History of buildings and architecture
Recent papers in History of buildings and architecture
Studie byla roku 1965 publikována v knize ,,Archeologické studijní materiály: Kapitoly k pravěku. Západočeského kraje" (svazek 2) vydanou v Praze Archeologickým ustavem ČSAV. / The study was published in 1965 in the book "Archaeological... more
Das Kloster St. Johann in Müstair zählt seit 1983 zum UNESCO Welterbe. Dies nicht nur wegen der hervorragend erhaltenen Fresken in der Klosterkirche, sondern auch wegen seines Gebäudeensembles. Dazu zählt auch der sogenannte «Plantaturm»... more
In my dissertation I describe the building history of the church of the Saviour in Utrecht, Holland. The church was founded in the remains of a Roman castellum that merovingian 'maiordomus' Pippin had transferred to the Anglo-Saxon... more
Forbát Alfréd (1897-1972) magyar származású építész és grafikus életművének bizonyos részei jól ismertek, ugyanakkor más korszakait-publikációk hiányában-homály fedi. Jól dokumentált berlini és pécsi tevékenysége, ám például a... more
dans HALLEUX R. (dir.), L'Histoire des techniques en Belgique. De l'Antiquité à la fin du XVIIIe siècle
This is a characterisation study of farms and farm buildings in eastern Ceredigion, Wales, which aims to gain a better understanding of a class of buildings which, compared with houses and chapels, is poorly understood. A rapid survey... more
Il saggio analizza in modo dettagliato l'evoluzione delle tecniche costruttive impiegate nelle caserme Italiane costruite tra l'Unità d'Italia e la seconda guerra mondiale, toccando anche il tema dei metodi di verifica statica, in... more
A presente obra constitui o resultado de diversos anos de pesquisa de doutoramento desenvolvida entre a Universidade La Sapienza de Roma e o Instituto Superior Técnico de Lisboa. O objectivo inicial da investigação era o de estudar... more
Seußling (Gde. Altendorf, Lkr. Bamberg) wurde in der historischen Forschung bereits im 19. Jahrhundert als Ort einer der 14 Slawenkirchen diskutiert, die Karl der Große um 800 für die Main- und Regnitzwenden errichten ließ. Dank... more
The New Opera of Paris was built between 1862 and 1875, during the Industrial revolution and in a context of development of the metallurgy. Set within the new haussmanian avenues, the Opera was designed by the young architect Charles... more
This is the Chinese translation of my article on three-dimensional models published in 2012 (now translated by Yun Wang).
Im Zuge der Masterthesis des Verfassers am Department für Bauen und Umwelt, Zentrum für Baukulturelles Erbe der Donauuniversität Krems, konnten im Süden der Filialkirche hl. Johannes der Täufer, in St. Johann im Mauerthale die bisher... more
Estudio de las grandes obras de la Valencia del siglo XIV desde la perspectiva de la historia económica, analizando las formas de gestión, los costes, la mano de obra y el abastecimiento de materiales en una época en la que se... more
The thesis questions the assumption that housebuilding in England’s far north was limited by a need for defensibility until after the Union of the English and Scottish Crowns in 1603. Only a few houses survive to provide evidence but the... more
The paper deals with a particular category of inscriptions – masons’ marks on marble items –, and aims to bring both an epigraphical and an archaeological perspective to the study of this type of documents. These epigraphic signs... more
Renate Leggatt-Hofer 143 4 Schloss Orth an der Donau und die Wiener Hofburg im 16. Jahrhundert als Brennpunkte eines habsburgischen Kaiserprojektes-politische Architektur im europäischen Kontext 143 4.1... more
The different construction technics, the different shapes of the buildings and the wall stratigraphy of the emergent structures are materials of knwoledge. This paper try to bring new data about the evolution of the Zenete’s... more
Introducció al volum "La Generalitat Valenciana. Espais i imatges de la Generalitat"
Research and Documentation of a High Middle Ages Structure on Charvátova Street in Prague Rescue archaeological research, which was carried out in the autumn of 2009 by the Prague department of the National Heritage Institute in the... more
The repair and maintenance of buildings in a 15th-century rural seigneury. The example of the castellany of Talmont (Vendée region). The medieval accounts of the châtellenie de Talmont, dating from the fifteenth and early sixteenth... more
Zusammenfassung: Seit rund 7.000 Jahren dominiert in unseren nordalpinen Breiten vielerorts die Holzbauweise. Einen Höhepunkt erreichte sie insbesondere während der letzten Jahrhunderte vor der Zeitenwende, der Latènezeit. Dabei stand die... more
El trabajo que presentamos pretende hacer una aportación al estudio de las construcciones medievales de carácter fortificado de la provincia de Almería a través del análisis de las técnicas y tipologías constructivas. Se trata de una... more
Building complex of manorial estate contains mill, brewery and barogue granary (later destillery). There are relics of sgraffito plaster on the mill facade. The topic brings some historical data connected to the relics of overlooked... more
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Lecture by Diana Barillari, PhD in Preservation of the Architectural Heritage Head Carolina Di Biase “Methods and Themes of Historical Research” Organized by Marica Forni with Maria Antonietta Crippa and Ornella Selvafolta “Babel Bibel”... more
Bei dem Ensemble des heutigen Bachmann-Museums handelt es sich um die letzten Gebäude des ehemaligen Schlosses Bremervörde. Eine seit dem 13. Jahrhundert belegte Burg wurde durch die Bremer Erzbischöfe systematisch zur ihrer Residenz... more
The article is an attempt to calculate the resources needed to build a Romanesque Norwegian parish church with Værnes church as the case study. As there are no written sources as to the building process or accounts of costs or funding,... more
Jelen tanulmány egy több évszázadon átívelő épülettörténet: a mai Janus Panonius utca 4. számú, hajdani káptalani ház és a telek végén álló Virágház históriáját foglalja össze, képmellékletekkel színesítve.
The contribution once again highlights the opportunity to tackle the study of historical building in a long-term perspective, highlighting the contribution that can come from the study of archive sources if interpreted in the light of... more
In Sweden there are about 450 self standing campaniles from nineteenth century or older and approximately 6000 preserved church bells. Until recently the oldest preserved campanile were considered to origin from the sixteenth century. A... more
Proceedings of the 14th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Museums of History, Luxembourg, 8–9 July 2021
These proceedings contain the contribution of most of the speakers in the conference "Les grandes résidences urbaines en Europe (1500-1830) - Approche pluridisciplinaire d'un objet à redéfinir" (Brussels, 22nd-23rd may 2015). This... more
Cette présentation à la Journée des doctorants 2016 (Ecole doctorale Histoire, Art et Archéologie) avait pour intention de relever les principaux écueils à l'identification et à la localisation des hôtels aristocratiques bruxellois aux... more