Holocaust Commemoration
Recent papers in Holocaust Commemoration
"Mieczysław Weinberg (1919-96) is a unique figure in Soviet music. A Jewish-Polish composer, he was born and raised in Warsaw, but fled to the Soviet Union following the outbreak of WWII. He left his family behind, never to see them... more
The scholarship on heritage has been preoccupied with discussions of conflict and discord. But might heritage not also be deployed for conciliatory functions after national trauma? Kazimierz, the historical Jewish district of Cracow,... more
American Anthropologist (Visual Anthropology section), Vol. 117, No. 3, September 2015.
This special issue addresses the possible connections and mutual benefits of examining together two analytic concepts – memory and periphery. These concepts receive much attention in various scholarly discussions, yet they have done so... more
The Willed and the Unwilled Monument: Judenplatz Vienna and Riegl’s Denkmalpflege takes a new approach to the competition for the Monument and Memorial for the Jewish Victims of the Nazi Regime in Austria. Noting the complication of the... more
'אל נא נעבור לגדולות ממנו": התנגדותו של החזון איש להנצחת השואה ומניעיה"'
מוזיאון "יד לילד" בבית לוחמי הגטאות, שנחנך בשנת 1995, הגשים חזון ישן של מייסדי הבית להקים אתר הנצחה לילדים שנספו בשואה. יוזמי הפרוייקט - החל בהנהלה, עבור באדריכלים וכלה במעצבים ובאוצרים - התלבטו ביחס לרעיון הכללי של מוזיאון שכזה: מהו... more
Weinberg’s background is unique among Soviet composers; he fled eastwards from Poland in 1939 and was accepted into the USSR. He established a successful career, working with the most prominent Jewish musicians of his day and praised as... more
In the past few decades, Poland has seen a growing number of attempts to reclaim its Jewish past through traditional forms such as historiographic revision, heritage preservation, and monument building. But a unique new mode of artistic,... more
Conducting oral history interviews or using them as research and educational resources requires the (mostly tacit) background knowledge necessary for understanding an interview or its excerpts. Taking the topic of commemoration and... more
In this fascinating book, the planning and building of Yad Vashem, Israel's central and most important institution for commemorating the Holocaust, merits an outstanding in-depth account. Following the development of Yad Vashem since... more
Książka Marty Kubiszyn to dobrze przemyślana i precyzyjnie skonstruowana monografia podsumowująca wieloletnie zainteresowania naukowe autorki. Wpisuje się ona w kulturoznawczy nurt badań nad pamięcią zbiorową Zagłady, wnosząc istotny... more
"לספר לכם? קשה לעשות זאת, וגם לא נחוץ. אתם כבר יודעים לא מעט. ומה שאתם יודעים כבר מסוגל לזעזע. אינני רוצה לחזור. אני רק רוצה להוסיף מה שכמדומני אינכם יודעים: על נשי ישראל". פסיה שרשבסקי, ניצולת אושוויץ, נאום בעצרת עם, תל-אביב, עשרים... more
with Israel Rozenson in Hebrew in: Michal Ben Ya'akov, Gershon Greenberg & Sigalit Rozmarin (eds.), That Terrible Summer..., Lithuania 1941, Jerusalem: Efrata College of Education, 2013, pp. 169-181 "בתוך: מ' בן יעקב, ג' גרינברג, ס'... more
My column in the Canadian Jewish News on the modern Jewish community's problematic obsession with the Holocaust.
The relevance of nostalgia and memory in the constitution of identity narratives of individuals and nation states is a well-documented phenomenon. Yet little is known about the function of nostalgia in the context of Israeli and Polish... more