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Understanding how landscape characteristics affect biodiversity patterns and ecological processes at local and landscape scales is critical for mitigating effects of global environmental change. In this review, we use knowledge gained... more
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      Landscape EcologyEnvironmental MonitoringBiodiversityGlobal Environmental Change
Aim Virtually all studies exploring the use of taxonomic surrogates in assessing patterns of diversity have focused on clear shifts in the location of samples in multivariate space. The potential use of coarser levels of taxonomic... more
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      DiversityBiological SciencesBeta diversityEnvironmental Sciences
Humankind's innate curiosity makes us wonder whether life is or was present on other planetary bodies such as Mars. The EuroGeoMars 2009 campaign was organized at the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS) to perform multidisciplinary... more
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      GeologyAstrobiologyBeta diversityDNA Extraction
Forest canopies support diverse assemblages of free-living mites. Recent studies suggest mite species complementarity between canopy and terrestrial soils is as high as 80-90%. However, confounding variation in habitat quality and... more
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      EcologyPopulation DynamicsBiodiversityComparative Study
Distribution patterns of vascular plants with diameter at breast height (dbh) ≥ 2.5 cm were studied on the basis of compositional data from 30 small plots located in a rain-forest area in Colombian Amazonia. The research questions were:... more
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      Tropical EcologyEcologyBeta diversityRain forest
Alpha and beta arthropods diversity from the different environments of Parque Nacional Los Cardones, Salta, Argentina. The essential role of the National Parks is to protect nature, in order to prevent the deterioration and loss of the... more
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      Beta diversityArthropodsAlpha DiversityRevista de Biología Tropical
The Lulanda forest cover a portion of the Udzungwa mountains in Mufindi district, Tanzania, ranging from 1480 -1640 meters above sea level. The forest consists of three forest patches dominated by Parinari excelsa and a corridor between... more
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      Tropical EcologyEcologyBeta diversitySmall Mammals
Measures of species diversity are valuable tools for assessing ecosystem health. However, most assessments have addressed individual sites or regional taxon pools, with few comparisons of differences in assemblage composition within or... more
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      EcologyBeta diversityScaleFisheries Sciences
Forests characterized by mixed-severity fires occupy a broad moisture gradient between lower elevation forests typified by low-severity fires and higher elevation forests in which high-severity, stand replacing fires are the norm.... more
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      Landscape EcologyFire EcologyForest Ecology And ManagementForest Ecology
The spatial and temporal distribution and diversity of sediment-dwelling foraminifera are reasonably well known, but encrusting (hard-substrate dwelling) foraminifera are little studied. Encrusting foraminifera are common in the... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeologyEcologyBeta diversity
Se analizaron los patrones de riqueza y endemismo de la avifauna en el oeste de México, desde el norte de Sonora hasta el sureste de Chiapas. La región fue dividida en 24 transectos para ser usados como unidades de estudio, y los análisis... more
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      DiversityBiogeographyBeta diversity
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      Evolutionary BiologyZoologyNatural HistoryMultivariate Analysis
Small organisms provide the bulk of biodiversity. Here, we look at rewilding from their perspective. As an umbrella group for other terrestrial invertebrates, we focus on the diverse group of Lepidoptera. More specifically, we set out to... more
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      LepidopteraBiodiversity ConservationSpatial distribution patterns: multiple scalesBeta diversity
Almost half a century after Whittaker (Ecol
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      EcologyEnvironmental MonitoringBiodiversityLiterature Review
The environmental heterogeneity of a natural protected area is major driver of the spatial distribution of biodiversity within its territory. The goal of this study was to determine the effect of geomorphological heterogeneity on the... more
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      Vegetation EcologyNatural protected areasPlant DiversityBeta diversity
Conservation biological control in agroecosystems requires a landscape management perspective, because most arthropod species experience their habitat at spatial scales beyond the plot level, and there is spillover of natural enemies... more
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      ZoologySpatial EcologyAgroecosystemsBiological Control
We compared patterns of understorey vegetation and abiotic factors in old-growth forests with low management intensity and young forests with high management intensity. CCA showed that disturbance gradient was the main axis of community... more
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      Forest Ecology And ManagementBiodiversityForest EcologyHeterogeneity
The aim of this paper is to investigate differences in plant species composition between managed and unmanaged forests, and to assess if these difference give rise to a higher plant diversity in the unmanaged forest. Furthermore our aim... more
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      Plant BiologyEcologyPlant DiversityBeta diversity
Meiobenthic data from two microtidal sandy beaches of the eastern Mediterranean (Crete, Greece) were used to investigate patterns of both alpha and beta diversity in space and time. Copepod assemblages and environmental variables related... more
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      OceanographyBeta diversityEnvironmental VariablesGrain size
Aim Researchers measuring beta diversity have rarely concerned themselves with the problems of how complete the species lists of studied communities are, and of how the varying degrees of completeness can actually change estimates of beta... more
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      Biological SciencesBeta diversityEnvironmental Sciences
The goal of this paper is to provide a general description of the terrestrial arthropod fauna of arid areas of SE Iberian Peninsula. The available data show that invertebrate communities in these environments are dominated by arthropods... more
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      Earth SciencesArid environmentsBiological SciencesBeta diversity
Experimental studies demonstrating that nitrogen (N) enrichment reduces plant diversity within individual plots have led to the conclusion that anthropogenic N enrichment is a threat to global biodiversity. These conclusions overlook the... more
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Understanding how landscape characteristics affect biodiversity patterns and ecological processes at local and landscape scales is critical for mitigating effects of global environmental change. In this review, we use knowledge gained... more
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      Landscape EcologyEnvironmental MonitoringBiodiversityGlobal Environmental Change
This article presents an analysis of plant species richness and diversity and its association with climatic and soil variables along a 1300-m elevation gradient on the Cerro Tláloc Mountain in the northern Sierra Nevada in Mexico. Two... more
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      DiversityTemperate ForestsBiological SciencesBeta diversity
Spatial associations among overstory and understory species tend to increase on gradients from wet to dry cli- mates. This shift in the strength of spatial associations has usually been attributed to shared abiotic requirements between... more
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      Plant EcologyPlant BiologyEcologyCorrespondence Analysis
This study aimed to: (1) assess differences between two quantitative sampling methods of soil microarthropods (visual census vs. stone washing) in ice-free areas located along a latitudinal gradient (from 72°37′S to 74°42′S) in northern... more
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      Biological SciencesBeta diversitySampling methodsHabitat fragmentation
Dedicado a todos nuestros padres por el apoyo brindado y a nuestra profesora Verónica Díaz Rodríguez por cada una de sus enseñanzas.
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      Principal Component AnalysisBiodiversityLandscapeStratification
The sensitivity of global carbon and water cycling to climate variability is coupled directly to land cover and the distribution of vegetation. To investigate biogeochemistryclimate interactions, earth system models require a... more
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      Earth SciencesRemote SensingClimate variabilityData Assimilation
We aim to analyze the spatial patterns of the vegetation at local and landscape scale during a scenario characterized by abnormally dry period (2007)(2008) and a reference scenario (1976)(1977). We used the frequency occurrence of the... more
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      EcologyGlobal changeBiodiversity ConservationBeta diversity
The habitat heterogeneity hypothesis states that an increase in habitat heterogeneity leads to an increase in species diversity. We tested this hypothesis for a community of small mammals in the semiarid, sand-shinnery-oak ecosystem of... more
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      Community EcologyBeta diversitySpecies DiversityNull Model
The goal of this research is to evaluate how the assemblages of aquatic macrophytes in marginal floodplain habitats, with different degrees of connectivity to the main river, respond to water level fluctuations. Samples were carried out... more
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      Biological SciencesBeta diversityEnvironmental SciencesAquatic Macrophytes
of a dissertation at the University of Miami. Dissertation supervised by Assistant Professor Diego Lirman. No. of pages in text. (177)
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      Landscape EcologyRemote SensingImage AnalysisIsland Biogeography
The cerrado has been identified as one of the richest and most threatened biomes of the world, but few phytogeographical studies have been undertaken in the region. A total of 70 land systems based on climate, landscape and soils have... more
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      Plant EcologyDecision MakingPlant BiologyEcology
Riparian forests are classified as endangered ecosystems in general, particularly in sahelian countries like Burkina Faso because of human-induced alterations and civil engineering works. The modification of this important habitat is... more
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      ForestryBeta diversityBurkina FasoSpecies Diversity
C.L. Alados). a v a i l a b l e a t w w w . s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m journal homepage: 1476-945X/$ -see front matter #
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      EcologyPlant DiversitySpatial autocorrelationBeta diversity
We tested the hypothesis that coffee systems with organic management have higher spider diversity by comparing a control (rainforest area) and two coffee systems, one with organic and the other with conventional management. Spiders were... more
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      ZoologyAgroecosystemsArachnologyBeta diversity
Gostaria de agradecer em primeiro lugar, às minhas orientadoras, Sandra Müller e Suzana Martins, que me apoiaram na construção dessa dissertação. Sem os conselhos e as contribuições delas não teria sido possível realizar esse trabalho.... more
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      Beta diversityBiological Indicators
A standardized sampling method was used to evaluate turnover ( diversity) among cactus species assemblages along a 798 km long latitudinal megatransect across the Chihuahuan Desert Region, from north-central Mexico to southern Texas. A... more
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      EcologyBiodiversityLow FrequencyBiodiversity Conservation
Species composition and diversity of bryophyte communities occurring on dead beech trees were analyzed in five European countries (Slovenia, Hungary, The Netherlands, Belgium and Denmark). Altogether 1.009 trees were inventoried in 19... more
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      Very Low Frequency ElectromagneticsLow FrequencyBeta diversitySpecies Composition
A recent increase in studies of b diversity has yielded a confusing array of concepts, measures and methods. Here, we provide a roadmap of the most widely used and ecologically relevant approaches for analysis through a series of mission... more
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      Community EcologyCoral ReefsIndonesiaEcology
We studied temporal and spatial dynamics of extremely diverse moth ensembles (Lepidoptera: Pyraloidea) along a gradient of forest disturbance ranging from undisturbed primary tropical rain forest to different kinds of modified forest and... more
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      Biological SciencesBeta diversityEnvironmental SciencesAlpha Diversity
The variations in the size, composition and diversity of the germinable soil seed bank were studied along an altitudinal gradient in the northwestern Red Sea region. The standing vegetation and the germinable seed bank were studied in 58... more
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      Sea LevelBeta diversityRed SeaSeed bank
Aim To analyse the zoogeography of the shallow-water holothuroids of the western Indian Ocean (WIO). Based on this analysis we ask to what extent differences in species' ability to disperse across potential barriers provide an explanation... more
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      Earth SciencesBiogeographyBiological SciencesBeta diversity
Aim By dissolving natural physical barriers to movement, human-mediated species introductions have dramatically reshuffled the present-day biogeography of freshwater fishes. The present study investigates whether the antiquity of... more
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      EcologyBeta diversityFreshwater FishSpecies Invasion
The relationship between local and regional diversity is among the most pervasive of issues in macroecology and biogeography. As such, it has been examined at various scales, using a variety of methods and sampling procedures (e.g.
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      Earth SciencesBiogeographyBiological SciencesBeta diversity
Abstract: Beta diversity, or the turnover in species composition among sampling sites in a region, is an important criterion for obtaining adequate representation of regional biodiversity in systems of protected areas. Recently, the... more
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      GeographyConservation BiologyConservationColombia
Although wetland restoration has been a key part of U.S. environmental policy for 20 years (i.e., ''no net loss''), there is little long-term data on restorations to guide planning and assessment. Understanding how restored wetland... more
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      Earth SciencesWetlandsEnvironmental policyInvasive Species
Lakes and reservoirs disrupt the longitudinal connectivity of streams, considerably affecting benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages and diversity. Changes in assemblage composition within fragments can result from habitat alteration and... more
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      Earth SciencesBiological SciencesAquatic InsectsBeta diversity
We examined the spatial and temporal variation of species diversity and genetic diversity in a metacommunity comprising 16 species of freshwater gastropods. We monitored species abundance at five localities of the Ain river floodplain in... more
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      GeneticsPopulation GeneticsPopulation DynamicsBiodiversity