Hierarchical Generalized Linear Model
Recent papers in Hierarchical Generalized Linear Model
This study takes up inference in linear models with generalized error and generalized t distributions. For the generalized error distribution, two computational algorithms are proposed. The first is based on indirect Bayesian inference... more
The use of graphical methods for comparing the quality of prediction throughout the design space of an experiment has been explored extensively for responses modeled with standard linear models. In this paper, fraction of design space... more
Aim Conservation managers are increasingly looking for modelled projections of species distributions to inform management strategies; however, the coarse resolution of available data usually compromises their helpfulness. The aim of this... more
Relationships between albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga) longline catch per unit effort (CPUE) and environmental variables from model outputs in New Caledonia's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) were examined through generalized linear models... more
Variable selection is fundamenta l to high-dimensiona l statistical modeling, including nonparametri c regression. Many approaches in use are stepwise selection procedures , which can be computationally expensive and ignore stochastic... more
Latent class models (LCMs) can be used to assess diagnostic test performance when no reference test (a gold standard) is available, considering two latent classes representing disease or non-disease status. One of the basic assumptions in... more
Stock-recruitment (S-R) models are commonly fitted to S-R data with a least-squares method. Errors in modeling are usually assumed to be normal or lognormal, regardless of whether such an assumption is realistic. A Monte Carlo simulation... more
Considering the time-series ARIMA(p, d, q) model and fuzzy regression model, this paper develops a fuzzy ARIMA (FARIMA) model and applies it to forecasting the exchange rate of NT dollars to US dollars. This model includes interval models... more
We used aerial counts to monitor the trend in numbers of harbor seals, Pboca vitulina ricbardsi, in Prince William Sound, Alaska, following the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill. Repetitive counts were made at 25 haul-out sites during the... more
In fitting production models and age-structured models to an index of the relative abundance of a fish population, errors are usually assumed to follow a log-normal or normal distribution, without any diagnostic analyses. A generalized... more
This study aims primarily to assess the response of two invertebrate groups to the effects of pastoralism and military training, at one site in the tropical savanna of north-eastern Queensland. The richness and species composition of ants... more
Extreme value data with a high clump-at-zero occur in many domains. Moreover, it might happen that the observed data are either truncated below a given threshold and/or might not be reliable enough below that threshold because of the... more
Generalized linear models (GLM) allow for a wide range of statistical models for regression data. In particular, the logistic model is usually applied for binomial observations. Canonical links for GLM's such as the logit link in the... more
In fitting production models and age-structured models to an index of the relative abundance of a fish population, errors are usually assumed to follow a log-normal or normal distribution, without any diagnostic analyses. A generalized... more
Timely effective cost management requires reliable cost estimates at every stage of project development. While underestimation of transportation costs seems to be a global trend, improving early cost prediction accuracy in estimates is... more
We review three leading stochastic optimization methods-simulated annealing, genetic algorithms, and tabu search. In each case we analyze the method, give the exact algorithm, detail advantages and disadvantages, and summarize the... more
Equality and proportionality of the ordinary least-squares estimator (OLSE), the weighted least-squares estimator (WLSE), and the best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE) for Xb in the general linear (Gauss-Markov) model M ¼ fy; Xb; s 2 Rg... more
Aim Numerous functions have been proposed to describe the species-area relationship but despite almost a century of curve-fitting there is little agreement on which is best. We aimed to rationalize the list of proposed functions and to... more
We analyze in a regression setting the link between a scalar response and a functional predictor by means of a Functional Generalized Linear Model. We first give a theoretical framework and then discuss identifiability of the model. The... more
Missingness frequently complicates the analysis of longitudinal data. A popular solution for dealing with incomplete longitudinal data is the use of likelihood-based methods, when, for example, linear, generalized linear, or non-linear... more
The purpose of this study is to examine the number of DIF items detected by HGLM at different sample sizes. Eight different sized data files have been composed. The population of the study is 798307 students who had taken the 2006 OKS... more
The control and management of non-indigenous plant species (NIS) can be conceptually divided into three phases: inventory/survey, monitoring and management. Here we focus on phase one, determining which species are present and where they... more
Historical longline catch per unit effort (CPUE) constitutes the major time series used in tuna stock assessment to follow the trend in abundance since the beginning of the large-scale tuna fisheries. The efficiency and species... more
Information criteria form an important class of model/variable selection methods in statistical analysis. Parametric likelihood is a crucial part of these methods. In some applications such as the generalized linear models, the models are... more
Grid gates with multiple sharp-crested rectangular orifices are used to control manually water discharge from branch channels to semi-intensive aquaculture ponds. Experimental and analytical analysis related to the discharge... more
Whereas previous studies have investigated correlates of extinction risk either at global or regional scales, our study explicitly models regional effects of anthropogenic threats and biological traits across the globe. Using phylogenetic... more
In the paper we propose nonparametric approaches for e-learning data. In particular we want to supply a measure of the relative exercises importance, to estimate the acquired Knowledge for each student and finally to personalize the... more
1 An important goal of community ecology is the assessment of factors that are likely to influence the spatio-temporal distribution of species assemblages and diversity. Surprisingly, most statistical methods devoted to this have remained... more
To manage or control nonindigenous species (NIS), we need to know where they are located in the landscape. However, many natural areas are large, making it unfeasible to inventory the entire area and necessitating surveys to be performed... more
Count data are usually modeled using the Poisson generalized linear model. The Poisson model requires that the variance be a deterministic function of the mean. This assumption may not be met for a particular data set, that is, the model... more
Widespread conversion of deciduous forests to agriculture in the midwestern United States has resulted in landscapes whose remaining native habitats are highly fragmented, with well-documented consequences for wildlife community... more
A resource selection function (RSF) is any model that yields values proportional to the probability of use of a resource unit. RSF models often are fitted using generalized linear models (GLMs) although a variety of statistical models... more
Evidence for severe declines in large predatory fishes is increasing around the world. Because of its long history of intense fishing, the Mediterranean Sea offers a unique perspective on fish population declines over historical... more
Selassie AW, Varma A, Saunders LL. Current trends in venous thromboembolism among persons hospitalized with acute traumatic spinal cord injury: does early access to rehabilitation matter? Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2011;92:1534-41. Objective:... more
Resource selection functions (RSF) have contributed to the conservation of species negatively affected by human activities. Despite these applications, two assumptions frequent many studies: the assumption of independence among groups in... more
Th e aim of this research is to determine diff erential item functioning (DIF) by hierarchical linear modeling (HGLM) on test items and comparing these results by the DIF results determined by logistic regression (LR) and IRT-likelihood... more
In general, the distribution of residuals cannot be obtained explicitly. We give an asymptotic formula for the density of Pearson residuals in continuous generalized linear models corrected to order n^-1, where n is the sample size. We... more
We introduce the Hinde-Demétrio (HD) regression models in order to analyze overdispersed count data. We mainly investigate the effect of the dispersion parameter. The HD distributions are discrete additive exponential dispersion models... more
The paper presents a unified jackknife theory for a fairly general class of mixed models which includes some of the widely used mixed linear models and generalized linear mixed models as special cases. The paper develops jackknife theory... more
Between 1991 and the present, we have had observers stationed at the port of San Juan in southern Peru to interview fishers as they landed their catch. They observed the landings of 922 Humboldt Penguins ( Spheniscus humboldti ), 510... more
Given a number of different studies estimating the same effect size, it is often desired to explain heterogeneity of outcomes using concomitant covariates. For very large sample sizes, effect size estimates are approximately normally... more
In the United States, the number of Phasor Measurement Units (PMU) will increase from 166 networked devices in 2010 to 1043 in 2014. According to the Department of Energy, they are being installed in order to "evaluate and visualize... more