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      Gender and SexualityGender sensitivity
This paper evaluates a pioneering project to introduce a gender-sensitive approach to working with women completing probation and community service orders in Kenya. The intervention consisted of context-specific research with women... more
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      CriminologyCriminal JusticeGenderKenya
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      Women's StudiesFeminist TheoryMiddle East StudiesResearch Methodology
Since Esther Boserup’s seminal book Women’s Role in Economic Development (1970), making women active economic actors has been a priority in the development field (Moser 1993, Kabeer 1994). Under the different logics that economic... more
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      MicrofinanceGender EqualityGender and DevelopmentWomen's Empowerment
A gender-responsive classroom needs a gender-sensitive teacher. This entails informing teachers to gender issues and reshaping their practices to reject gender stereotypes. In an attempt to address this concern, this study examined the... more
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      PerformanceGender sensitivityPedagogical PracticesTeaching effectiveness
The purpose of this study is to determine the Level of Gender Sensitivity of the Grade 8 in Balibago National High School. The study attempted to determine (1) the profile of the Teachers in terms of number of teaching years and sex;... more
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      EducationPhilippinesGender and EducationEducational system in the Philippines
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      Gender StudiesSex and GenderGender sensitivity
Toplumsal cinsiyet rolleri; sağlık, ekonomi, siyaset ve eğitim gibi pek çok alanda araştırmalara konu olmaktadır. Söz konusu araştırmalar iki cinsin toplumsal alanda temsiliyetlerinin farklılığını ve eşitsizliğini ortaya koymakta, bu... more
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      Gender StudiesGenderCounselingCounselor Education
ABSTRACT Cities world over are predominantly planned and built for men, gender friendly cities still remain a utopian concept by and large and hence call for adequate attention and consideration. This study attempts to explore the... more
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      Gender MainstreamingGender sensitivityInclusive CitiesWomen Friendly Public Spaces
The terrain of gender inequities in education has seen many changes in recent times. The purpose of the study was to find out the gender sensitivity in pedagogical practices in secondary education in Bhutan. The study was qualitative and... more
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      Gender and educationSecondary EducationGender sensitivityGender and Equity In Education
The terrain of gender inequities in education has seen many changes in recent times. The purpose of the study was to find out the gender sensitivity in pedagogical practices in secondary education in Bhutan. The study was qualitative and... more
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      Gender and educationSecondary EducationGender sensitivityGender and Equity In Education
As the police force performs important functions in society, men and women alike are attracted to enter this job. However, it can be noted that there is a preponderance of male over female in the police service which is true in the... more
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      Gender EqualityPhilippinesGender sensitivityMotivation of employees
Resumen: Los derechos reproductivos fueron reconocidos, de forma expresa, y definidos por primera vez en la Conferencia Internacional sobre población y desarrollo organizada por la ONU en 1994, más tarde esta definición fue adaptada a las... more
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      Gender StudiesGender and DevelopmentAbortionWomen and Gender Studies
According to Sharma (2014), the word gender sensitivity, also synonymous with gender sensitization, is the modification of behavior through awareness of gender equality concerns. Such an approach seems to have made topical headline in the... more
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    • Gender sensitivity
Examining the concept of “development communication” and “development journalism” in the professional development of women journalists in Egypt, this study analyzes the Women’s Voices Project undertaken by Deutsche Welle Akademy (DWA) in... more
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      SociologyDigital MediaDevelopment communicationEgypt
ABSTRACT Cities world over are predominantly planned and built for men, gender friendly cities still remain a utopian concept by and large and hence call for adequate attention and consideration. This study attempts to explore the concept... more
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      Gender MainstreamingGender sensitivityInclusive CitiesWomen Friendly Public Spaces
As part of a Gender & Security Toolkit Coordinated by ODIHR, DCAF and UN Women, Omar wrote the guidance document on places of deprivation of liberty and gender. The Toolkit sets out in more detail why it is important to integrate a... more
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      Gender StudiesGender EqualityMasculinitiesPunishment and Prisons
It is pertinent to describe, criticize and analyze how the hegemonic masculinities influences the economy of care, because it is a reality that in the 21st century caring economy is still being carried out, mostly by women. Thereby... more
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      Gender StudiesGenderGender EqualityMasculinity
In the recent years, with the advent of immense opportunities in the cities, the criteria for most women in choosing a city to live in greatly dependent on the factor of 'how safe the city is for its women'. At today's date, it is... more
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      Urban and community planningUrban DesignGender sensitivity
2014 Proceedings of the Society for Educating Women
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    • Gender sensitivity
Гендерная чувствительность в деятельности НПО в контексте современных коммуникаций : (На примере АО "Media Birlii – Uniunia Media") / Виталий Гайдаржи ; координатор: Петр Гарчу, Георгий Карасени ; AO "Media Birlii – Uniunia Media",... more
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      Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)Gender EqualityMarketing PlanAdvocacy
A gender-responsive classroom needs a gender-sensitive teacher. This entails informing teachers to gender issues and reshaping their practices to reject gender stereotypes. In an attempt to address this concern, this study examined the... more
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      PerformanceGender sensitivityPedagogical PracticesTeaching effectiveness
What non-food items (NFIs) best meet the (basic and protection) needs of women and girls in emergency situations? Include beneficiary and expert feedback where available. Helpdesk response Key findings: The NFIs which best meet the... more
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      Women's StudiesHuman RightsRefugee StudiesContraception
The new presented Butterfly-PSO technique (or BF-PSO) is basically originated by Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). The Butterfly-PSO technique (BF-PSO) appears as a new growing star among all optimization techniques. The proposed... more
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      Optimization techniquesSensitivity AnalysisReinforcement sensitivity theoryArts-based methodologies
This Toolkit is designed to help researchers in integrating gender dimension in their ongoing research and teaching, especially those in test institutions involved in the GARCIA project ( It should help academic... more
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      Gender StudiesFeminist EpistemologyGenderSTEM Education
" Gender equality is more than a goal in itself; it is a precondition for meeting the challenges of reducing poverty, promoting sustainable development and building good governance " __ Kofi Annan There is the growing recognition among... more
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      Development EconomicsGender and SexualityGender EqualityGender sensitivity
Background: The unrelenting effect of patriarchy and socioeconomic backwardness has led to millions of missing girl children in the human population, contrary to the biological norms. Objectives: To analyse the reasons of adverse female... more
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      Sex ratioGender sensitivitySon Preference
Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Special Issue on Translation No.4 May,... more
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      Gender StudiesTranslation StudiesTranslation and IdeologyGender sensitivity
Violence against women and their children" refers to any act or a series of acts committed by any person against a woman who is his wife, former wife, or against a woman with whom the person has or had a sexual or dating relationship, or... more
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      Gender EqualityGender sensitivity
News 23 Journal Netzwerk Frauen-und Geschlechterforschung NRW Nr. 27/2010 für seine engagierte Arbeit. Frau Dr. Renate Klees-Möller hieß seitens des ZfH die Gäste willkommen und schilderte in einem persönlichen Rückblick die Entwicklung... more
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      Gender StudiesGender sensitivity
In this report we present the results from an interview study in the Swedish parliament. To what extent is the Swedish parliament a gender equal working Place?
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      Gender EqualityParliamentary StudiesWomen's political representationGender sensitivity
Во изразен свет на родова дискриминација, мизогинија, системска помала видливост на жените важно е жената да биде присутна во говорот. Џулија Вуд смета дека машкиот генерички јазик иако во себе ги вклучува и мажите и жените сепак се... more
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      LanguagesWomen's StudiesGenderGender sensitivity
This paper evaluates a pioneering project to introduce a gender-sensitive approach to working with women completing probation and community service orders in Kenya. The intervention consisted of context-specific research with women... more
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      CriminologyCriminal JusticeGenderPre-Trial Detention
Examining the concept of “development communication” and “development journalism” in the professional development of women journalists in Egypt, this study analyzes the Women’s Voices Project undertaken by Deutsche Welle Akademy (DWA) in... more
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      Digital MediaDevelopment communicationEgyptMedia Development
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      Gender StudiesSex and GenderLanguages and LinguisticsLanguage and Gender
Recenze knihy Jany Valdrové Reprezentace ženství z perspektivy lingvistiky genderových a sexuálních identit. Praha: Sociologické nakladatelství, 2018.
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      Gender StudiesFeminist TheoryGender DiscourseLinguistics
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      AssessmentSpiritualitySpirit Possession (Anthropology)Culture Sensitivity
Gender consideration in Architectural practice is a recent development in the field of architectural planning as well as in the greater context of urban planning. Built and un-built spaces were attempted to be designed for women as... more
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      PedagogyGender sensitivityArchitectural Design EducationGender Concerns
Men’s and women’s drinking tend to elicit different societal reactions, which may be attributed to different perceptions of masculinity and femininity. This study analyzes addiction care practitioners’ constructions of substance use and... more
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      Focus GroupsSubstance Abuse TreatmentSubstance use and abuseInterpretative Repertoires
Abstract The main aims of this paper were to evaluate the status of women workers in an agricultural district in Northern India and to analyze gender sensitivity in work, employment, health care and social rights. This was based on... more
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      Gender StudiesGender sensitivityRural Management
Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Special Issue on Translation No.4 May, 2015 Pp.253-268 The Translational Impact of Gender Sensitization on the Palestinian Society Omar Yousef Najjar Department of English Language and Literature Al-Quds... more
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      Gender StudiesTranslation StudiesTranslation and IdeologyGender sensitivity
This paper analyses the different indices applied for the measurement of human development as constructed by the United Nations Development Program. Of special interest is the Gender Development Index (GDI}, introduced in the... more
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      Gender StudiesSocioeconomicsGender and DevelopmentUnited Nations Development Programme
The issue of loss and damage in climate change is becoming a key issue of discussion with the soon approaching Paris climate negotiations. While countries focus on priorities for their countries with a focus among many others mitigation... more
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      Climate ChangeClimate Change AdaptationClimate Change and GenderGender and Climate Change Adaptation