ISA Transactions
Recent papers in ISA Transactions
This paper presents a novel contribution of a low complexity control scheme for voltage control of a dynamic voltage restorer (DVR). The scheme proposed utilizes an error-driven proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller to... more
Practical requirements on the design of control systems, especially process control systems, are usually specified in terms of time-domain response, such as overshoot and rise time, or frequency-domain response, such as resonance peak and... more
PLC, the core element of modern automation systems, due to serial execution, exhibits limitations like slow speed and poor scan time. Improved PLC design using FPGA has been proposed based on parallel execution mechanism for enhancement... more
A thyristor driven pump is operated by varying the DC input signal in the firing circuit of thyristor drive. This operation suffers from difficulties due to the nonlinear relation between thyristor output and DC input. In the present... more
Many investigations have been done on tuning proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers in single-input single-output (SISO) systems. However, only a few investigations have been carried out on tuning PID controllers in cascade... more
Fractional order controller design with a small number of tuning parameters is very attractive. Few attempts have been done recently for some limited cases of models. In this paper, a new approach is developed to design simple... more
Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO), the sole utility company in Korea, has been designing a large class of nearly identical 500 MW power plants as part of its standard design. These power plants each of which is capable of daily... more
The main objective of this paper is to present a technique for computing the membership functions of the intuitionistic fuzzy set (IFS) by utilizing imprecise, uncertain and vague data. In literature so far, membership functions of IFS... more
This paper studies the detection of broken rotor bars in induction motors. The hypothesis on which detection is based is that the apparent rotor resistance of an induction motor will increase when a rotor bar breaks. Here, the apparent... more
This paper presents two new adaptive model predictive control algorithms both consisting of an on-line process identification part and a predictive control part. Both parts are executed at each sampling instant. The predictive control... more
In this paper, a comparative study is done on the time and frequency domain tuning strategies for fractional order (FO) PID controllers to handle higher order processes. A new fractional order template for reduced parameter modeling of... more
The issues of stochastically varying network delays and packet dropouts in Networked Control System (NCS) applications have been simultaneously addressed by time domain optimal tuning of fractional order (FO) PID controllers. Different... more
A non-symmetrical Bouc–Wen model is proposed in this paper for magnetorheological (MR) fluid dampers. The model considers the effect of non-symmetrical hysteresis which has not been taken into account in the original Bouc–Wen model. The... more
In this paper, a decentralized PI/PID controller design method based on gain and phase margin specifications for two-input-two-output (TITO) interactive processes is proposed. The decouplers are designed for systems to minimize the... more
The electro-hydraulic servo system (EHSS) demonstrates a relatively low level of efficiency compared to other available actuation methods. The objective of this paper is to increase this efficiency by introducing a variable supply... more
The temperature control of a polymerization reactor described by Chylla and Haase, a control engineering benchmark problem, is used to illustrate the potential of adaptive control design by employing a selftuning regulator concept. In the... more
This paper presents some tests which have been carried out on a commercial model of Coriolis mass flowmeter under medium-pressure conditions (p > 15 bar), utilizing a primary standard flow calibration facility. The experimental results... more
The paper is concerned with a new instrument, nanobalance, measuring thrust and noise of space micro-thrusters in the range 0-1 mN with submicronewton accuracy. Low-noise micro-thrusters will be essential for upcoming ''dragfree'' space... more
In this paper, a continuous globally stable tracking control algorithm is proposed for a spacecraft in the presence of unknown actuator failure, control input saturation, uncertainty in inertial matrix and external disturbances. The... more
This paper presents the formulation of a novel block-backstepping based control algorithm to address the stabilization problem for a generalized nonlinear underactuated mechanical system. For the convenience of compact design, first, the... more
Genetic Algorithm (GA) has been used in this paper for a new approach of sub-optimal model reduction in the Nyquist plane and optimal time domain tuning of PID and fractional order (FO) PI λ D μ controllers. Simulation studies show that... more
Letter to authors on publishing in ISA transactions Hi Future Authors, Years in several roles related to publishing journal articles, especially during my time as Editor-in-Chief of ISA Transactions, have led to my formulating general... more
Embedded Model Control allows one to proceed systematically from fine plant dynamics and control requirements to the Embedded Model (EM), which is the core of control design and algorithms. The model defines three interconnected parts:... more
Active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) has been shown to be an effective tool in dealing with real world problems of dynamic uncertainties, disturbances, nonlinearities, etc. This paper addresses its existing limitations with plants... more
This paper presents a shunt Active Power Filter (APF) for power quality improvements in terms of harmonics and reactive power compensation in the distribution network. The compensation process is based only on source current extraction... more
Fuzzy logic based PID controllers have been studied in this paper, considering several combinations of hybrid controllers by grouping the proportional, integral and derivative actions with fuzzy inferencing in different forms. Fractional... more
This paper addresses the fuzzy system reliability analysis using different types of intuitionistic fuzzy numbers. Till now, in the literature, to analyze the fuzzy system reliability, it is assumed that the failure rates of all components... more
Condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of rolling element bearings timely and accurately are very important to ensure the reliability of rotating machinery. This paper presents a novel pattern classification approach for bearings... more
In this paper, a new method for the calculation of all stabilizing PI controllers is given. The proposed method is based on plotting the stability boundary locus in the (kp, ki)-plane and then computing the stabilizing values of the... more
In this paper, we improve the previous work by considering that a control place can have multiple selfloops. Then, two integer linear programming problems (ILPPs) are formulated. Based on the first ILPP, an iterative deadlock control... more
Automatic recognition of abnormal patterns in control charts has seen increasing demands nowadays in manufacturing processes. This paper presents a novel hybrid intelligent method (HIM) for recognition of the common types of control chart... more
Feature selection plays a crucial role in applications where data consists of hundreds of features due to curse of dimensionality. This paper presents two feature selection methods by modifying the main operators of Biogeography-Based... more
This paper considers the design of observer-based controller for a class of continuous-time nonlinear systems presented by Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) model with unmeasurable premise variables. This T-S structure can represent a larger class of... more
PLC, the core element of modern automation systems, due to serial execution, exhibits limitations like slow speed and poor scan time. Improved PLC design using FPGA has been proposed based on parallel execution mechanism for enhancement... more
Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) calculates the internal conductivity distribution within a body using electrical contact measurements. The image reconstruction for EIT is an inverse problem, which is both non-linear and ill-posed.... more
In many applications involving a robot in contact with a surface it is important to control the interaction between the manipulator and its environment, usually by employing force sensors. However, sometimes it is desirable to remove them... more
In this paper, modeling and PWM based control of an electro-pneumatic system, including the four 2-2 valves and a double acting cylinder are studied. Dynamic nonlinear behavior of the system, containing fast switching solenoid valves and... more
Today's market requirements drive companies in all industries to find ways to become more competitive, reduce project time lines and keep costs low. We at Genzyme Corporation's new Allston Landing Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Facility... more
Most RF beacons-based mobile robot navigation techniques rely on approximating line-of-sight (LOS) distances between the beacons and the robot. This is mostly performed using the robot's received signal strength (RSS) measurements from... more
In this work a new method for designing predictive controllers for linear single-input/single-output systems is presented. It uses only one prediction of the process output J time intervals ahead to compute the correspondent future error.... more
The purpose of this paper is to examine issues related to the distribution system reliability improvement using photovoltaic (PV) grid-connected systems. The output characteristics of a PV system are experimentally measured. The measured... more
This paper describes the anti-windup compensator (AWC) design methodologies for stable and unstable cascade plants with cascade controllers facing actuator saturation. Two novel full-order decoupling AWC architectures, based on... more
Condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of rolling element bearings timely and accurately are very important to ensure the reliability of rotating machinery. This paper presents a novel pattern classification approach for bearings... more