Friserne, Sakserne og Danerne by Karsten Laust Krambs
En komparativ analyse af de frisiske og danske ringborge - har afdækket - at Harald Gormsøns borg... more En komparativ analyse af de frisiske og danske ringborge - har afdækket - at Harald Gormsøns borge og trelleborghuse har sit udspring omkring Rhinen og det frisiske ørige »Frisiae et Seelandiae«. Denne regions frisiske ringborge har en stram geometrisk konstruktion, som vi genfinder i de danske borge. I mindst to af nævnte borge har arkæologien fundet korsgående veje, der deler borgene i fire lige store kvarterer samt porte, der vender mod verdenshjørnerne. En ny version af borgenes formål er ligeledes formuleret.
A comparative analysis of the Frisian and Danish ring forts - has uncovered - that the castles of Harald Gormsøn and the ‘Trelleborg’ houses have originated around the Rhine and the Frisian region »Frisiae et Seelandiae«. The Frisian ring forts of this region have a strict geometric construction, which we find in the Danish castles. In at least two of the castles mentioned, the archaeology has found a cross-shaped street pattern with four entrance gates facing the corners of the world. A new version of the purpose of the castles has also been formulated.
Omkring 150 år før Harald Gormsøns levetid, opstod en konflikt mellem Godofridus (Gudfred) og Kar... more Omkring 150 år før Harald Gormsøns levetid, opstod en konflikt mellem Godofridus (Gudfred) og Karl den Store. Fra dette tidsrum har det vist sig, at alle belæg for forekomsten af folket ’Dani’ (gens) kom fra kilder udenfor Skandinavien. Så det var frankernes antagelse om, at det var folket ’Dani’ der stod bag denne person - og derfor kaldte de ham for ’Godofridus rex Danorum’. Beretningerne om disse “danskeres” aktiviteter både i tiden før og efter nævnte Godofridus - rejser tvivl om hvorvidt frankerne havde ret. Denne kritiske annalyse sætter fokus på denne problemstilling.
Around 150 years before the lifetime of Harald Gormson, a conflict took place between Godofridus (Gudfred) and Emperor Charlemagne. From this period it has been shown that all evidence for the existence of the people ’Dani’ (gens) came from sources outside Scandinavia. So it was a conjecture of the Franks that it was the people ’Dani’ who were behind this person - and therefore they titled him 'Godofridus rex Danorum'. The accounts of the activities of these "Danes" both in the time before and after the above-mentioned Godofridus, raises doubts as to whether this conclusion was true. This critical analysis focuses on this issue.
En stormandsslægt bosat i Sydjylland (Sinlendi) søgte år 807 asyl hos kejser Karl den Store. Denn... more En stormandsslægt bosat i Sydjylland (Sinlendi) søgte år 807 asyl hos kejser Karl den Store. Denne hændelse medførte, at skiftende kejsere i perioden 826-884 - en periode på 58 år - forlenede slægten med områder, der alle var placeret på hele den frisiske vadehavskyst. Fra syd til nord. Fakta er, at tre generationer af slægten herskede som magtfulde fyrster med ansvar for vigtige frisiske handelspladser. Hele tre gange - og periodisk - forsøgte slægten at genvinde det tabte område i Nordfrisland, men forgæves. Denne analyse afdækker problemstillingen.
In the year 807, a noble family living in the southern part of Jutland, applied for asylum with Emperor Charlemagne. This incident led to, that changing emperors during the period 826-884 - a period of 58 years - granted the genus areas all located on the entire Frisian Wadden Sea coast. From south to north. The fact is that three generations of the family ruled as powerful princes in charge of important Frisian trading places. As many as three times - and periodically - the family tried to regain the lost area in Northern Friesland, but in vain. This critical analysis focuses on this issue.
Det er romerne der har navngivet både frisere og chaukere muligvis for at lokalisere stammerne ve... more Det er romerne der har navngivet både frisere og chaukere muligvis for at lokalisere stammerne versus deres bosættelser. Genetisk er begge stammer af samme æt og haplogruppe R1b-U106, så grundlæggende er der tale om ét homogent stammefolk med ensartet maritim livsstil. Friserne koloniserede både Brabant og Flandern et sted mellem 4. til 7. årh. e.Kr. Brabant er kystområdet der ligger ud for øriget Frisiae et Seelandiae, hvor Walcheren er den største af øerne.
Denne analyse har afdækket at der er belæg for, at navnet Hardeknud har eksisteret i England omkr... more Denne analyse har afdækket at der er belæg for, at navnet Hardeknud har eksisteret i England omkring år 900. Dermed ikke sagt, at navnet har angelsaksisk oprindelse. Traditionen med kongelig møntprægning blev først indført i Skandinavien perioden 995-1000 og den første danske historieskrivning er fra 1100-tallet. Derfor er det interessant at et så sjældent navn som Hardeknud optræder to gange i England fra omkring år 900 og fra ca. 1050. Hvem var de nævnte vikinger?
An investigation of the Roman epigraphic material from Britain reveals a major participation of F... more An investigation of the Roman epigraphic material from Britain reveals a major participation of Frisians from the Netherlands-Belgian region on the Continent. A majority is the involvement of people from Betuwe in the Netherlands and the Roman province Germania Inferior. It is in accordance with historical literature.
Publications by Karsten Laust Krambs
This paper is a critical review of the early Norse kings of York. The true value of all sources i... more This paper is a critical review of the early Norse kings of York. The true value of all sources is analysed and evaluated, as well as compared to the hagiography and legend of the 'Historia de Sancta Cuthberta' whose credibility is verified.
The article is a part of the "Les Collections Numismatiques de la Fondation Calvet", annual list of Publications 2018.
This paper is a critical review of the Norwegian Viking Olav Haraldsson and his entire Vitae. The... more This paper is a critical review of the Norwegian Viking Olav Haraldsson and his entire Vitae. The true value of the sources is analysed and evaluated, as well as compared to Snorri's narrative from the 13th century whose credibility is verified. The entire legend seems to be a canonical construction - a hagiography - whose purpose was to exalt Olav to a saint. The author of the hagiography of Olav has deliberately adopted the entire course of Thorkil the High's activities in England and subsequently, added Olav’s name instead (of Thorkil’s) to giving him full status as a hero.
Denne artikel er en kritisk granskning af den norske viking Olav Haraldsson og hele hans vitae. Kildernes sandhedsværdi analyseres og vurderes samt sammenholdes med Snorris narrative fra 1200-tallet, hvis troværdighed efterprøves. Hele legenden virker som en kirkelig konstruktion - en helgenbeskrivelse, hvis formål var at ophøje Olav til helgen, hvor forfatteren af Olavs hagiografi bevidst har adopteret Thorkil den Højes aktiviteter i England og indsat Olavs navn i stedet - for dermed at give ham heltestatus.
In the year 795 AD, a band of seagoing Norsemen had the idea of crossing the North Sea's well and... more In the year 795 AD, a band of seagoing Norsemen had the idea of crossing the North Sea's well and ca. 300 km in straight line - to explore the previously unknown new land. This visit had serious consequences for several of the Irish monasteries located on the fleet's itinerary north and southwest of Scotland and further southward along the Irish west coast.
Danegæld by Karsten Laust Krambs
Perioden 991 til 1013 er en interessant epoke i nordisk historieskrivning. Gennem en række viking... more Perioden 991 til 1013 er en interessant epoke i nordisk historieskrivning. Gennem en række vikingetogter til England lykkedes det, at udbytte den angelsaksiske kong Ethelred II til at udbetale 134.000 pund sølv i tribut - kaldet ’danegæld’ - svarende til omkring 32.160.000 sølvmønter. I de gammeldanske landskaber er der i en række fund optalt henved 5.650 sølvmønter - såkaldte pennies - der alle kan identificeres som angelsaksisk mønt slået af Ethelred II, der var konge i perioden fra 978-1016. En hypotese er, at en væsentlig del af de større angelsaksiske møntskatte formodes at kunne relateres til udbetaling af ’danegæld’ - og at spredningen kan afdække, fra hvilke områder i Skandinavien krigerne blev rekrutteret. Denne analyse er en kritisk granskning af den epoke, hvor Gormslægten konsoliderede Danmark.
The period from 991 to 1013 is an interesting era in Nordic history writing. Through a series of Viking raids to England, the successful result was to yield the Anglo-Saxon king Ethelred II to pay 134,000 pounds of silver in tributes - called ‘danegæld’ - equivalent to about 32,160,000 silver coins. In the Old Danish landscapes, a number of finds have been counted to nearly 5,650 silver coins - so-called pennies - all of which can be identified as Anglo-Saxon coins made (struck) by Ethelred II, who was the king in the period 978-1016. One hypothesis is that a significant part of the larger Anglo-Saxon findings is supposed to be related to the payment of ‘danegæld’ - and the dispersion may reveal, from which areas in Scandinavia the warriors were recruited. This analysis is a critical review of the era in which the Gorm genus consolidated Denmark.
Runestenene er vigtige kilder til forståelsen af Vikingetidens verden. Ifølge Danmarks Runeindskr... more Runestenene er vigtige kilder til forståelsen af Vikingetidens verden. Ifølge Danmarks Runeindskrifter findes der i alt 260 runesten i de gammeldanske landskaber, hvoraf hovedparten ca. 159 - ifølge den typologiske periodeopdeling 2.2 - er rejst fra ca. 970 og et par generationer frem. I Norge er der fundet ca. 50 runesten, mens der i nutidens Sverige kendes til henved 3.650 runesten, hvoraf mere end 1.500 er fra Uppland og omkring 450 fra Södermanland. Flertallet blev rejst i løbet af 1000-årene. Mange af runestenenes tekster refererer til krig, slag samt vikingetogter og flere kan i dag relateres til historiske hændelser. Denne analyse er en forlængelse af 'danegældens spredning' med fortsat fokus på - fra hvilke områder i Skandinavien krigerne blev rekrutteret samt - er en kritisk granskning af den epoke, hvor Gormslægten konsoliderede Danmark.
Rune stones are important sources for understanding the world of the Viking Age. According to the Danish Runic inscriptions (DR), there are altogether 260 rune stones in the Old Danish landscapes. The majority of these stones - 159 - according to the classification and chronological system period 2.2 - have been raised from the year 970 and a few generations ahead. In Norway only 50 rune stones have been raised, while in present Sweden there are altogether 3,650 rune stones, of which more than 1,500 are from Uppland and about 450 from Södermanland. The majority were raised during the 1000’s. A great deal of the texts refers to war, battles, Viking raids, and today more can be related to historical events. This analysis is an extension of the ‘diversification of the coins’ with a continued focus on - from which areas in Scandinavia the warriors were recruited, as well as a critical review of the era in which the Gorm genus consolidated Denmark.
Efter afslutning af to dybdegående analyser på henholdsvis engelsk mønt og historiske runesten, e... more Efter afslutning af to dybdegående analyser på henholdsvis engelsk mønt og historiske runesten, er enkelte historiske komplekser sat i perspektiv - relief - i forhold til den konventionelle historieskrivning.
Following the completion of two in-depth analysis with the subject of English coins and historical rune stones, some historical complexes are brought in a new perspective - relief - compared to conventional historical writing.
The period from 991 to 1013 is an interesting era in Nordic history writing. Through a series of ... more The period from 991 to 1013 is an interesting era in Nordic history writing. Through a series of Viking raids to England, the successful result was to yield the Anglo-Saxon king Ethelred II to pay 134,000 pounds of silver in tributes - called 'danegæld' - equivalent to about 32,160,000 silver coins.
In the Old Danish landscapes, a number of finds have been counted to nearly 5,650 silver coins - so-called pennies - all of which can be identified as Anglo-Saxon
coins made (struck) by Ethelred II, who was the king in the period 978-1016.
One hypothesis is that a significant part of the larger Anglo-Saxon findings is supposed to be related to the payment of ‘danegæld’ - and the dispersion may reveal, from which areas in Scandinavia the warriors were recruited. This analysis is a critical review of the era in which the Gorm genus consolidated Denmark.
Recension, Review by Karsten Laust Krambs
Mieszko - Mistivois - Harald Blåtand, 2024
Det polske Piast dynastis første vugge - det såkaldte ’Gniezno-land’ - antages anlagt indenfor pe... more Det polske Piast dynastis første vugge - det såkaldte ’Gniezno-land’ - antages anlagt indenfor perioderne 920-30 og 940-50, baseret på dendrokronologiske prøver af træ fra massive forsvarsværker bl.a. i Lech Hill. Yderligere belæg fra området er krigergrave og sølvskatte, hvor sidstnævnte tidligst er fra 934-35 frem til 961, som det seneste. Det antages, at hertug Mieszko I (c.†992) af slægten Piast, etablerede et historisk Polen omkring år 960.
Slaverland, 2024
Fyrst Mistivois stammeforbund frem til perioden 990-95.
Vikingekongens guldskat. Om opdagelserne af et mistet manuskript, Harald Blåtands grav og fæstningen Jomsborgs beliggenhed., 2022
I 2020 annoncerede arkæologen Sven Rosborn nyheden om, at man havde opdaget en tidligere ukendt k... more I 2020 annoncerede arkæologen Sven Rosborn nyheden om, at man havde opdaget en tidligere ukendt krønike, "Gesta Wulinensis ecclesiae pontificum", forfattet af et øjenvidne til centrale hændelser i Harald Blåtands liv.
Papers by Karsten Laust Krambs
Myten om kimbrerne er mere end 2000 år gammel og alligevel er der ikke fundet en rimelig forklari... more Myten om kimbrerne er mere end 2000 år gammel og alligevel er der ikke fundet en rimelig forklaring på deres etnicitet. Denne analyse fokuserer på kimbrerstammens mulige etnicitet, kongen Boiorix samt kildernes validitet.
I dag ved vi absolut intet yderligere om teutonerne - mere end de antikke beretninger. Det er ikk... more I dag ved vi absolut intet yderligere om teutonerne - mere end de antikke beretninger. Det er ikke engang sikkert at teutonerne talte et germansk sprog. Det eneste udgangspunkt for en etnografisk identificering er kun stammebetegnelsen.
’Hallandia Landæmærkæ’, kaldet Hallandslisten, blev sandsynligvis til i Valdemar II Sejrs regerin... more ’Hallandia Landæmærkæ’, kaldet Hallandslisten, blev sandsynligvis til i Valdemar II Sejrs regeringstid (1202-1241) og plausibelt i et dertil oprettet kancelli. Oplistning af grænsens landemærker fra syd mod nord, har været et stort og besværligt stykke forarbejde fra dansk side, før grænsens beskrivelse - og er udarbejdet i et kongeligt miljø plausibelt på kongsgårdene i Halland. Selvom nærværende analyses gennemgang viser en række sammenfald i grænseteksterne, kan afvigelserne snarere tolkes som, at den danske grænsetekst ’Hallandia Landæmærkæ’ ikke blev approberet fra svensk side.
Med hensyn til danernes liv og virke, har man meget få skrifter, der beretter om det nordiske fol... more Med hensyn til danernes liv og virke, har man meget få skrifter, der beretter om det nordiske folk i tiden op til 800-tallet - og derfor er Rimbert’s bog om Ansgar værdifuld, selvom den er en hagiografi.
Dog er der en del uoverensstemmelser i beretningen sammenholdt med de samtidige kilder. Dette er en kronologisk kritisk gennemgang af forløbet i levnedsskildringen med kommetarer til Rimbert’s tekster.
Friserne, Sakserne og Danerne by Karsten Laust Krambs
A comparative analysis of the Frisian and Danish ring forts - has uncovered - that the castles of Harald Gormsøn and the ‘Trelleborg’ houses have originated around the Rhine and the Frisian region »Frisiae et Seelandiae«. The Frisian ring forts of this region have a strict geometric construction, which we find in the Danish castles. In at least two of the castles mentioned, the archaeology has found a cross-shaped street pattern with four entrance gates facing the corners of the world. A new version of the purpose of the castles has also been formulated.
Around 150 years before the lifetime of Harald Gormson, a conflict took place between Godofridus (Gudfred) and Emperor Charlemagne. From this period it has been shown that all evidence for the existence of the people ’Dani’ (gens) came from sources outside Scandinavia. So it was a conjecture of the Franks that it was the people ’Dani’ who were behind this person - and therefore they titled him 'Godofridus rex Danorum'. The accounts of the activities of these "Danes" both in the time before and after the above-mentioned Godofridus, raises doubts as to whether this conclusion was true. This critical analysis focuses on this issue.
In the year 807, a noble family living in the southern part of Jutland, applied for asylum with Emperor Charlemagne. This incident led to, that changing emperors during the period 826-884 - a period of 58 years - granted the genus areas all located on the entire Frisian Wadden Sea coast. From south to north. The fact is that three generations of the family ruled as powerful princes in charge of important Frisian trading places. As many as three times - and periodically - the family tried to regain the lost area in Northern Friesland, but in vain. This critical analysis focuses on this issue.
Publications by Karsten Laust Krambs
The article is a part of the "Les Collections Numismatiques de la Fondation Calvet", annual list of Publications 2018.
Denne artikel er en kritisk granskning af den norske viking Olav Haraldsson og hele hans vitae. Kildernes sandhedsværdi analyseres og vurderes samt sammenholdes med Snorris narrative fra 1200-tallet, hvis troværdighed efterprøves. Hele legenden virker som en kirkelig konstruktion - en helgenbeskrivelse, hvis formål var at ophøje Olav til helgen, hvor forfatteren af Olavs hagiografi bevidst har adopteret Thorkil den Højes aktiviteter i England og indsat Olavs navn i stedet - for dermed at give ham heltestatus.
Danegæld by Karsten Laust Krambs
The period from 991 to 1013 is an interesting era in Nordic history writing. Through a series of Viking raids to England, the successful result was to yield the Anglo-Saxon king Ethelred II to pay 134,000 pounds of silver in tributes - called ‘danegæld’ - equivalent to about 32,160,000 silver coins. In the Old Danish landscapes, a number of finds have been counted to nearly 5,650 silver coins - so-called pennies - all of which can be identified as Anglo-Saxon coins made (struck) by Ethelred II, who was the king in the period 978-1016. One hypothesis is that a significant part of the larger Anglo-Saxon findings is supposed to be related to the payment of ‘danegæld’ - and the dispersion may reveal, from which areas in Scandinavia the warriors were recruited. This analysis is a critical review of the era in which the Gorm genus consolidated Denmark.
Rune stones are important sources for understanding the world of the Viking Age. According to the Danish Runic inscriptions (DR), there are altogether 260 rune stones in the Old Danish landscapes. The majority of these stones - 159 - according to the classification and chronological system period 2.2 - have been raised from the year 970 and a few generations ahead. In Norway only 50 rune stones have been raised, while in present Sweden there are altogether 3,650 rune stones, of which more than 1,500 are from Uppland and about 450 from Södermanland. The majority were raised during the 1000’s. A great deal of the texts refers to war, battles, Viking raids, and today more can be related to historical events. This analysis is an extension of the ‘diversification of the coins’ with a continued focus on - from which areas in Scandinavia the warriors were recruited, as well as a critical review of the era in which the Gorm genus consolidated Denmark.
Following the completion of two in-depth analysis with the subject of English coins and historical rune stones, some historical complexes are brought in a new perspective - relief - compared to conventional historical writing.
In the Old Danish landscapes, a number of finds have been counted to nearly 5,650 silver coins - so-called pennies - all of which can be identified as Anglo-Saxon
coins made (struck) by Ethelred II, who was the king in the period 978-1016.
One hypothesis is that a significant part of the larger Anglo-Saxon findings is supposed to be related to the payment of ‘danegæld’ - and the dispersion may reveal, from which areas in Scandinavia the warriors were recruited. This analysis is a critical review of the era in which the Gorm genus consolidated Denmark.
Recension, Review by Karsten Laust Krambs
Papers by Karsten Laust Krambs
Dog er der en del uoverensstemmelser i beretningen sammenholdt med de samtidige kilder. Dette er en kronologisk kritisk gennemgang af forløbet i levnedsskildringen med kommetarer til Rimbert’s tekster.
A comparative analysis of the Frisian and Danish ring forts - has uncovered - that the castles of Harald Gormsøn and the ‘Trelleborg’ houses have originated around the Rhine and the Frisian region »Frisiae et Seelandiae«. The Frisian ring forts of this region have a strict geometric construction, which we find in the Danish castles. In at least two of the castles mentioned, the archaeology has found a cross-shaped street pattern with four entrance gates facing the corners of the world. A new version of the purpose of the castles has also been formulated.
Around 150 years before the lifetime of Harald Gormson, a conflict took place between Godofridus (Gudfred) and Emperor Charlemagne. From this period it has been shown that all evidence for the existence of the people ’Dani’ (gens) came from sources outside Scandinavia. So it was a conjecture of the Franks that it was the people ’Dani’ who were behind this person - and therefore they titled him 'Godofridus rex Danorum'. The accounts of the activities of these "Danes" both in the time before and after the above-mentioned Godofridus, raises doubts as to whether this conclusion was true. This critical analysis focuses on this issue.
In the year 807, a noble family living in the southern part of Jutland, applied for asylum with Emperor Charlemagne. This incident led to, that changing emperors during the period 826-884 - a period of 58 years - granted the genus areas all located on the entire Frisian Wadden Sea coast. From south to north. The fact is that three generations of the family ruled as powerful princes in charge of important Frisian trading places. As many as three times - and periodically - the family tried to regain the lost area in Northern Friesland, but in vain. This critical analysis focuses on this issue.
The article is a part of the "Les Collections Numismatiques de la Fondation Calvet", annual list of Publications 2018.
Denne artikel er en kritisk granskning af den norske viking Olav Haraldsson og hele hans vitae. Kildernes sandhedsværdi analyseres og vurderes samt sammenholdes med Snorris narrative fra 1200-tallet, hvis troværdighed efterprøves. Hele legenden virker som en kirkelig konstruktion - en helgenbeskrivelse, hvis formål var at ophøje Olav til helgen, hvor forfatteren af Olavs hagiografi bevidst har adopteret Thorkil den Højes aktiviteter i England og indsat Olavs navn i stedet - for dermed at give ham heltestatus.
The period from 991 to 1013 is an interesting era in Nordic history writing. Through a series of Viking raids to England, the successful result was to yield the Anglo-Saxon king Ethelred II to pay 134,000 pounds of silver in tributes - called ‘danegæld’ - equivalent to about 32,160,000 silver coins. In the Old Danish landscapes, a number of finds have been counted to nearly 5,650 silver coins - so-called pennies - all of which can be identified as Anglo-Saxon coins made (struck) by Ethelred II, who was the king in the period 978-1016. One hypothesis is that a significant part of the larger Anglo-Saxon findings is supposed to be related to the payment of ‘danegæld’ - and the dispersion may reveal, from which areas in Scandinavia the warriors were recruited. This analysis is a critical review of the era in which the Gorm genus consolidated Denmark.
Rune stones are important sources for understanding the world of the Viking Age. According to the Danish Runic inscriptions (DR), there are altogether 260 rune stones in the Old Danish landscapes. The majority of these stones - 159 - according to the classification and chronological system period 2.2 - have been raised from the year 970 and a few generations ahead. In Norway only 50 rune stones have been raised, while in present Sweden there are altogether 3,650 rune stones, of which more than 1,500 are from Uppland and about 450 from Södermanland. The majority were raised during the 1000’s. A great deal of the texts refers to war, battles, Viking raids, and today more can be related to historical events. This analysis is an extension of the ‘diversification of the coins’ with a continued focus on - from which areas in Scandinavia the warriors were recruited, as well as a critical review of the era in which the Gorm genus consolidated Denmark.
Following the completion of two in-depth analysis with the subject of English coins and historical rune stones, some historical complexes are brought in a new perspective - relief - compared to conventional historical writing.
In the Old Danish landscapes, a number of finds have been counted to nearly 5,650 silver coins - so-called pennies - all of which can be identified as Anglo-Saxon
coins made (struck) by Ethelred II, who was the king in the period 978-1016.
One hypothesis is that a significant part of the larger Anglo-Saxon findings is supposed to be related to the payment of ‘danegæld’ - and the dispersion may reveal, from which areas in Scandinavia the warriors were recruited. This analysis is a critical review of the era in which the Gorm genus consolidated Denmark.
Dog er der en del uoverensstemmelser i beretningen sammenholdt med de samtidige kilder. Dette er en kronologisk kritisk gennemgang af forløbet i levnedsskildringen med kommetarer til Rimbert’s tekster.
og runesten. Registreringen af trekanter i Västergötland vil derfor følge oplistningen af Valdemars godser i nævnte artikel.
og Norge - ændrer denne betegnelse sig i Sverige til en "treudd".
mod tolv pladser med i alt 34 grave på den sydlige del.
trekantede grave med en mindre bosættelse og dermed
antallet af gravsteder gennem tid. Det virker
som om familiestørrelsen på disse smågårde fra
romertid generelt kun rækker til en brugstid over
få generationer?
'Vikingetidens konger' er den første samlede fremstilling af vikingernes slægtshistorie. Vikingekongernes kronologi og slægtsforhold tager her afsæt i samtidens litterære tekster, hvor familieforholdene beskrives.
Omkring 51 år efter fundet af en pergamentstrimmel i Vä Kirke i Skåne er et flertal af forskere enige omkring årstallet 1121, hvor enkelte dog stadig hælder til både årstal som 1131 og 1231. Denne analyse af pergamentskriften gengiver et årstal, der kan læses som 1131 - mͦ. cͦ. xͦxxͦ. iͦ -