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Since March 2011, tens of thousands of Syrians have disappeared. The majority – though not all – - are young men who have vanished after being arrested or abducted from or on their way to their homes, universities, and workplaces. Left... more
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      SyriaDamascusEnforced DisappearanceBashar al-Assad
Stredna Azia je v sucasnosti pod tlakom nepriaznivých vnutorných i vonkajsich vplyvov, ktore suvisia s otazkou rastuceho vplyvu radikalneho islamu. Clanok analyzuje faktory vonkajsieho vplyvu tohto nebezpecneho fenomenu, ktorý v sucasnom... more
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This article attempts to understand the global jihadist movement as a new form of organizational unit, seeking a better understanding and control of terrorism and jihad. It reviews the history of a number of jihadist groups, including the... more
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    • Economics
Islamic State relies heavily on the recruitment of foreign fighters. We examine this recruitment from an organizational perspective. We analyze how the process of recruitment of foreigners shapes the adverse selection problem affecting... more
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      Political ScienceIslamAllegianceIndigenous
In his National Security Strategy (February 2015), President Barack Obama stated that, "the threat of catastrophic attacks against our homeland by terrorists has diminished but still persists. .. Our adversaries are not confined to a... more
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      GeographyPolitical ScienceIraqSyria
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      TerrorismPolitical ScienceComputer SecurityEurope
The question of majorities and minorities has dominated the Iraqi political scene since the American-led invasion of 2003. As an occupying power, the US enshrined sectarianism in post-Saddam Iraq through divisive policies and structures... more
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      SociologyLawPolitical SciencePolitics
The Kurdish struggle in Turkey has evolved over several decades, marked by complex dynamics and historical context. It is important to examine the socio-political factors that have contributed to the Kurdish people's fight for... more
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    • Kurdish Question in Turkey
تستعرض هذه الورقة قصة حياة تمثال اللات - أثينا من محفوظات متحف تدمر (سجل متحفي رقم آ 138/75) وذلك من خلال التقارير البحثية التي نشرتها البعثة الاثرية البولونية والتي عملت على دراسة ومسح معبد اللات أثرياً منذ عام 1975 وحتى ثمانينات القرن... more
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      MuseumsPalmyra, SyriaAthenaRenovation
Spis skrótów Wstęp Rozdział. Dżahilijja-wprowadzenie do kon iktu syryjskiego i podstawowych terminów. . Islamizm-od religii do ideologii i ruchu społecznego. . Dżihad
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      TerrorismSyriaIsisJabhat Al-Nusra
This comparative case study investigates the financing typologies of Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) and Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in Turkey. The PKK is a Marxist-Leninist organisation that pursues ethnic separationist... more
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      TurkeyFinancial IntelligenceISILKurdistan Workers' Party (PKK)
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      GeographyPolitical Science
The scope of the maintenance of international peace and security has been increasingly widened by the United Nations Security Council in response to actions taken not only by the Member States but also in some cases by the individuals. In... more
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      SociologyLawJurisprudencePolitical Science
La caduta di Saddam nel 2003 ha rappresentato l’incipit di una fase di trasformazione dell’ordine mediorientale, nella quale il venir meno di un egemone regionale come l’Iraq ha rappresentato sia un’opportunità che una fonte di minacce... more
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      International RelationsGeopoliticsMiddle Eastern StudiesMiddle East
Atrocity crimes rage today in Iraq, Syria, Myanmar, Burundi and Yemen. Given their potential to establish facts and promote accountability, recently opened United Nations investigations of international law violations in each of these... more
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      LawCriminal JusticeTerrorismInternational Law
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      Political ScienceTURKISHMiddle East Policy
The main reason for designing a temporary residence complex is the lack of a proper place for temporary settling of Mosul refugees. The poor condition of Mosulians, who were forced to leave their homeland after their city was occupied and... more
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      Asylum seekersWar on TerrorRefugee CampsRefugees
The Policy Research Working Paper Series disseminates the findings of work in progress to encourage the exchange of ideas about development issues. An objective of the series is to get the findings out quickly, even if the presentations... more
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    • Political Science
In August 2014, ISIS fighters attacked the Sinjar region of northern Iraq. Their target: the Yazidis, an indigenous pre-Judaic religious group that ISIS reviles as pagans. Thousands of Yazidi women, men, and children were captured. Those... more
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      Iraqi HistorySexual ViolenceSlaverySyria
Call for papers for the 30th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists to take place in Rome in 2024. Please submit your abstract for the session of the Community on Illicit Trade in Cultural Materials
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Terrorist attacks can instigate widespread and long-lasting fear. Mass media can enforce fear by framing the events and affecting their perceptions. We implemented a news experiment to investigate the fear-triggering effects of different... more
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(CPCRS) and International Organization of Migration (IOM) collaborated on research on violent youth mobilization and the recruitment efforts of armed groups in Ninewa Governorate. The primary goals of this research were the following: to... more
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      HistorySociologyGender StudiesNarrative
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ISIS attacked Ramadi and Fallujah in the early days of January 2014, and while Fallujah fell at once with no visible resistance, it took protracted fighting and a three-day surge by ISIS before Ramadi fell on May 17 the same year. Through... more
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      GeographyIraqComparative StudyCase Study
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The Syrian crisis is quite important for Middle Eastern Security dynamics because it has gradually transformed the entire regional order. There are many regional states involved. Moreover, the crisis has seen how foreign involvement... more
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      Middle East PoliticsThe Effect of Syrian Crisis
Local military conflicts are prominent issue in today's world. The paper applies systematic and some other approaches to war-related risks in a specific case-Syrian civil war.
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This article seeks to contribute to the study of migration and religion in two EU countries, Croatia and Italy, by examining the impact of religiosity and cultural identification on negative attitudes toward immigrants. In many European... more
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      ImmigrationReligiosityReligionsReligious Identity
The objective of this qualitative study is to raise awareness of the online presence of al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), al-Shabaab and Boko Haram by analyzing and comparing their social media activities. The decision that the... more
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      CriminologySocial SciencesTerrorismPolitical Science
Las ideas contenidas en los Documentos de Opinión son de responsabilidad de sus autores, sin que reflejen, necesariamente, el pensamiento del IEEE o del Ministerio de Defensa.
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      HumanitiesPolitical ScienceCaliphate
Most work on post-2003 Iraq has focused, from a political science perspective, on the nature and role of the state, the American invasion and foreign military interventions, and the discourse of actors in power. This has fueled analysis... more
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      AnthropologySubjectivitiesIraqEveryday Life
Branding caliphate. ISIS, Al‑Baghdadi and the new era of global jihadism In Summer 2014 Abu Bakr al‑Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State of Iraq and Al‑Sham declared a caliphate in Iraq and Syria. By referring to the marketing... more
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      Political ScienceIslamJihadismCaliphate
Since the Turkish offensive into Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) held territories in October 2019, local Kurdish media reports of the Turkish intelligence agency’s operations to free ISIS affiliates have started to ring alarm bells. And... more
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      TerrorismInternational TerrorismTurkeyDeklarasi ISIS
This article may be used for research, teaching and study purposes, as long as it is properly referred to. The Rowaq Arabi editors make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information contained in the journal. However, the... more
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Przedmiotem artykułu jest analiza stosunku obywateli włoskich do wyzwań społecznych - politycznych i ekonomicznych, ocenianych z punktu widzenia własnej (nie) religijności. W toku prowadzonych badań zastosowano dwie metody: porównawczą,... more
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      Political SciencePolitics
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      Human Rights LawInternational LawPolitical ScienceIraq
The Swiss-Syrian Marxist academic Joseph Daher’s sweeping study, Syria After the Uprisings, represents an important contribution to our political and historical understanding of Syria’s Revolution. The book principally investigates the... more
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      Anarchist StudiesSocial movements and revolutionPeace StudiesArab Spring (Arab Revolts)
Bu çalışmada amaç; özgürlük ve güvenlik dengesi çerçevesinde, zorlayıcı (coercive) ve uzlaştırıcı (conciliatory) terörizmle mücadele araçlarının günümüzde uygulanabilirliğini araştırmaktır. Çalışmada öncelikle özgürlük ve güvenlik... more
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    • Terörizm
Impreso en España-Printed in Spain Editorial Círculo Rojo apoya la creación artística y la protección del copyright. Queda totalmente prohibida la reproducción, escaneo o distribución de esta obra por cualquier medio o canal sin permiso... more
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We investigate differences in the psychological aspects underpinning Western mobilisation of two terrorist groups by analysing their English-language propaganda. Based on a computerised analysis of the language used in two... more
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      PsychologyTerrorismPropagandaPolitical Violence and Terrorism
Significant literature has concluded that Islamic-terrorist activity in the Middle East and in Europe had increased drastically since the beginning of the implementation of the Bush Doctrine in 2001 after 9/11, with the rise of ISIS.... more
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      TerrorismPolitical ScienceIslamSectarianism
Significant literature has concluded that Islamic-terrorist activity in the Middle East and in Europe had increased drastically since the beginning of the implementation of the Bush Doctrine in 2001 after 9/11, with the rise of ISIS.... more
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      TerrorismPolitical ScienceIslamSectarianism
In English School theory, the putative change from an international society of states to a world society of individuals is usually associated with the diffusion of a benign form of cosmopolitanism and the normative agenda of solidarism.... more
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      TechnologyDiplomacyEnglish SchoolTransnational Communication
The chiefdom concept is one of the most productive in social anthropology and<br> political evolution. It helps to deeply understand the process of complication of<br> society's structure and the development path from... more
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      HistoryGeschichteStateless SocietiesChiefdom
The article presents the results of the study into the rhetoric of youth in Dagestan about those who left for ISIL. The authors reconstruct the everyday discourse of “leaving for ISIL” among the youth in the region, presented by Russian... more
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      SociologyRussian StudiesSocial PolicyRhetoric
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      TerrorismIraqSalafi-Jihadi Ideologyal-Baghdadi
The Arab Spring uprisings occasioned a great social and political change within the ambience of the Maghreb and the Middle East thus leading to disarticulation of the social and political infrastructure of that region. This state of... more
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Ongoing Syrian War is one of the most important historical event for both the Middle East and the world in recent history. Regional and international powers with their proxies has shaped not only Syrian politics, economy, and... more
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      SyriaRefugee CampsJihadismSyria history