Functional Language
Recent papers in Functional Language
A student learning how to program learns best when the programming language and programming environment cater to her specific needs. These needs are different from the requirements of a professional programmer. Consequently, the design of... more
This paper presents a programming language which includes paradigms that are usually associated with declarative languages, such as sets, rules and search, into an imperative (functional) language. Although these paradigms are separately... more
Many studies have investigated sex differences in language lateralization. Despite the large number of investigations, controversy about the presence of sex differences in lateralization remains. This study aims to provide a complete... more
Interprocedural analyses enable optimizing compilers to more precisely model the effects of non-inlined procedure calls, potentially resulting in substantial increases in application performance. Applying interprocedural analysis to... more
We describe and document our experience from developing an AMD64 backend for the HiPE (High Performance Erlang) native code compiler. We consider implementation alternatives and critically examine design choices for obtaining an efficient... more
We introduce a direct encoding of the typed λ-calculus into Java: for any Java types A, B we introduce the type A → B together with function application and λ-abstraction. The latter makes use of anonymous inner classes. We show that... more
We describe XLambda, a functional language with XML syntax, and its processor which is implemented fully and completely in XSLT. XLambda has all the basic features of a functional language, such as defining named functions, operations on... more
This article, based on a 34,000-word corpus of spoken discourse, argues for a discourse approach to teaching communicative functions or speech acts in spoken English. Starting with the premise that spoken corpora can provide valuable... more
This paper told about language. The paper is done by my team work in college. We did it to complete our task and gave our presentation in the 6th semester
In engineering design, all products and artifacts have some intended reason behind their existence: the product or artifact function. Functional modeling provides an abstract, yet direct, method for understanding and representing an... more
This is paper is a draft. It is an extended version of a shorter paper of the same title. It differs from the short paper in the following regards:
A three-year study collected information bearing on the question of whether studying mathematics improves programming skills. An analysis of the data revealed significant differences in the programming effectiveness of two populations of... more
Lambda-lifting a block-structured program transforms it into a set of recursive equations. We present the symmetric transformation: lambdadropping. Lambda-dropping a set of recursive equations restores block structure and lexical scope.
This paper summarizes experiences from an open source project that builds a free Haskell IDE based on Eclipse (an open source IDE platform). Eclipse is extensible and has proved to be a good basis for IDEs for several programming... more
an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship and NSF and Darpa grants to the Fugu and Raw projects. While provided a vital support network. Most of all, I have relied on my wife, Kathleen Shannon, and my children, Karissa and Anya. Their love has... more
We investigate the claim that functional languages o er low-cost parallelism in the context of symbolic programs on modest parallel architectures. We base our investigation on several large programs that we have written or parallelised in... more
The neuropsychological effects of Parkinson's disease have gained wide recognition in recent literature. Effects have been documented in almost all areas of cognitive functioning, including general intellectual functioning, visual-spatial... more
In previous work we have proposed a Dependent Hoare Type Theory (HTT) as a framework for development and reasoning about higher-order functional programs with effects of state, aliasing and nontermination. The main feature of HTT is the... more
We examine the addition of Lambda expressions to Forth. We briefly review the Lambda calculus and introduce a postfix version of Lambda notation to guide our approach to a Forth implementation. The resulting implementation provides the... more
Parallel (lazy) functional programs must describe both computation and coordination, i.e., what to compute and how to arrange the computation in parallel. The formal manipulation of the behaviours of such programs requires a semantics... more
When distributed systems first appeared, they were programmed in traditional sequential languages, usually with the addition of a few library procedures for sending and receiving messages. As distributed applications became more... more
QuickCheck is a tool which aids the Haskell programmer in formulating and testing properties of programs. Properties are described as Haskell functions, and can be automatically tested on random input, but it is also possible to dene... more
Datatype-generic programming is defining functions that depend on the structure, or "shape", of datatypes. It has been around for more than 10 years, and a lot of progress has been made, in particular in the lazy functional programming... more
Allison, L., Lazy dynamic-programming can be eager, Information Processing Letters 43 (1992) 207-212.
A challenge for grid computing is finding abstractions that separate concerns about what a grid application must achieve from the specific resources on which it might be deployed. One approach, taken by a range of toolkits and APIs, is to... more
The interface with the outside world has always been one of the weakest points of functional languages. It is not easy to incorporate I/O without being allowed to do side-effects. Furthermore, functional languages allow redexes to be... more
Functional programming languages are shown to be useful in the teaching of the concepts of recursion and iteration. The functional language approach presented in this paper has advantages over imperative languages in the area of analysis... more
This paper presents the implementation of a web services proxy generator for the Haskell functional language. Its purpose is to free Haskell programmers from low-level implementation details when building applications that consume... more
The problem of designing a domain-specific language (DSL) can be split into two subproblems: a) defining the language constructs starting from an appropriate set of abstractions in the domain, and b) choosing a syntax that resembles the... more
Dynamic binding, which traditionally has always been associated with Lisp, is still semantically obscure to many. Even though most programming languages favour lexical scope, not only does dynamic binding remain an interesting and... more
This paper presents a practical evaluation and comparison of three state-of-the-art parallel functional languages. The evaluation is based on implementations of three typical symbolic computation programs, with performance measured on a... more
The presence of non-determinism in the parallel-functional language Eden creates some problems. Several non-determinism analyses have been developed to determine when an Eden expression is sure to be deterministic, and when it may be... more
In this paper, some experiences of using the concurrent functional language Erlang to implement a classical vertical application, a risk management information system, are presented. Due to the complex nature of the business logic and the... more
Ane size-change analysis has been used for termination analysis of eager functional programming languages. The same style of analysis is also capable of compactly recording and calculating other properties of programs, including their... more
We introduce a direct encoding of the typed λ-calculus into Java: for any Java types A, B we introduce the type A → B together with function application and λ-abstraction. The latter makes use of anonymous inner classes. We show that... more
We consider the problem of functional programming with data in external memory, in particular as it appears in sublinear space computation. Writing programs with sublinear space usage often requires one to use special implementation... more
URL do documento original: <> INPE São José dos Campos 2012 Dados Internacionais de Catalogação na Publicação Copyright © 2012 do MCT/INPE. Nenhuma parte desta publicação pode ser reproduzida, armazenada em um... more
The Natural Language Paradigm (NLP) has proven effective in increasing spontaneous verbalizations for children with autism. This study investigated the use of NLP with older adults with cognitive impairments served at a leisure-based... more
This paper describes Hume: a novel domain-specific language whose purpose is to explore the expressibility/costability spectrum in resource-constrained systems, such as real-time embedded or control systems. Hume provides a number of high... more