Papers by Rashad Mustafa
Demokrasi Platformu Dergisi, 2022
The article concludes the following: The belonging to Christianity of the ruling elite in the She... more The article concludes the following: The belonging to Christianity of the ruling elite in the Sheki kingdom was an indication of its succession to the Albanian / Arran state, and his claim to the Albanian throne. The protection of the Muslim Emirate of Tiflis from christian Abkhaz-Kartli kingdom, the march withthe Seljuks on Abkhaz-Kartli kingdom was an indication that Sheki was closer to the environment of the Azerbaijani states than to the environment of Abkhaz-Kartli.
XVIII.Türk Tarih Kongresi (Kongreye sunulan bildiriler) X.cilt, 2022
In Belazuri’s works we see that the Sassanid ruler Kubad (488-531) commands his commanders to tak... more In Belazuri’s works we see that the Sassanid ruler Kubad (488-531) commands his commanders to take Arran (Northern Azerbaijan) and Curzan (Georgia) from the Khazars. When we combine the statements of Priscus and Belazuri,we see that, at least from 466 the Khazars rule in the north lands from Araz river. After Kubad started the war, the khazars withdraw to the north of the Kure river and then to the north of Gilgilchai. In the south of Gilgilçay, Kubad builds a brick defensive wall against the Turks. According to Yakubi after Kubad, the Khazars took the region back, but they could not hold it for a long time. We see that the during the rign of Anushirvan (531-579) Sassanites have been further reduced to the north, repaired Derbent’s fortress. It did not mean that the Turks were removed from this area. Tabari says that Anushirvan has placed about 10 thousand Belejerians (khazars) in Azerbaijan again, divided country into four parts-state, one of them was Azerbaijan and “Khazar’s country" in the vicinity. Movses Kaghankatvatsi writes that Albania (Northern Azerbaijan) (Derbent in the north and the Araz river in the south) were under Khazar control before Arabian attacks. During the first Arabin attacks (642-652) suggests that the Khazars are not ready to defend: they defeated Arabs in the deep of their state - in Belenjer. In 735 The Sasani (as well as the Caliphate) - Khazar border begin to cross from Derbent
Oğuz-türkmen Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2018
Azerbaycan oryantalizminin Islam futuhati uzere en onemli arastirmacilarinin basinda Ziya Bunyado... more Azerbaycan oryantalizminin Islam futuhati uzere en onemli arastirmacilarinin basinda Ziya Bunyadov ve Naile Velihanli gelirler. Her iki bilim adami Islam fetihlerine ideolojik olarak oryantalist yaklasimsergilemisler. Ayni zamanda hem Naile Velihanli, hem de Ziya Bunyadovda Bati, ozellikle de rus oryantalistlerinin etkisi duyulur. Metod olarak Marksist tarihi materyalizm ve determinizm metodolojisini kullanmaya calismislar. Sonucta calismalarindaki Islam tarihi ile kaynaklardaki Islam tarihi bazi zaman bir-biri ile uyusmamaktadir.
BUGU Dil ve Egitim Dergisi, 2021
One of the most important sources used in the XIX century researches of the history of the South ... more One of the most important sources used in the XIX century researches of the history of the South Caucasus is a collection of documents from various years, published by the state, in which various statistical data were collected in the regions occupied by Tsarist Russia, called cameral descriptions. The statistical data in these documents are not only sufficient to show the number of the inhabitants of the region but also the amount of tax paid by the people in the documents, the family population number of the taxpayers, their nationality, the religion they belong to, the language they speak, etc. information is also shown. The work of Fahri VALEHOĞLU HACILAR The Privileged Groups of the Borchali Region of the 19th Century in Cameral Descriptions (Baku: Elm, 2021 - 320 p.) can be considered one of the first studies in this area. The main subject of this research is the local politics of Tsarist Russia after the occupation of the South Caucasus and the Borchali region, what privileges it provided to which groups, what these privileges were.
Uluslararası Gürcistanda İslamın dünü, bugünü, yarını sempozyumu bildiriler kitabı, 2017
The Muslim population in Tiflis and surrounding areas had begun to form in the 2nd half of 7th ce... more The Muslim population in Tiflis and surrounding areas had begun to form in the 2nd half of 7th century with the first Islamic conquests. At the beginning of 9th century, this Muslim society transformed into important power and gained its liberty. This state was called in historical literature as Tiflis Emirate. The state was weakened by Muslim states which wanted to control Emirate, and weakened by Christian states which wanted to invade the state. As a result Muslim population decreased. In the article reduction of Muslim population of Tiflis divided into four stages. The reasons and results of reduction of the Muslim population were researched in the article
Scientific News of Canja State University, 2014
There is an ivestigated culture, scholars and monuments of the Tiflis city and the nearby areas i... more There is an ivestigated culture, scholars and monuments of the Tiflis city and the nearby areas in the article. Many scholars of Tiflis were "muhaddis" and belonged to Ahli sunnah branch. They investigated in positive science too, not only religious. After the abkhaz-Iberian occupation muslim scholars left the city and sprawled to the different places of Islamic world. There is elucidated about influence of cultural environment of Tiflis to the Georgian (Abkhazo-Iberian) culture after the occupation. Article also indicates difficulties in disquisition of examples of material culture and architecture of Tiflis caused by lack of recent carried out archaeological and other related investigations. As a result it is clarified that cultural environment of Tiflis were directly connected to the Azerbaijan and the Islamic civilization. Thus it is hereby verified the facts found in sources of time, that Tiflis in inherent to Arran - Northern Azerbaijan.
The Caucasus and the World, 2014
The research describes history of Tiflis emirate during Shuaibids dynasty. In contrast to accepte... more The research describes history of Tiflis emirate during Shuaibids dynasty. In contrast to accepted concept in the article year of 809 determined as a most appropriate date of establishment the emirate. Also, there have been studied representatives of Shuabids dynasty, especially first representative Ismail bin Shauib and most popular representative Isaaq bin Ismail. Relations between Sanars and emirate during the reign of Muhammad ibn Attab and Isaaq ibn Ismail were investigated in the article too. One of the most popular parts is collapse of Shuabids: reasons and results were researched.
Scientific Works of the History Institute of NAS, 2010
After the weakening of the Caliphate, emirs of Tiflis were more powerful and they became non-depe... more After the weakening of the Caliphate, emirs of Tiflis were more powerful and they became non-dependent governors. Shihna was the head of the city garrison. Shurtah was controlling the security as a nowadays police. Muhtasib was chosen from persons which know Islamic religion well. He was controlling religious order in bazaar and in every part of life, he was controlling to repairing of city roads and the payment of taxes. Mushrib was collector of the customs tax. Amid was leading to office works, chancellery at the emirs palace. Qadhi was the head of the court. Khatib had a special influence. Rais was a mediator between emirs and inhabitants, also he was leader of merchants or craftsmen communities. It is clear that, in this time Tiflis was a typical eastern city and must be learnt as Arran-Azerbaijanian city
Scientific Bulletin of Western Caspian University, 2017
Abu Ali Ahmad ibn Omar ibn Rustah was one of the famous geographer and explorer of 10th century. ... more Abu Ali Ahmad ibn Omar ibn Rustah was one of the famous geographer and explorer of 10th century. He collected his informations in “Kitab al-alaq al-nafisa” – “Book of precious pearls”. In the part of “Description of seas” there is so many information about Caspian sea. We learn that ibn Rustah tryed to call Caspian sea (Khazar sea) as Tabaristan sea, Jurjan sea, el-Bab sea, Khazar sea too. In the part of “Description of rivers” there is informations about Kura, Araxes, Itil, Safidrud rivers which flow to Caspian sea. There were given information about cities which located near Caspian sea, and tribes and states which lived near Caspian sea. Aim of research was finding informations related to Caspian sea in Ibn Rustahs “Kitab al-alaq al-nafisa” and for checking reliability was comparing it with other sources
Books by Rashad Mustafa
Qərbi Azərbaycan və Borçalının XIX-XX əsrlərdə yadellilərə qarşı mübarizə tarixindən, 2020
Tiflis Emirate, 2019
About Emirate of Tiflis (Tbilisi): History of Tiflis and surrounding areas before "fath" (Islamic... more About Emirate of Tiflis (Tbilisi): History of Tiflis and surrounding areas before "fath" (Islamic conquest). Islamic conquest of Tiflis and surrounding areas. Islamic state-like formations of South Caucasus. Clashes between Christian states and Emirate of Tiflis. Abbasids, Saljuks and Emirate of Tiflis. End of Muslim ruling in Tiflis and surroundig areas. Muslim heritage of Tiflis and surronding areas.
Conference Presentations by Rashad Mustafa
Uluslararası Malatyanın fethi ve Danişmendliler Sempozyumu Bildiriler, 2020
Formation of Seljuk Oghuzs as a power. Politicial situation of Caucasus: Caucasus as a meeting p... more Formation of Seljuk Oghuzs as a power. Politicial situation of Caucasus: Caucasus as a meeting point of cultures and civilisations. First raids of Seljuks to Caucasus. Raids of Sultan Tughrul to Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan as a Outer Oghuz (Dish Oghuz). Relations between Azerbaijans rulers and Tughrul. Alp Arslan and Anatolia. Azerbaijan as a Inner Oghuz (Ich Oghuz).
Book Reviews by Rashad Mustafa
Social Sciences, 2024
It is on Bayram Arif Kose's book 'Azerbaycan: Orta Çağ İslam Hanedanları Dönemi'
Papers by Rashad Mustafa
Books by Rashad Mustafa
Conference Presentations by Rashad Mustafa
Book Reviews by Rashad Mustafa