Recent papers in Geoportal
There is increasing interest of organization for advanced presentation and data analysis for public users. This paper shows how to integrate data from enterprise data warehouse with spatial data warehouse, publish them together to online... more
XXXII CONGRESSO GEOGRAFICO ITALIANO L'apporto della geografia tra rivoluzioni e riforme Programma e Abstract Programme and Abstracts AGeI (2017) Programma e Abstract / Programme and Abstracts. XXXII Congresso geografico italiano... more
ÖZET Bu çalışmada; öncelikle coğrafi/konumla ilgili bilgiler ve bu bilgileri ihtiva eden bilgi kaynaklarına erişmek için kullanılan bir kavram olan coğrafi bilgi erişim kavramı ve çalışma prensipleri ile coğrafi bilgi erişim sistemleri... more
Today, Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs) play a key role in spatial information sharing. Since their beginning, SDIs undertook tremendous changes. Product-based (first-generation)models evolved to process-based (second-generation) SDI... more
O Centro de Informação Geoespacial do Exército (CIGeoE) tem como missão prover informação geográfica ao Exército e a outras entidades, sendo indissociável, também, a forma do seu provimento. Acompanhando a evolução tecnológica mundial, o... more
L’ampia quantità e qualità delle idee innovative, creative, astratte o pratiche, delle conoscenze e degli strumenti, non rappresentano un vero e proprio valore fin quando non trovano un punto d’incontro, uno spazio dove interagire e... more
A dios, a mi familia, a mis amigos, a mis colegas profesionales. Gracias a ellos la vida tiene sentido; su constante compañía y apoyo han hecho posible la realización del presente trabajo.
Geo-Information (GI) professionals, researchers and users have constantly proclaimed the potential of GI in facilitating more skillful and effective solutions to a wide variety of problems across today’s modern society. However, the... more
Este trabajo pretende analizar la interaccion del usuario final con un geoportal. Para este proposito, se evalua la medida en que se cumplen las expectativas y necesidades del usuario, el grado probable de dificultad que enfrenta, asi... more
This study focuses on the development of a web national atlas as an alternative means to geoportals, when accessing a Geospatial Data Infrastructure (GDI). The development of the atlas metaphor was undertaken throughout the problem space,... more
There is increasing interest of organization for advanced presentation and data analysis for public users. This paper shows how to integrate data from enterprise data warehouse with spatial data warehouse, publish them together to online... more
Artykuł ma na celu zachęcić archeologów, historyków i etnologów do wykorzystywania darmowych serwisów kartograficznych . Autor omawia i przedstawia możliwości Google Earth i na przykładzie analizowanych przez siebie... more
Demands for geospatial information and geodata accessibility to support vineyard management using new technology for precision farming are increasing worldwide. In this paper a WebGIS application is presented, it has been developed to... more
OGC Web Services (OWS) are essential building blocks for the national and global spatial data infrastructure (NSDI and GSDI) and the geospatial cyberinfrastructure (GCI). Web Map Service (WMS), Web Feature Service (WFS), Web Coverage... more
Plan4All project contributes on the harmonization of spatial data and related metadata in order to make them available through Web across a linked data platform. A prototype of a Web search European spatial data portal is already... more
Flood protection is one of several disciplines where geospatial data is very important and is a crucial component. Its management, processing and sharing form the foundation for their efficient use; therefore, special attention is... more
The purpose of research to determine and contribute in more efficient services to geoinformation stakeholders, as well as to give positive impact on increasing income in geo business sector, voluntary based web system for online usage of... more
Con el propósito de difundir y comunicar con mayor eficiencia investigaciones concernientes al recurso hídrico, se ha implementado una propuesta de Visor Geoespacial en la Web para el acuífero de Jacó de Garabito, Puntarenas, información... more
Sekitar pertengahan bulan Februari 2019 lalu BIG merilis Peta RBI versi cetak dalam format file *.pdf/*.jpg melalui Geoportal TanahAir. Per 6 April 2019 sudah tersedia 150 lembar peta skala 1:10000, 1515 lembar skala 1:25000, 1425 lembar... more
This article presents research and development of an interoperable platform to facilitate, monitor and coordinate groundwater data sharing. This system was orchestrated by a number of services described by Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)... more