Recent papers in Henotheism
Translated from Mullā Ṣ adrā, Majmūʽa-yi rasā 'il-i falsafī-i Ṣ adr al-muta'allihīn, ed. Hamed Naji Isfahani (Tehran: Hikmat, 1375 Sh), 265-6.] On the thirtieth night of the month of God, the month of fasting, in the year 1028 of... more
In the 1690s, a series of enthusiastic episodes rocked Pietist circles. Scholars have often pointed to Pietism's "heart religion" to explain these events. This essay demonstrates, however, that such experiences belonged to an older,... more
Il presente articolo vuole essere un contributo alla comprensione del discorso dottrinale di Jane Roberts (1929Roberts ( -1984, e ad una valutazione della sua originalità da un punto di vista storico. Sebbene l'influenza della Roberts sia... more
This article explores the socio-linguistic innovations of eighteenth-century German Pietists, a register that they themselves referred to as the "Language of Canaan." This unique sociolect (group language) was but one of many esoteric... more
The Old Testament researcher Thomas Römer (Uivesity of Lausanne and Collège de France, Paris) leads the readers competently and fascinatingly through the history of Israel from its dark beginnings to the Hellenistic period. In the... more
See note to chapter 1. This is a chapter in the book On the Strange Place of Religion in Contemporary Art (New York: Routledge, 2004), available on Amazon. Chapter 2 was originally published with two "verys": "From Bird-Goddesses... more
"Le principe selon lequel un réseau d'analogies occultes relierait le monde d'en bas avec le monde d'en haut constitue, selon l'historien A. Faivre, le premier élément fondamental de la pensée ésotérique occidentale. Selon les textes... more
""A work long anticipated offers the Early and Later Golden Dawn letters (letters from both the early and later Orders pertinent to these studies), the Sprengel-Westcott Letters, early Golden Dawn Historical Lectures, the... more
İslamiyet insanların gerek yaratıcılarıyla gerekse diğer insanlarla ve tabiatla olan dünyevi ilişkilerini düzenleyen ilahi ilkeler bütününe sahip olduğunu belirten son şeriattır.Dini/ilahi ilkelerin pratiğe aktarımıyla teşekkül eden bu... more
There is fundamentally more to Baul spirituality and scripture than merely the music and lyrics that one comes by, and conceivably nobody can ‘delve deep’ into the music form without having some basic understanding and concepts about its... more
Recorrido crítico por la figura de Necepso-Petosiris, nombre ficticio (legendario) bajo el cual se oculta el autor (quizá uno solo mejor que varios) greco-egipcio de un manual célebre de astrología, probablemente compuesto en el curso del... more
Aleister Crowley's diary for the period of his travel to Portugal and his meeting with Fernando Pessoa has long been considered lost or inaccessible. However, a copy has been finally found and is here presented and published for the first... more
Man kann verteidigen, dass das Konzept der Magie als Antithese zur westlichen Kultur auf vier polemischen Diskursen basiert. Zunächst gibt es die Annahme, dass Magie eine Form von 'primitivem' abergläubischem (oder nicht-rationalem)... more
The life and work of the Alsatian hermeticist and Egyptosophist, René-Adolphe Schwaller de Lubicz (1887-1961) attests to the continued presence of a distinctly nondual current of alchemical precept and practice in which material... more
Second only to religious symbols, the emblems of the Craft grace the final monuments of many men. These are some from our deceased Brethren of Vermont.
The Ruby Tablet is a periodical featuring reprints of articles from esoteric magazines and journals from the past. The subjects covered in each issue are drawn from the esoteric genre such as Alchemy, Hermetic, Enochian, Kabbalah, Tarot,... more
A novel published in 1933, describes the isolation of a hallucinogenic drug from an ergot-type fungus. It remarkably predates the discovery the hallucinogenic properties of the ergot-derived alkaloid lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) by... more
Le sujet que nous nous proposons d’aborder dans notre communication est la dimension eschatologique présente dans l’œuvre d’un ésotériste chrétien italien du XXème siècle, Tommaso Palamidessi (1915-1983). Le terme « eschatologie » renvoie... more
Je crois en la religion de l'amour, oil que se dirigent ses caravanes, car l'amour est ma religion et mafoi.
This is an article in two parts. The first part discusses current research in psychoactive preparations of ergot in various religious systems with a particular emphasis on Persian, Greek, Jewish and Islamic sources. Certain poems, hadith,... more
La sentencia del Oráculo de Delfos, "conócete a ti mismo", coloca al hombre ante tres preguntas: ¿de dónde vienes? ¿Quién eres? y ¿Adónde vas? El triple misterio del origen, realidad y misión del ser humano en el mundo. Para poder... more
In medieval Sufism, one’s rank as a spiritual master was often measured by the success of one’s pupils. For that reason among others, Abū al-Jannāb Aḥmad b. ‘Umar, known as Najm al-Dīn Kubrā (d. 618/1221), was one of the most highly... more
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the existence of a previously unknown scheme underlying the foundations of Hellenistic astrology. I will demonstrate how this scheme ties together a number of early astrological concepts,... more
This essay deals with the phenomenon of Galactic Center activity (ie. Superwaves), and some of the ancient accounts of this phenomenon among various cultures around the world. The intention is to show how ancient cultures were not only... more
The theme of initiation is one that has been found in Hermetism since the earliest times. From the millennia pre-dating the composition of the Hermetic texts, rites of initiation went hand-in-hand with ancient religious traditions such as... more
L’histoire des courants ésotériques italiens du XXème siècle est, dans l’ensemble, assez mal connue, faute d’études de synthèse. Notre thèse, qui prend pour objet la vie et l’œuvre de l’ésotériste Tommaso Palamidessi (1915-1983), ne... more
This paper discusses the influence of Western Esotericist G.I. Gurdjieff on the music of noted jazz and classical pianist Keith Jarrett, hopefully illuminating how religious ideas and methods can have a profound effect on contemporary... more