Recent papers in Rhetorics
Richard Buchanan and a number of other design researchers have long argued about the synergy and similarities between design and rhetoric. The prospect of a new persuasive approach to design has also been evoked. Rhetoric, however, has a... more
Presentation by Omar Hafez in my (Manfred Bundschuh) lecture about Management and Working Methods
3 What is Rhetoric!?
5 How to make an Argument?
6 Language and vocabulary
7 How you say it!
3 What is Rhetoric!?
5 How to make an Argument?
6 Language and vocabulary
7 How you say it!
"""Our purpose in this paper is an analysis of the 15M movement, the social movement that burst into the public squares of Spain’s major cities around 15th May 2011 (from this event came the name of the 15M movement or the indignados... more
Oggi una comunicazione efficace non può essere affidata all’estemporaneità o ad un’eventuale attitudine: va formata attraverso lo studio di retorica, psicologia e comunicazione paraverbale e non verbale. Conoscere e saper utilizzare la... more
The thesis (defended in Russia in 2003) deals with strategies of persuasion in the US Presidential Debates. Introductory, variational and additive strategies in their tactical variations are discussed. The interactional dynamics of the... more
Effective forensic communication cannot be achieved in an extemporaneous fashion or without preliminary preparation: communication has to be shaped by studying rhetoric, psychology and paraverbal and non-verbal communication. Knowing and... more
A: Friedrich Schleiermacher ED: 1838 / 1977 Die Aufnahme von Hermeneutik und Kritik in die vorliegende Sammlung könnte mit gewissem Recht als ein Fehler zurückgewiesen werden. Denn weder hat Schleiermacher selbst eine Schrift dieses... more
Dal professionista al docente, dal giornalista allo scrittore, dal politico al copywriter: ogni giorno ciascuno di noi usa la retorica. Dall’ossimoro alla sineddoche, dall’enfasi all’anafora, il linguaggio scritto e parlato è ricco di... more
To the extent that contemporary scholars Feng Youlan, Wang Shumin, and Cui Dahua recognize Xunzi’s engagement with Daoism, they have focused on his debt to the Zhuangzi. While Xunzi did borrow from the Zhuangzi, the phrases and nature of... more
Девети международен симпозиум 'Търновска книжовна школа' : Кръгла маса 'Старобългарската ръкописна книга- съдба и мисия' (В памет на проф. Куйо М. Куев - 100 години от рождението му). *Текстът е отпечатан в Старобългарска ръкописна книга... more
The emphasis on the relationship between rhetoric and music in the late sixteenth and seventeenth-centuries Germany left a lasting mark on Western music theory. To the division of musica theorica / speculativa and musica practica, a third... more
Published in Contour n. 5 "When Tools Become Instruments: Masterful Articulations in Architecture and the Arts", edited by Michael R. Doyle (U. Laval) and Diana Alvarez-Marin (ETH Zurich).
This article analyses the possibility to look at living systems as biorhetorical systems. Rhetorics of biology, which studies the rhetoric of biological discourse, is distinguishable from biorhetorics, which attempts to analyse the... more
1. ASMOTIK EGITEKORA Lan honen helburua nire ikasleekin idazmena lantzeko erabili ohi dudan metodoa aurkeztea da. Lana asmoz zabalagoa zen hemen datorrena baino, argitalpenaren hesi-langek artaziak ateratzea eragin didatela 1 . Hala ere,... more
THE “VENETIAN DISPUTE” IN THE ST CYRIL’S LIFE AND AUDIETUR ET ALTERA PARS The 8th century iconophiles’ efforts did not result in a unanimous decision in the debate on the Christian Image. The iconoclastic leanings, endorsed and... more
An inaugural speech, which expresses the agenda of an elected candidate's reaffirmation of the electioneering campaign promises and the goals, is made on the occasion of official inauguration or swearing-in of the candidate. Speeches of... more
In recent years, humanists and social scientists have shown increasing interest in human-animal relations – to the point where many now speak of an ‘animal turn’ in the humanities and social sciences. Across history, psychology,... more
This essay sets out an approach to parallelism in verbal art as a semiotic phenomenon that can operate at multiple orders (or levels) of signification. It examines parallelism in the sounds through which words are communicated, in... more
En un mundo en que incluso en el ámbito académico es cada vez más fácil detectar los plagios, este artículo plantea las claves que permiten realizar verdadera investigación original y publicarla; es decir, señalar nuevos problemas y... more
l l l Quando provò a presentare se stesso in quella Autobiografia romanzesca che per colmo di sberleffo titolò I fatti, Philip Roth ribadì di non avere mai voluto mettere in piazza la sua vita «nuda e cruda», e si collocò in una via di... more
Our paper tries to enlighten the steps of the classical discourse in Florentin Țuca’s article – “Ora exactă din sportul românesc” (“The Exact Time in the Romanian Sports”) – in order to reveal the way in which the persuasion works in the... more
Resumen La hermenéutica ha sido uno de los movimientos filosóficos más importantes en los últimos años. Sin embargo, la heterogeneidad de sus seguidores torna dificultoso establecer una unidad temática en la hermenéutica con-temporánea.... more
Om retorikk, religion og ytringsfrihet hos Bjørnson Gud har vaeret saa god imod mig, at der, efterat jeg er bleven 40 Aar, er sprunget nye Kilder i min Tilvaerelse; men i meget af dette, der kommer staerkt ind paa mig, er endnu adskilligt... more
Montréal. Il a pour mission la promotion et la valorisation de la recherche. Érudit offre des services d'édition numérique de documents scientifiques depuis 1998. Note : les règles d'écriture des références bibliographiques peuvent varier... more
Diseño de una interfaz para un cliente de mensajes instantáneos en un dispositivo móvil, tomando en cuenta un proceso de diseño con needfinding, postdesign, personas, diseño participativo, sketching, entre otros. Se platicó sobre una... more
The abbreviation "ΜΥΘ" is found six times in the marginal annotations of ps-Antigonos' text, a collection of extraordinary stories, alongside the more frequent seen "ΣΗ". The purpose of this paper is to examine the nature of the... more
The declamatio minor 264 ascribed to Quintilian contains a paraphrase of the Twelve Tables (V, 3) that has not been recognised so far. The way in which the declaimer ingeniously twists the wording of the lex while keeping its legal... more
Alessandro Manzoni wrote the first chapters of his novel the Fermo e Lucia (afterward called 'I promessi Sposi') from the end of 1820 and the april of 1821). The book deals with the hypothesis that Manzoni was secretly inspired by a... more
This chapter examines computer assisted analysis and composition (CAAC) techniques in relation to the composition of my piece TreeTorika for chamber orchestra. I describe methods for analysing the musical features of a recording of a... more
Political communication depends on publicity which for a long period of time could only be provided by mass media. But the relation between the political system and the media system was and still is quite difficult, always depending, for... more
In her bridled darkness, silence supplanted her cries "[…] and mutilated, she could not communicate with anyone to tell her injuries and tragic woe." But finding herself in such a moment of crisis, Philomela still manages to find herself... more
Une page au hasard Version imprimable autres collections voir le texte source Recevoir nos alertes Votre email Newsletter Enseignant Rhétorique et image : mise au point Poétique verbale, rhétorique verbale, poétique visuelle et rhétorique... more
The present article gives a rough outline of Lucan’s use of alliteration by attempting to discover the most important functions of this particular rhetorical device in the Pharsalia. For the sake of clarity, the instances of alliteration... more
The significance and popularity of the cluster and industrial district concepts claim for a deeper reflection. The analysis of one of the European Commission’s (EC) policy documents shows inconsistencies that do not impede the formulation... more
Religious statements are usually hard to understand in the realm of rationality. However, through God-talks, these statements become meaningful, especially in the idea of understanding such statements. One way of God-talk is through... more
The Greco-Roman Antiquity began to recognise Christianity as a real problem only after the Jews’ attacks against it. Dominant in every way, Rome would become a tormentor for centuries, drowning a long period of human history in rivers of... more
Edizione, traduzione, commento e nuova interpretazione di questa singolarissima operetta che arricchisce in modo inatteso l'immagine dell'umanesimo italiano.