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This study assessed the heavy metals concentrations in municipal solid wastes at Eldoret Mwenderi dumpsites located at the shores of river Sosiani within the Lake Victoria Basin, Kenya. Concentrations of the three heavy metals analysed... more
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      Environmental PollutionSoil Microbial EcologyHeavy Metals in EnvironmentBiocontrol
No Impact Man
Scott A. Lukas
Intended for publication—but not published—in Encyclopedia of Consumption and Waste: The Social Science of Garbage, Carl A. Zimring and William L. Rathje, eds., Los Angeles: Sage, 2012.
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      GarbageAnthropology of Garbage in CitiesGarbologyGarbage Management
The city of Kupang was assigned as the dirtiest city of number one by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in the East Nusa Tenggara Province-Indonesia in the assessment of the Adipura award in 2018. This assessment was a further... more
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      Waste ManagementEnvironmental SustainabilityZero WasteTheories and Concepts of Economic Growth and Development
Scott A. Lukas
In Encyclopedia of Consumption and Waste: The Social Science of Garbage, Carl A. Zimring and William L. Rathje, eds., Los Angeles: Sage, 2012, Pp. 876-877.
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      GarbageAnthropology of Garbage in CitiesGarbologyGarbage Management
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      SegregationSolid Waste ManagementCloud ComputingInternet of Things (IoT)
The purpose of this study was to determine the different perceptions of Tacloban City residences in three (3) different barangays’ chosen based on a criteria set by the researcher on plastic waste distribution. For this purpose, a survey... more
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Shopping Bags
Scott A. Lukas
In Encyclopedia of Consumption and Waste: The Social Science of Garbage, Carl A. Zimring and William L. Rathje, eds., Los Angeles: Sage, 2012, Pp. 813-814.
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      GarbageAnthropology of Garbage in CitiesGarbologyPolythene Bags
Too Much Trash? Call DumpstercleanupNew York Demolition and Dumpster Rentals are licensed, insured and bonded and have over 20 years of professional experience in the Demolition Industry.
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      RecyclingMunicipal Solid Waste ManagementWaste ManagementSolid Waste Management
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      Solid Waste ManagementGarbage Management
"Humanity needs a global reset because the unjust, pre-pandemic world is not worth going back to. Return to normal would also mean a return to old social structures inspired by self-sufficiency, nationalism, protectionism, isolation,... more
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      StigmaAnthropology of DisabilityAnthropology of TechnologyMaterial Culture
Sampah menjadi salah satu permasalahan kompleks yang dihadapi oleh suatu daerah yang berada dekat pantai atau pesisir yang memiliki beberapa sungai yang bermuara ke laut. Sampah laut khususnya sampah jenis anorganik (undergradable)... more
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      Success of Research CollaborationGarbage ManagementCoastal Area
Tujuan dari penelitian yaitu untuk mengetahui gambaran tentang sistem pengelolaan sampah di Pasar Basah Mall Mandonga Kota Kendari. Jenis Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan survey dan observasi. Penelitian ini... more
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    • Garbage Management
O presente artigo analisou as circunstancias que levaram a cidade de Antofagasta, capital da Segunda Região no Chile, a uma situação crítica de saúde ambiental e conflito socioambiental. Se analisam as consequências de como um má gestão... more
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      Garbage CollectionReciclagemReciclajeGarbage Management
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Politeknik AUP Jilid 1 2020 P r o s i d i n g S e m i n a r N a s i o n a l P o l i t e k n i k A U P J i l i d 1 2 0 2 0 | 113
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      Success of Research CollaborationGarbage ManagementCoastal Area
Official garbage disposal areas (landfill) from the past, have rarely been studied by archaeological methods. In this article, we wish to present a unique pottery assemblage that originates from what was minimally a 7 m thick... more
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Early Roman EmpireJerusalem ArchaeologyQuantitative study
Scott A. Lukas
In Encyclopedia of Consumption and Waste: The Social Science of Garbage, Carl A. Zimring and William L. Rathje, eds., Los Angeles: Sage, 2012, Pp. 937-938.
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      RecyclingRecycled MaterialsGarbageAnthropology of Garbage in Cities
Background : The amount of garbage which has been increasing as long as the growth of population, was not only from the quantity but also from the quality due to the change of live style of society. The knowledge is an important domain... more
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      EducationKnowledgeAttitudeGarbage Management
Crime and Garbage
Scott A. Lukas
In Encyclopedia of Consumption and Waste: The Social Science of Garbage, Carl A. Zimring and William L. Rathje, eds., Los Angeles: Sage, 2012, Pp. 160-163.
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      CriminologySociology of Crime and DevianceOrganized CrimeGarbage
With an increase in population, the situation of cleanliness with relevancy garbage management is degrading hugely. The overflow of garbage publicly areas creates unhealthful condition within the surroundings. It is going to unfold many... more
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      SensorsGarbage ManagementControl Room
A clean setting is what they want of this era. Within the name of industrialization and development, a man started destroying mother earth. As a result, garbage pickup has crossed the amount of selling. Garbage management could be a... more
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    • Garbage Management
Jalgaon Citizens are suffering from improper waste management and diseases that spreads through proliferation and incubation of ies, mosquitoes etc. on such dirty waste disposal sites. At one side Jalgaon City Municipal Corporation is... more
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      Household StudiesMunicipal Solid Waste ManagementPublic HealthSolid Waste Management
When remodeling or demolishing a house, you need somewhere for the debris to go. is licensed, insured and bonded with over 20 years in the Demolition Industry New York and Long Island.
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      Household ArchaeologyDemolitionGarbage CollectionGarbage
This case overview and presentation comes naturally in place to cover some rather rational questions as to what has been happening in a small town in central Greece, which hasn’t exactly been vocal about anything in the past, in such a... more
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      Environmental StudiesWaste ManagementEnvironmental journalismEnvironmental Sustainability
Junk Mail
Scott A. Lukas
In Encyclopedia of Consumption and Waste: The Social Science of Garbage, Carl A. Zimring and William L. Rathje, eds., Los Angeles: Sage, 2012, Pp. 450-451.
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      GarbageAnthropology of Garbage in CitiesGarbologyGarbage Management
Resumen Los resultados de este estudio dan a conocer una estimación de la generación de residuos sólidos urbanos en un salón de eventos sociales en la colonia San Bartolo Atepehuacan, Delegación Gustavo A. Madero, Ciudad de México,... more
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      Environmental PollutionMexican LawGarbage Management
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Settlement Patterns
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The concept of going green has been gaining attention in the media and in marketing campaigns from a growing number of companies. This concept continues to become the conversation that businesses are discussing. However, it is important... more
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      Green MarketingConsciousnessEnvironmental SustainabilityPlastics
Domestic solid waste is cause for current environmental concern in large cities around the world. Little is known about the human health consequences of solid waste disposal in openair dumps. In addition, there are few studies on people’s... more
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      DiarrheaAnthropology of Garbage in CitiesGarbage Management
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      Graphic DesignAesthetics of TasteHistory of Consumer CultureHistory of Consumption and Consumer Culture
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      Garbage CollectionGarbageTrashDemolition Tools and Techniques
Smart waste management in a city is significantly manifested by the optimal distribution of waste collection points (dustbins). Evidently, inadequate number of dustbins coupled with improper management may trigger pollution to a great... more
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      Spatial AnalysisUrban PlanningAir pollutionGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
Health and natural resources are blessing given by God to mankind. It is the duty of every man to always be grateful and keep the health and environmental sustainability. The problem, managing garbage or the difficult access of carying... more
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      Islamic EconomicsHealth insurancePublic HealthHealth Services