Claudia Reichl-Ham, Jan Kilián, Jenny Öhlmann (Hg.), "15 Wochen lang bey Tag und Nacht von denen Schweden belägert". Das Tagebuch des Johann Norbert Zatocil von Löwenbruck zur Belagerung von Prag durch die Schweden im Jahr 1648 (Schriften des Heeresgeschichtlichen Museums, Bd. 30), 2022
Papers by Markus Jeitler
The holding of Leopold II's hereditary homage in the Archduchy of Austria under the Enns gave the Lower Austrian estates the opportunity to publish it in a magnificent edition. Although this project remained unfinished, it provides an exciting insight into the work on such a work at the time. It also sheds light on the history of hereditary homage publications, especially in the Land below the Enns.
Dieser Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit der Errichtung und insbesondere der Einweihung der Reiterstatue Kaiser Josephs II. am 24. November 1807 am Wiener Josephsplatz, wobei vor allem die Organisation und Durchführung der Feierlichkeiten sowie die öffentliche bzw. veröffentlichte Wahrnehmung beleuchtet werden.
The essay describes Habsburg travels through Lower Austria in the early modern period (16th to early 18th century).
Vienna to discuss the construction of the Vienna and Prague fortifications in
the 17th century, their similarities and differences. Other studied aspects include
the individuals involved in the extensive fortification work and its financing.
The holding of Leopold II's hereditary homage in the Archduchy of Austria under the Enns gave the Lower Austrian estates the opportunity to publish it in a magnificent edition. Although this project remained unfinished, it provides an exciting insight into the work on such a work at the time. It also sheds light on the history of hereditary homage publications, especially in the Land below the Enns.
Dieser Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit der Errichtung und insbesondere der Einweihung der Reiterstatue Kaiser Josephs II. am 24. November 1807 am Wiener Josephsplatz, wobei vor allem die Organisation und Durchführung der Feierlichkeiten sowie die öffentliche bzw. veröffentlichte Wahrnehmung beleuchtet werden.
The essay describes Habsburg travels through Lower Austria in the early modern period (16th to early 18th century).
Vienna to discuss the construction of the Vienna and Prague fortifications in
the 17th century, their similarities and differences. Other studied aspects include
the individuals involved in the extensive fortification work and its financing.