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Prolégomènes d'une enquête à mener sur les origines du droit normand. (Origine et actualité du droit normand, dir. S. Poirey et Fr. Neveux, 25-29 mai 2011 à Cerisy la Salle)
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      Histoire du droitHistory of the VikingsNormandie médiévale
SOUZA, Guilherme Queiroz de. Vikings na França. In: LANGER, Johnni (org.). Dicionário de História e Cultura da Era Viking. São Paulo: Hedra, 2017, p. 725-730.
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval FranceVikings
The aim of this paper is to investigate discourse strategies of outgroup construction in the Alfredian period (late ninth century), by using critical discourse analysis and testing its relevance for the Anglo-Saxon data. The study focuses... more
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      Historical LinguisticsAnglo-Saxon StudiesCritical Discourse AnalysisHistorical sociolinguistics
This is a synopsis of my 2 volume work. It provides a new perspective on the origins of many Scottish Clans - identifying many of the lies fabricated to suit the necessity of the times and since believed and consistent with a sensible... more
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      Early Medieval IrelandPlace Names (Cultural Geography)Medieval EnglandCymraeg - the Welsh language
[ENG] This paper proposes to examine the evidence for homosexuality among the early medieval Scandinavian peoples, popularly known as the Vikings. A variety of literary , legal, and religious sources from medieval Iceland and Norway... more
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      Gender StudiesGender HistoryOld Norse LiteratureGay And Lesbian Studies
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      ArchaeologyHistoriographyHistory of ReligionsViking Age Archaeology
Ancient pictures are not random products -they were created for conveying messages! This is especially true in the oral culture of the Viking Age. Here, pictures often occur as Animal Art. The focal point of my work is a special kind of... more
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      IconographyResearch MethodologyMetalwork (Archaeology)Viking Age Archaeology
Research Question: To what extent did the seafaring technology of the Vikings influence the evolution of European seafaring technology? This was my chosen topic for my IB EE for the class of 2020. I scored a B and hoped this might help... more
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      International BaccalaureateVikingsViking ShipsMerchant Shipping/Maritime Economics/shipbuilding/Mediterranean/Shipowners/Maritime Trade
Viking Age pictures seldom appear as self-sufficient monuments. More often, they survive as Animal Art on utility goods. The role of the caster gives important clues towards the conditions of ornamental production, as well as the meaning... more
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      IconographyMetalwork (Archaeology)Viking Age ArchaeologyDress and Personal Adornment (Archaeology)
This study provides the first evidence for the extraction of lead in the later early medieval period in Lancashire, in the North West of England. Archaeological evidence for human activity in the region during the later medieval period is... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyBritish History
Considers the evidence for framing a narrative of the containment of the Viking threat to Wessex in the late 870s by the building of a system of burhs or strongholds over all of Wessex (the extent of Alfred's kingdom at the time), arguing... more
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      Military HistoryStrategy (Military Science)Anglo-Saxon StudiesAnglo-Saxon Studies (History)
This week's blog I address one of the 'key' objects in the Viking Age, the key as a symbol of female status and independancy. Keys were a symbol of a woman's status in the home and in society. Women would run farms both in the... more
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      Viking StudiesViking identitiesViking Age ArchaeologyMythology (Old Norse Literature)
ABSTRACT. The current article aims to explore the similarities between the concept of the Creation imaginations in the mythical beliefs of two geographically and culturally very remote cultures, namely the Mayan K’iche’ tribe (Span.:... more
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      PhilologyComparative ReligionHistoryGeography
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    • History of the Vikings
Vendas pela Editora da UFPB (Telefone: (83) 3216-7147; E-mail: [email protected] ) Apresentação do prof. Dr. Álvaro Bragança Júnior (UFRJ): "Com o título Na trilha dos vikings: estudos de religiosidade nórdica, o... more
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      Old Norse LiteratureViking Age ArchaeologyMythology (Old Norse Literature)Old Norse Religion
The history of ‘vikings’ in Aquitaine encompasses, on and off, more than two centuries, from their first attested appearance and attacks on some ‘islands off Aquitaine’ in 799 until the early eleventh century. It is a subject that... more
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      French HistoryBasque StudiesMedieval StudiesAnglo-Saxon Studies (History)
El presente trabajo abordará las cuestiones históricas de la creación, consolidación y por último desaparición del reino normando independiente de Sicilia, reino creado en el siglo XI en los territorios del Sur de Italia.
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      HistoryMedieval StudiesNorman SicilyHistory of the Vikings
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      Anglo-Saxon StudiesFrisian HistoryHistory of the VikingsViking Age Denmark
[Ахмад ибн Фадлан]. Книга Ахмада ибн Фадлана / Перевод с арабского и примечания Вяч. С. Кулешова // Путешествие Ибн Фадлана: Волжский путь от Багдада до Булгара : Каталог выставки / Государственный Эрмитаж. Государственный... more
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      Russian StudiesAbbasid LiteratureEurasian NomadsAbbasid History
This paper relates diachronic change in discourse strategies of the Viking-age historical writing to political changes of the period and to communities of practice that produce these histories and chronicles. It examines the labels and... more
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      Critical Discourse AnalysisCommunities of practicePolitical Discourse AnalysisOld English Language
In English. The longest inscription from the Viking Ages is a sophisticated challenge to the mind. The rune stone was inspired by the contemporary Frankish renaissance, but as a counterpart it was converted into a pagan and runic... more
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      Runic inscriptionsRunestonesMedieval RiddlesVikings
Today, in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, an archaeological site known as “L’Anse aux Meadows” occupies the northernmost tip of the Great Northern Peninsula. It has been dated as far back as 4000 CE and has origin ties to The Vinland... more
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      Vikings in the North AtlanticNewfoundland and LabradorVikingsHistory of the Vikings
Francisco FRANCO-SÁNCHEZ: «Los ataques normandos a las costas de Šarq al-Andalus en el siglo IX. Consecuencias militares y sociales». In Manuel Espinar Moreno (coord.). Los Vikingos en la historia. 3. Granada: Libros EPCCM (Col. Estudios,... more
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      Al-AndalusAl Andalus (Islamic History)Andalusia/Al-AndalusAl-Andalus archaeology
Viking Fortresses in 9th century Ireland
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      Viking Age ArchaeologyVikings in the North AtlanticVikingsCelts and vikings
In this article I like to take you on a sea travel watching the stars..a sea travel, wich ends ultimately on the roof on a church..
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      Medieval StudiesEarly Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyViking Studies
Intervista fattemi per "Query. La scienza indaga i Mysteri" del CICAP, ad opera della Dott.ssa Agnese Picco Barbuti e villosi uomini del Nord che discendono nella civilizzata Europa per devastare e saccheggiare tutto quello che... more
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      ArchaeologyViking StudiesViking identitiesViking Age Archaeology
This week's blog I address one of the specific feautures in Viking Age Gotlandic jewellry. The animal head shaped brooch.

These specific kind of brooches are often described as 'boar' or 'bear' head brooches.
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      Historical ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyViking StudiesViking identities
Kurt Denzer is a German documentary film maker who dedicated his work to archeological films. He is the founder and was for many years (1994-2010) the head of the Cinarchea film festival, dedicated to archeological film. His own films... more
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      HistoryMedia StudiesFilm StudiesDocumentary (Film Studies)
This is a revised version of an essay I wrote and posted here in the summer of 2018.  I have continued to work on the subject, and have provided additional information.
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      Viking StudiesVikings in the North AtlanticViking Age ScandinaviaVikings
Representaciones del Poder en la Escandinavia medieval temprana (ss. VII al IX) . Una aproximación desde las fuentes literarias El artículo refiere a exponer diversas caracterizaciones en torno a la representación del poder en la... more
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      Viking StudiesViking Age ScandinaviaVikings in Scandiania, Viking Age Archaeology, Viking SwordsHistory of the Vikings
'Viking Age kings' is the first comprehensive presentation of the Norse genealogy. The chronology and genealogy of the Norse kings is here based on the contemporary literary texts describing family relationships. 'Vikingetidens konger'... more
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      Viking StudiesViking identitiesViking Age ArchaeologyVikings in the North Atlantic
Reviews a book of essays on Viking history in England.
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      HistoryHistorical ArchaeologyEarly Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval History
A HOMOSSEXUALIDADE NA ERA VIKING? UMA ANÁLISE DO “SER” FEMININO E MASCULINO EM SAGAS: Em comemoração ao mês de Junho dedicado a diversidade e aos grupos LGBTQIA+, lanço um trabalho que visa lançar “luz” sobre as questões relacionados aos... more
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      Environmental HistoryMedieval ScandinaviaViking StudiesViking identities
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    • History of the Vikings
In this article I'd like to take you to the somewhat mysterious world of a part of the adornment of the viking sword, the sword chape.
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      ArchaeologyViking StudiesViking identitiesViking diaspora
The present paper attempts to shed more light on the society of the Danish high middle age, or more specifically “the long twelfth century”. Traditional scholarship has claimed that until the time of Harald Bluetooth (app. 958- 987), the... more
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      Military HistoryStrategy (Military Science)Roman HistoryHigh Middle Ages
Desde principios del siglo VII los germanos que habitaban la península de Escandinavia se hicieron al mar a bordo de sus ligeros drakkares y asolaron las costas de Europa. Los europeos llamaron a estos invasores ,normandos~~ (hombres... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryArchaeologyMedieval History
Vikings loved gold and silver because they could buy power, and because wearing items made from those precious metals suggested high status for warriors or their women. However, archaeologists and collectors also understand that the... more
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      Viking StudiesViking identitiesViking diasporaViking Age Archaeology
Улав Триггвасон вошёл в историю Киевской Руси после появления в дружине князя Владимира I. В Норвегии, куда Триггвасон вернулся и был избран королём в 995 г., современные историки рассматривают его как одного из правителей, заложивших... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryEconomic HistoryMedieval History
An article looking into Ivar the Boneless as a historical figure and the impact , change he brought within him when he invaded York. The purpose of this article is to engage the public with topic's and areas of archaeology and history,... more
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      Viking StudiesViking Age ArchaeologyViking Age ScandinaviaMaterial Culture of the Viking age
This remarkable tiny-34mm x 10mm strap end from the Viking Age, found in England (Norfolk area) is a one-off. Decorated in the Urnes style with interlacing snake design, it can be addressed to the 11th century, the early 12th century the... more
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      Ancient HistoryViking Age ArchaeologyMythology (Old Norse Literature)Norse mythology
Клімаў М., Куляшоў Вяч. Новыя знаходкі арабскіх дзірхамаў на Полацкім гарадзишчы // Studia Numismatica Albaruthenica : Зборнік навуковых артыкулаў. Vol. I / Укладальнікі В. М. Сідаровіч, М. А. Плавінскі. Мінск: Медысонт, 2011. — С. 49–60.
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      Old Rus'VikingsArchaeology and history of Early medieval Nomads, Old Rus an Slavic archaeologyVikings in the East
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      History of the VikingsVikings in Spain
Os sons são obtidos das mais variadas formas mesmo que não se possam vê-los é possível senti-lo, de um simples bater de pedras ao som produzido pela boca logo, depois desenvolvemos a capacidade de adaptá-lo às nossas necessidades só que... more
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      Music HistoryViking Age ArchaeologyViking Age ScandinaviaViking Age
comes at an opportune and promising time for the Brazilian field of Scandinavian studies. Although Brazilian historiography has been demonstrating an interest in the Viking peoples since the XIX century, the academic and historical... more
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      Viking StudiesViking Age ScandinaviaOld Norse ReligionVikings
An overview of the development of the cult of St Edmund from the ninth century up the present day. Published in the Spring Issue of the Suffolk Review 2017, (New Series no. 68).
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    • History of the Vikings
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      Kings´ SagasViking Age ScandinaviaIcelandic SagasHistory of the Vikings
Gisela of France was a legendary 10th-century CE Francian princess, who, according to tradition, was married off to Viking leader Rollo of Normandy.
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      CharlemagneOrderic VitalisVikings10th Century
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesEarly Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval History