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Μια προσπάθεια να συγκεντρωθούν σε ένα κείμενο οι λίγες και σπάνιες πηγές του Εορδού ή Πελλαίου Αριστόνοα, σωματοφύλακα του Μ. Αλεξάνδρου, στρατηγού και διοικητή της Αμφιπόλεως
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyHistorical Archaeology
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      IntertextualityHomeric HymnsIntertextualidadCornutus
In P.Oxy. 2260, col. I (from Apollodorus' treatise About the Gods, 2nd c. BCE) Athena's epithet δολιχάορος is rejected, since a correct etymology of it is inconsistent with the iconography of the goddess. A new reading of the papyrus... more
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      HomerAncient Greek GrammariansHomeric ReceptionHomeric Archaeology
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      Mythology And FolkloreMythologyHomerGreek Tragedy
Parallels between ἱστορίαι in the Homeric D-Scholia and the mythographic handbook attributed to a certain ‘Apollodorus’ have troubled the scholarship on the MH from its very beginnings. Even before Panzer coined the term ‘Mythographus... more
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      MythographyGreek Scholia and History of ScholarshipHomeric ScholiaApollodorus of Athens
This article proposes a reading of the relationship between Nepos and Catullus in poem 1, using fr. 7 Marshall as evidence of Nepos’ ability to interpret and evaluate in the Chronica the great poets (in this case in point Archilochus)... more
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureClassical philologyCatullus
Palamedes hat wie nur wenige andere mythische Figuren in Einklang mit seiner he­ roischen Vergangenheit religiöse Verehrung erfahren1 und wurde als für die allge­ meine Kulturentwicklung bedeutsame Persönlichkeit angesehen, vergleichbar... more
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A new reading is offered of a passage from the Chronica of Apollodorus which is about the Academic philosopher Melanthius of Rhodes (P.Herc. 1021 col. XXXI,1–20). As well as smaller textual improvements, the new reconstruction of the text... more
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      Hellenistic PhilosophyHistory Of Platonic TraditionHerculaneum PapyriApollodorus of Athens
Μια αναψηλάφηση ενός ανάγλυφου ναΐσκου της Μητέρας των Μεγάλων Θεών από την Αμφίπολη, φιλοτεχνημένου στα χρόνια της καθίδρυσης του ιερού μνημείου του Καστά κατά τον 4ο π.Χ. αιώνα. Αναζητώντας τους Μεγάλους Θεούς, την ταυτότητα της Μητρός,... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyHomer
"ENGLISH: Having been freed at the beginning of the IVth century BC, the former slave Pasion becomes a banker and gathers prestige thanks to the services he accomplishes towards the city of Athens and the relationships he manages to... more
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      IsocratesDemosthenesAncient economyAncient Slavery
It is well-known that C. Nepos’ Chronica strongly depended from Apollodorus of Athens’ hom¬onymous work but, though accepting the latter’s datation of many important events of Greek archaic epoch, offered a different date of Homer’s akmé... more
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      HomerHistory, Science, Astronomy, Ancient Chronological Systems, CalendarsNeposAncient chronology
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureRhetoricPlato
Steph. Byz, s.v. Ἀλαλκομένιον, who ascribes to Aristarchus the allegorical interpretation of Athena’s epithet Ἀλαλκομενηΐς, is not reliable; in my opinion, we are dealing with an ill-preserved passage of Apollodorus’ theological work Περὶ... more
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      Ancient ReligionClassical philologyAncient Greek ReligionAristarchus
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      Philosophical ScepticismHellenistic PhilosophyHellenistic HistoryPlato and Platonism
In the first part of this resentation, an important point is dealt with: Strabo, who held Ephorus in high esteem (after Diodorus, he is the most important source of Ephorus' fragments), made chiefly use of the first books of his... more
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      StraboClassical philologyEphorus of CymeApollodorus of Athens
Apollodorus’ interpretation of Hermes’ epithets ἀκάκητα, σῶκος and ἐριούνιος, from his theological treatise Περὶ θεῶν, can be reconstructed comparing the most important (and chronological near) witnesses of the work, the Homeric lexicon... more
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      Greek LiteratureTheologyGraeco-Roman AlexandriaGreek Philology
Aristonico di Alessandria (I a.C.), grammatico greco operante a Roma, è più celebre come esegeta dei segni critici che il grande Aristarco di Samotracia aveva apposto ai poemi omerici; Strabone però (I 2, 31) ricorda come egli abbia... more
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      HomerPolybiusStraboHipparchus of Nicaea
Apollodoro di Atene (II sec. a.C.), grande opera in dodici libri in cui veniva descritta la storia della Grecia anteriore e immediatamente successiva ai Troikà 1 , è alla base dei libri straboniani sulla Grecia e parzialmente sull'Asia... more
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      StraboClassical philologyAncient LyciaHomeric Scholia
I. Colpisce, in Strabone e in Diodoro Siculo, la presenza di uno stesso mito, rifiutato (per motivi diversi) da entrambi, sul conto della cretese Britomartis. Leggiamo:
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      StraboCallimachusClassical philologyCrete
Modern editions of ps. Apollodorus’s Library (L) include three fragments, transmitted by the Scholia to Lycophron, about the settlements established in Libya, Crete, Thrace, Italy and Iberia, by some heroes in their journey back from... more
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      Hindu MythologyApollodorus of AthensAncient Greek GeographyGreek and Roman Mythology and Mythography
It is well-known that C. Nepos’ Chronica strongly depended from Apollodorus of Athens’ hom¬onymous work but, though accepting the latter’s datation of many important events of Greek archaic epoch, offered a different date of Homer’s akmé... more
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      Ancient HistoryAncient chronologyApollodorus of AthensCornelius Nepos
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      ArtIntertextualityHomeric HymnsIntertextualidad
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      Greek MythChristian Gottlob HeyneApollodorus of Athens
XI International Congress of the International Plutarch Society: The Dynamics of Intertextuality in Plutarch (Université de Fribourg, May 10-13, 2017) Abstract: In two famous passages of the Moralia (Quaest. Conv. 725c, E ap.... more
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      PlutarchAncient Greek and Roman ArtColoursGreek and Roman Art and Architecture
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Apollodoros relied for Archilochos' date either directly upon his poems, upon Aristarchus' commentary on the poems, if this were available, upon Aristarchos' sources for his commentary (including Aristophanes of Byzantium?), if not the... more
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      Greek LiteratureGreek Lyric PoetryArchaic Greek historyAncient Greek History
Tracce di Apollodoro di Atene in Velleio Patercolo: la Tessaglia d'età eroica È noto da gran tempo (Lehrs, De Aristarchi studiis Homericis, 1833, p. 237; Sauppe, M. Velleius Paterculus, 1837, p. 145-6; Rhode, Studien zur Chronologie,... more
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      ThessalyVelleius PaterculusAncient History of ThessalyApollodorus of Athens