini
Recent papers in Imam Khomeini
Hz. Muhammet'in vefatından sonra İslam toplumuna kimin liderlik edeceği sorunu Hz Ebubekir, Hz Ömer ve Hz Osman'ın farklı usullerle halife seçilmesiyle ciddi bir krize dönüşmeden çözüldü. Ancak Hz Osman döneminde, kendi ailesi ve... more
تأثیر نوشته های مختلف مربوط به دین در ایرانِ سده اخیر را می توان در شکل گیری چهار گرایش عمده ره گیری کرد:
در این نوشته، این چهار گرایش، به شکل گذرا، توضیح داده .« دین شناسی » و « روشنفکری دینی » ،« دین بسندگی » ،« دین ستیزی »
شده است.
در این نوشته، این چهار گرایش، به شکل گذرا، توضیح داده .« دین شناسی » و « روشنفکری دینی » ،« دین بسندگی » ،« دین ستیزی »
شده است.
توجيهات الإمام الخميني قدس سره في مجال العمل الإسلامي
Artikel ini mencakup secara padat dan ringkas peristiwa pembaharuan Islam di Iran, akibat dari kekejaman otoriter yang dilakukan oleh dinasti Syah Pahlevi, selain membuat mundurnya Islam di rezim ini juga secara perlahan menghilangkan... more
Ahmad al-Katib is an Iraqi Shiʿi dissident intellectual and an interesting voice in the religious, intellectual, social and political discourse of the Shiʿite world today. He is a fairly well-known figure in Shiʿite circles but is... more
In 1979 Iran, the establishment of a durable Islamic state system demanded the utilitarian use of Ayatollah Khomeini's charismatic appeal with references to messianic sensitivities. However, to fulfil his own concepts of an ideal Islamic... more
burada yalan, arsızlık ve riyakarlığın devi oturmuş tüm yol ağızlarında uyanmanın aydınlık sabahından bir ışık görmüyorum gökyüzünün karanlığında 2 ÖZET İran'da kadınlar monarşi yönetiminden İslam Cumhuriyeti'ne geçiş sürecinde önemli... more
رؤية كلية للتامل في تجربة الشهيد الحاج قاسم سليماني
Arab royalties have never seen themselves below Islam and God’s authority but rather always saw It as a tool. Since the first monarchy in Islam, as established by Muwaiyah and Yazid by usurpation and massacre, Islam came to be under the... more
Modern Iran: Caliphs, Kings, and Jurisprudents explores the changes in Iranian identity that have taken place in ancient, medieval, and contemporary times. Students learn how this identity has been transformed from an abstract Zoroastrian... more
How Imam Khomeini Followed the Prophet of Islam
The Iranian Revolution was one of the most important events to take place in the Middle East within the past fifty years. The revolution completely transformed one of the region’s largest and most influential countries, and had... more
The foundations of The International System portion and its convergence and divergence in Interactionism discourse against the Dominating System مبانی تقسیم بندی نظام بین الملل و همگرایی ها و واگرایی های آن در گفتمان تعامل گرایی... more
The reflection of Imam Khomeini and Ayatollah Khamenei's outlook on social matters in various dimensions, in addition to internal developments, causes regional changes in Muslim countries, especially in West Asia, in different social... more
The Islamic Republic of Iran is the only state which is run fully on Islamic Law. Islamic law is the law which is from Quran and Prophet of Islam. There are no other primary sources of Islam. All secondary sources must be subservient to... more
This article was published in 2004 in International Journal of Shīʿī Studies, Volume 2, Number 1; pp. 121-158 (the pdf wrongly states 2003). It presents an introduction to the philosopher-mystic Mīrzā Muḥammad ʿAlī Šāhʾābādī (d. 1944),... more
Tiga kesedaran yang terhasil dari Revolusi Islam Iran dibincangkan iaitu kesedaran politik, kesedaran berdepan 'super power' dan kesedaran Palestina.
Examining the dimensions of personality of political leaders, who have contributed to great historical developments and international equations and have created political systems, reinforces the hypothesis that a multidimensional study of... more
In this research, the author aims to compare the leadership of Imam Rahel and the Supreme Leader based on kery walk model in responding to the nature of these leadership models with a descriptive-analytical method. Is ; The research... more
1979’daki İran Devrimi, dünyanın en eski monarşilerinden birini yıktı ve onun harabeleri üzerine Velâyet-i Fakîh doktrinine(Fakîh’in Vesâyeti) dayanan bir teokratik cumhuriyet kurdu. Ayetullah Ruhullah Musevi Humeynî’nin yönetiminde... more
Perfect Man is the most important topic in theoretical gnosis discussions, after monotheism. Mystics have propounded many useful points about Perfect Man, and they have considered different angles of that. Hence, this paper observes and... more
Para orang tua mempunyai kewajiban dalam mengasuh anak-anaknya dengan tujuan jelas sebagai kader bangsa yang cinta agama dan cinta negara. Seperti di dalam keluarga maka dalam bernegara pun pemerintah memegang kewajiban penuh untuk... more
Political legitimacy is one of the basic and major concepts of political science especially political thought. Different views of the meaning and the concept of political legitimacy go back to the roots of political legitimacy. In this... more
Georgetown University School of Foreign Service in Qatar, Center for International and Regional Studies