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L'americano Charles Eames (1907-1978) è uno dei principali protagonisti del design per la poliedrica attività progettuale e comunicativa (dal disegno dei mobili a quello dei giocattoli, dall'allestimento di mostre all'attività di... more
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      PhotographyDesign HistoryFurniture DesignInterior Design
The independent manufacturer’s furniture showroom, as defined by Herman Miller and Knoll in the mid-twentieth century, presented a highly controlled and controllable context in which both companies and their designers familiarized... more
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      Interior DesignArchitectural HistoryInterior Design HistoryInteriors
George Nelson (1908-1986) was one of the most intellectual architect of “good design” era and critic of American culture and industry. He had an important influence in the design and architecture culture with new dwellings, furniture,... more
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      Design HistoryFurniture DesignModernist Architecture (Architectural Modernism)Modernist Furniture Design
(from the cover) Scenario di quotidiana relazione fra le persone, luogo prediletto di autodeterminazione e sopraffazione nel quale si riflettono le tensioni e le gerarchie sociali, l'ufficio costituisce fin dalla nascita del mondo... more
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      Cultural StudiesCultural StudiesSociology of WorkEuropean Cinema
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      DesignProduct ReviewsHerman millerDesign Review
"A profile of American architect George Nelson. Born in 1908, Nelson trained in Europe and worked in New York. He was an intellectual who liked exercising his mind in several directions at once and worked in a variety of disciplines,... more
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      DesignArchitectureAdvertisingIndustrial Design
Today's views of leadership and management have significantly expanded to incorporate a variety of elements such as rewards, visions, and worker participation. However, most perspectives still view leadership as something that is assigned... more
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      EntrepreneurshipOrganizational BehaviorOrganizational TheoryOrganizational Change