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      ArabicSyriaGSM, WiMAX, LTEWiFI
Mobile operators currently prefer optimizing their radio networks via re-homing or cutting over the cell sites in 2G or 3G networks. The core network, as the parental part of radio network, is inevitably impacted by the re-homing in radio... more
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      Social NetworkingComputer Networks3GPP (UMTS)Mobile social networking
Analogue filter considerations are critical to the success of the hardware component of a Software Defined Radio. This paper sets out to show that the filtering requirements of a receiver and transmitter are very similar, and goes on to... more
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      MicrowaveElectromagnetic Fields and Microwave TechniquesRF and Microwave SystemsGSM and MIcrowave technology
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      Electrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringTelecommunications EngineeringPower Electronics
Remote sensing technology's increasing accessibility helps us observe research and learn about our globe in ways we could only imagine a generation ago. Guides to profound knowledge of historical, conceptual and practical uses of remote... more
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      GPS ApplicationsMicrowaveArchaeological GISMobile GIS
We aim to design a microwave synthesizer using a PLL and taking into account the EMC/EMI problems. These problems are more important when using two synthesizers in a communication system, one for the transmitter with direct frequency... more
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      Electromagnetic Fields and Microwave TechniquesRF and Microwave SystemsGSM and MIcrowave technology
This Impact Report identifies and summarises the diverse impacts, resulting from the £500m of UK funding of Science and Technology in 2013, using numerous quantitative metrics and short case study extracts. It shows how the varied... more
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      EntrepreneurshipManagementEngineeringElectrical Engineering
بسياري از استانداردهاي شبكههاي بيسيم شامل ويژگيهاي كيفيت سرويس (QoS) در لايه MAC هستند. اين ويژگيها، به گره‌هايي كه ترافيك real-time مانند صدا و ويدئو را انتقال ميدهند، امكان ميدهد كه مقدم بر گرههايي كه ترافيك best-effort حمل ميكنند،... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsDecision And Game TheoryNetwork4G, New generations networks, QoS, protocolos IPv6 and extensions, Application in new generation networks, routing protocolos, congestion control, Wireless, MANET, sensor networks
In India, there are over 900 million subscribers of telecom subscribers using the telecom services which is resulting in over 1.5lakhs BTSs. Telecom companies are in a stiff competition with each other in order to provide better services... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsMobile CommunicationRadio Network Planning, Computer Networks & TelecommunicationsGSM and MIcrowave technology
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    • GSM and MIcrowave technology
This paper presents a project design for which the pet owner can feed his own pet even without his presence by just sending a text message to the system through his cellular phone. The system uses the concept of GSM technology to receive... more
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      ArduinoMicrocontrollerGSM and MIcrowave technologyGSM
This paper describes the procedure necessary to make a link on the GSM-850 band by Okumura-Hata propagation model, joining two parts of the city of Cordoba, Argentina. We describe the parameters needed for the link calculation and the... more
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      GSM and MIcrowave technologyRadio wave Propagation ModellingRadioenlaces
Antenna systems are critical components of any radio system operating at any frequency. The antenna and associated system comprising coaxial transmission line (commonly known as feeder cable) and any power amplifiers, RF combiners, duplex... more
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      AntennasAntennas & Radio Wave PropagationWireless CommunicationsMobile Technology
High quality of service is a paramount concern in wireless networks. One of the strategies in achieving optimal performance is to use wireless empirical models to predict wireless link quality factors such as path loss and the received... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsGSM and MIcrowave technology
Present scenario of nations security has become an important constrain. During war, tactics is main factor in any country’s security. There are many concerns regarding the safety of the soldiers M-Health enables GPS (Global positioning... more
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      GPS ApplicationsNgn, Gsm And Cdma IntegrationGeo-spatial analysis with GIS and GPSGSM, WiMAX, LTE
Power Grid Control Using GSM Modem is used for long distances, earlier the controlling mechanisms were not so effective over long distance so with an intent to control over long range we implemented an GSM module. In these days the... more
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      Electrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringTelecommunications EngineeringSoftware Engineering
This presentation explores the evolution of GSM, UMTS and LTE radio access network architectures before a detailed review of the RAN architecture options for 5G. The functional decomposition of the 5G radio access network presents the... more
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      Antennas & Radio Wave PropagationMobile TechnologyMobile CommunicationMobile Computing
Declaration We clarify that our work is based on project writing Guide line given by the Institute. The work contained in this project is original and has been done by us under the guidance of our advisor. Whenever we use materials from... more
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    • GSM and MIcrowave technology
This paper analyzes the microwave network design which uses the back-to-back passive repeaters with the existence of interference. The microwave network design is simulated on Pathloss 5.0 software. The simulated availability results were... more
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      Electronics & Telecommunication EngineeringRF and Microwave SystemsGSM and MIcrowave technologyPAthloss
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    • GSM and MIcrowave technology
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      GSM and MIcrowave technologyShort Messaging Service
This paper reviews the design and deployment of the EE 5G network. EE owned by BT, launched the UKs first 5G network on the 30th May 2019, initially focused on enhanced mobile broadband use cases. This paper provides an overview of the... more
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      Optical Fiber CommunicationsMobile TechnologyMillimeter WavesThe Internet of Things
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      Control Systems EngineeringAutomatic ControlController DesignControl Systems
This paper presents a project design for which the pet owner can feed his own pet even without his presence by just sending a text message to the system through his cellular phone. The system uses the concept of GSM technology to receive... more
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      MicrocontrollersArduinoGSM, WiMAX, LTEMicroprocessors and Microcontrollers
This project is designed to develop as a robotic vehicle that can be controlled by a cell phones. DTMF commands from a phone send to another cell phone which is mounted on the robotic vehicle. These commands are fed to a PIC... more
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      RoboticsDigital MediaElectronicsAutonomous Robotics
International Journal of Microwave Engineering (JMICRO) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal which invites high quality manuscripts that focuses on Engineering and theory associated with microwave / millimeter-wave technology, guided... more
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      MicrowaveMicrowave and Millimetre Wave Radar and ImagingElectromagnetic Fields and Microwave TechniquesRF and Microwave Systems
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      Electrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringTelecommunications EngineeringSoftware Engineering
This paper proposes a design of 0.15μm Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit (MMIC) power amplifier using GaAs pHEMT technology at 2.4 GHz which employs feed forward linearization technique to improve linearity. The amplifier is... more
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      AntennasMicrostrip AntennasAntennas & Radio Wave PropagationMicrowave
International Journal of Microwave Engineering (JMICRO) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal which invites high quality manuscripts that focuses on Engineering and theory associated with microwave / millimeter-wave technology, guided... more
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      Antennas & Radio Wave PropagationSmart AntennaMicrowave and Millimetre Wave Radar and ImagingElectromagnetic Fields and Microwave Techniques
An update on BT/EE 5G deployment in the UK.
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      AntennasAntennas & Radio Wave PropagationMobile TechnologyMobile and Telecommunicaions
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      Wireless CommunicationsRenewable EnergyPower SystemMobile Communication
The term telecommunication access network refers to the technical infrastructure which provides connectivity between an end user or device and the services provided via a core network or service platforms. Access networks are typically... more
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      Telecommunications EngineeringAntennas & Radio Wave PropagationOptical Fiber CommunicationsFiber Optics
The Real-Time College Bus Tracking Application which runs on Android smart phones is proposed. With recent technological advancement of modern science, people are now expecting the information about the location of any object for tracking... more
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      The Internet of ThingsInternet of ThingsGlobal Positioning SystemRadio Frequency Identification
Some new trifluoromethyl coumarin thiosemicarbazones 3a-3m were synthesized by condensation reaction of thiosemicarbazides and 3-trifluoroacetyl coumarins which was from recyclization of ethyl... more
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      Synthesis of nanoparticlesSpeech SynthesisMicrowavePolymer synthesis
Design and analysis of a Single layer high gain Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) Antenna Array has been presented in this article. The article describes the proposed antenna with all its necessary parameters. Basic design includes... more
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      Microstrip antenna designRF and Microwave SystemsGSM and MIcrowave technologySubstrate Integrated Waveguides
Bu doküman, Turkcell tarafından hazırlanmıştır. Dokümanda, Turkcell mobil şebekesi için satın alınan çeşitli ürünlere ilişkin ürünlerin kullanım amacı, ürün temel özellikleri ve ürün resimleri mevcuttur. Doküman, yerli üretim yapabilecek... more
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    • GSM and MIcrowave technology
Pathloss estimation is largely frequency- dependent and its results indicate the coverage of any mobile network. The accuracy of these estimations is crucial for viable network designs and deployment. The rapid evolution of wireless... more
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      Network optimizationRadio Network Planning, Computer Networks & TelecommunicationsGSM and MIcrowave technology
The radio refractive index structure of the lower section of the atmospheric boundary layer is critical in the planning and construction of microwave communication connections. This study analyses the refractivity profile carried out in... more
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      AntennasAntennas & Radio Wave PropagationMicrowaveMicrowave and Millimetre Wave Radar and Imaging
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      GenderGSM and MIcrowave technology
Electrical appliances power consumption tends to grow in proportion to the increase in the number of large-sized electric home appliances. These Projects describes the technology associated with the Remote Control of Electrical Loads... more
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    • GSM and MIcrowave technology
Resumen—El uso de redes de telefonía móvil GSM es habitual para la mayoría de las personas en la actualidad. Desde el momento en que se activa un teléfono móvil se establece un intercambio de comunicación de datos permanente con la celda... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsGSM and MIcrowave technologySoftware Defined Radios (SDR)
The aims of this research were analysis of methanolic extract of bioactive compounds of Tribolium castaneum and evaluation of anti-bacterial activity against Streptococcus pneumonia, Pseudomonas eurogenosa, Staphylococcus epidermidis,... more
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    • GSM and MIcrowave technology
Intelligent bus tracking system using android is an application that tracks a bus and collects the distance to each station. Tracking system involves the installation of an electronic device in a bus, with an installed Android App on any... more
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      GSM, WiMAX, LTEGPS TRACKING SYSTEMVehicle Tracking SystemsGSM and MIcrowave technology
The realization of a software-defined radio has been a particular objective of the military industry and academia in Turkey. Broadband frequency-tunable PAs and matching networks [28], [29] (see Figure 2) were designed at METU–Northern... more
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      MicrowaveMicrowave and Millimetre Wave Radar and ImagingElectromagnetic Fields and Microwave TechniquesRF and Microwave Systems
We present polarization dependent charge control model for current voltage characteristics of Double Channel Dual Material Gate-AlGaN/GaN HEMT. This model demonstrates complete charge control in upper and lower channel of the device under... more
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      Electrical EngineeringMicroelectronics And Semiconductor EngineeringSemiconductor PhysicsMobile Technology
This research was funded by, and implemented within, a UK national research organisation, while the author was the KE and Impact Evaluation Manager responsible for assessing impact on a £15m UK government-funded research programme. This... more
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      ManagementBusiness AdministrationEngineeringElectrical Engineering
Path loss exponent represents how fast the path loss increases with distance and it accounts for signal indoor outages. These indoor outages can arise due to signal building penetration loss. Signal penetration loss depend on the type of... more
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      Wireless networksGSM and MIcrowave technologyWave propagation
Mobile backhaul connectivity is an essential enabler of a mobile network. As networks evolve from 4G LTE to 5G it is vital that the access network connectivity undergoes a transport network transformation to meet new requirements on... more
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      AntennasAntennas & Radio Wave PropagationOptical Fiber CommunicationsMicrowave
The number of users of the Global System of Mobile Telecommunications (GSM) worldwide is growing at an exponential rate; with more than 118 million users in Nigeria alone. There is a continuous need to install GSM supporting... more
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      GSM and MIcrowave technologyGlobal System for Mobile Communication (GSM)
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      Electrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringMechanical EngineeringThermal Engineering