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¿Qué causan los feminicidios? ¿Qué tipo de factores hacen que una mujer sea más propensa a ser víctima de feminicidio? Respuestas de este tipo aún son parte de la agenda pendiente en América Latina y más aún lo es ligar tales resultados... more
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      HomicideViolence Against WomenGender And ViolenceFeminicidios
In the few recent studies of primary care settings, incidence (assaulted within the past year) of battered women from self-report (rather than record review) has ranged from 5% to 25%. [70] [101] The strongest risk factor for... more
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      Domestic ViolenceMental HealthHomicideIntimate Partner Violence
Despite the great interest in the study of sexual homicide, little is known about the processes involved in an individual’s becoming motivated to sexually kill, deciding to sexually kill, and acting on that desire, intention, and... more
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Literature depicts emotions arising from conflict and makes them available to readers, who experience them vicariously. Literary meaning lodges itself not in depicted events alone but also, and more importantly, in the interpretation of... more
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      Comparative LiteratureViolenceLiteratureHomicide
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      Criminal LawCriminal JusticeHomicidePartial defence of provocation
This article explores characteristics and crime scene behavior of 20 sexually sadistic serial murderers. The pairing of character pathology with paraphilic arousal to the control and degradation of others is examined as it manifests... more
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      HomicideForensic psychiatryForensic SciencesCrime Victims
This article reviews recent findings in the developmental neurophysiology of children subjected to psychological trauma. Studies link extreme neglect and abuse with long-term changes in the nervous and endocrine systems. A growing body of... more
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      LawCriminal LawMental HealthHomicide
This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between expert witness likeability and jurors' judgments of credibility and tendencies in sentencing. Two actors playing expert witnesses were trained to present themselves as... more
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Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has been offered as a basis for criminal defenses, including insanity, unconsciousness, self-defense, diminished capacity, and sentencing mitigation. Examination of case law (e.g., appellate decisions)... more
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      LawViolenceHomicideExpert testimony
“Love hurts”— as the saying goes — and a certain amount of pain and difficulty in intimate relationships is unavoidable. Sometimes it may even be beneficial, since adversity can lead to personal growth, self-discovery, and a range of... more
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      HistoryPharmacologyEvolutionary BiologyNeuroscience
The aim of this study was to investigate the number and type of brain abnormalities and their influence on psychosocial development, criminal history and paraphilias in sexual murderers. We analyzed psychiatric court reports of 166 sexual... more
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      HomicideForensic psychiatryAdolescentBrain
Homicide is the most newsworthy of all crimes. Yet not all homicides are reported equally: some receive extensive coverage while others receive little or none. Qualitative questionnaires, completed by ten UK national tabloid journalists,... more
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      Media StudiesHomicideNews Media EthicsInterpretative Phenomenological Analysis
Hidup manusia akan selalu berurusan dengan tanda-tanda, maka dari itu ilmu semiotika muncul. Ilmu semiotika adalah ilmu tentang tanda. Manusia akan selalu bergairah untuk membuat tanda-tanda, memaknai dan menginterpretasikannya. Tanda... more
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      HomicideCharles S. PeirceSkripsiMusik
1 I am grateful to participants in the workshops in Oslo and in Uppsala for their comments on this paper, and am especially indebted to my colleague, Mirko Canevaro, for his detailed and salutary observations, and to Edward Harris for... more
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      Ancient HistoryEmotionHomicideLaw and Ethics
The amount of empirical research on men who commit sexual murders is scarce, and no distinction has been made between those who have victimized adults and those who have victimized children. Therefore, to better understand specifically... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceHomicideSuicide
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      PsychologyViolenceDeathDeath Studies
Violencia en tiempos de paz: conflictividad y criminalización en El Salvador interroga las violencias en este país cuando, se supone, se encuentra en paz. Tres capítulos se centran en la época de preguerra y otros cuatro en la posguerra,... more
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      SemioticsSocial MovementsLatin American StudiesCriminal Justice
It is recognized that the majority of intimate partner homicide (IPH) victims are female; simultaneously, when females do commit homicide, they are more likely to perpetrate against an intimate partner. To date, there are only a few... more
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      HomicideIntimate Partner ViolenceIntimate Partner Homicide
To see how contemporaries understood the body's place in differences between men's and women's homicidal violence, this paper disaggregates the data from a sizeable sample of English homicide records produced between c. 1500-1680 to see... more
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      HomicideEarly Modern European WitchcraftWomen and Gender StudiesInfanticide
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      LawJurisprudenceEthicsDecision Making
O objeto desta tese é o homicídio doloso, inserido no tema de pesquisa sobre administração e funcionamento do sistema de justiça criminal no Brasil. Em termos teóricos, o estudo é desenvolvido segundo a perspectiva da construção social e... more
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      SociologyCriminologyCriminal JusticeSociology of Crime and Deviance
The principle of 'fair labelling' has become common currency in debates about the scope of murder and involuntary manslaughter (the offences which form the focus of this chapter). For that reason, it provides the filter through which this... more
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      Criminal LawHomicideMurderHomicide Law Reform
Positions on the ethics of human enhancement technologies can be (crudely) characterized as ranging from transhumanism to bioconservatism. Transhumanists believe that human enhancement technologies should be made widely available, that... more
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      Social ChangePhilosophyApplied EthicsBioethics
Purpose: To construct an empirically rigorous typology of multiple homicide offenders (MHOs). Method: The current study conducted latent class analysis of the official records of 160 MHOs sampled from eight states to evaluate their... more
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      Forensic ScienceHomicideForensic psychiatryCriminal Psychology
To describe the characteristics and consequences of sexual assault within intimate relationships specific to racial or ethnic group, compare the findings to a similar group of physically assaulted-only women, and measure the risk of... more
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This study investigates the convergent and predictive validity of behavioral crime scene indicators of sexual sadism in the context of rape and sexual homicide. The study is based on a sample of 268 adult males sentenced to a federal... more
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Although the murders committed by serial killers may not be considered rational, there is growing evidence that the locations in which they commit their crimes may be guided by an implicit, if limited rationality.The hypothesized logic of... more
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Occurring in a broad range of non-western and western countries, violence committed against women in the name of family honor has been viewed in several ways, including as a crime, as gendered violence, or as a violation of human rights.... more
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      Pure SociologyViolenceHomicideViolence Against Women
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      PhotogrammetryForensic ScienceHomicideMagnetic Resonance Imaging
An 18-item stalking inventory and personal interviews with knowledgeable proxy informants and victims of attempted femicide were used to describe the frequency and type of intimate partner stalking that occurred within 12 months of... more
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      CriminologyLawHomicideViolence Against Women
Incorporating features of the built environment, risk terrain modeling (RTM), is used to predict future criminal events in micro-units (i.e., city blocks). The current study examines the application of RTM to forecast homicide in the... more
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This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. clicking here. colleagues, clients, or customers by , you can order high-quality copies for your If you wish to distribute this article to others here. following the guidelines can... more
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Background and objective: This review article aims to discuss and evaluate the risk factors for the development of violence and homicidal behaviour and the effectiveness and outcomes of the preferred atypical antipsychotics in patients... more
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      ViolenceHomicideSchizophreniaRisk factors
In Coercion and Responsibility in Islam, Mairaj Syed explores how classical Muslim theologians and jurists from four intellectual traditions argue about the thorny issues that coercion raises about responsibility for one's action. This is... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionIntellectual HistoryCriminal Law
This publication attempts to create a better understanding of the nature, origins, and evolution of organized crime in Central America by examining the dynamics of organized crime in the three countries of the so-called Northern... more
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      International RelationsViolenceHuman RightsPoverty
Over the past year, the Woodrow Wilson Center’s Latin American Program has undertaken an extensive review of the principal United States security assistance program for the region—the Central America Regional Security Initiative (CARSI).... more
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      Criminal JusticeInternational RelationsDomestic ViolenceViolence
1 Este trabajo se enmarca en el proyecto de investigación titulado De la Lucha de Bandos a la hidalguía universal: transformaciones sociales, políticas e ideológicas en el País Vasco (siglos XIV y XV), financiado por el MINECO (código... more
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      Women's StudiesHomicideHonorHomicidios Y Femicidios
This essay studies the phrase “starting unjust blows,” which has been restored in lines 33–35 of Draco’s homicide law (IG I3 104). A careful examination of the phrase shows that it does not come from a statute about homicide, but about a... more
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      HomicideAthenian DemocracyArchaic Greek historyGreek Law
Background The present study examined the effect of childhood trauma on adulthood physical health among a randomly selected sample of adults (N = 2,177) in urban Mexico.
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      ViolenceMental HealthHomicideDepression
1 Throughout this paper, due to the range of sources which have been used, the terms "antisocial personality disorder", "psychopathy" and "psychopathy disorder" will be used interchangeably. It should be noted however that "antisocial... more
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      Criminal LawHomicidePunishment and PrisonsSentencing
In the Unites States, middle-class Caucasian heterosexual males in their teenage years and in middle age commit mass murder, the killing of at least three victims during a single episode at one or more closely related locations, in... more
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      ViolenceHomicideRace and EthnicityMasculinities
2003) Classifying homicide offenders and predicting their characteristics from crime scene behavior. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology , 44 , 107-118.
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceHomicideProspective studies
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      Comparative PoliticsViolenceHomicideSocial Problems
In the following two cases a three-dimensional bloodstain pattern analysis was performed.
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      SurgeryPhotogrammetryForensic ScienceHomicide
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      Public OpinionViolenceHomicideMass media
Objective: To construct a model on the consequences of political violence for refugee families based upon a qualitative investigation. Methods: This study used a groundedtheory approach to analyze qualitative evidence from the CAFES... more
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      PsychologyFamily TherapyCommunicationSocial Work
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      LawHomicideJuvenile DelinquencyChild Maltreatment
The perfect murder is a recurring theme in many works of art, high and popular. Scientific inquiry has generally overlooked the issue, though a considerable body of cross-disciplinary evidence documents wide variation in the handling of... more
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      Sociology of LawViolenceHomicideSocial and Cultural Anthropology
This article examines the impact of the Children Act 1908 on longstanding concerns that foster or informally 'adoptive' parents were uniquely likely to murder the children in their care. Making particular reference to the last two... more
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      HistoryCriminal JusticeGender HistoryBritish History