Free Algebra
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Recent papers in Free Algebra
Public reporting buiden lot this collection ol information is estimated 1o average 1 hour per response, including 1ha time tor reviewirnj instructions, searching das sources, gslheringsrd maintaining 1 he date needed, and conpratirg and... more
We follow a stream of the history of positive matrices and positive functionals, as applied to algebraic sums of squares decompositions, with emphasis on the interaction between classical moment problems, function theory of one or several... more
Let T be a submonad of the ultrafilter monad β and let G be a subfunctor of the filter functor. The T-algebras are topological spaces whose closed sets are the subalgebras and form thereby an equationally definable full subcategory of... more
We consider a couple of versions of classical Kurosh problem (whether there is an infinite-dimensional algebraic algebra?) for varieties of linear multioperator algebras over a field. We show that, given an arbitrary signature, there is a... more
Conformal Geometric Algebraic (CGA) provides ideal mathematical tools for construction, analysis and integration of classical Euclidean, Inversive & Projective Geometries, with practical applications to computer science, engineering and... more
Nagata gave a fundamental sucient condition on group actions on nitely generated commutative algebras for nite generation of the subalge- bra of invariants. In this paper we consider groups acting on noncommutative algebras over a eld of... more
Let α ≥ 2 be any ordinal. We consider the class Drsα of relativized diagonal free set algebras of dimension α. With same technique, we prove several important results concerning this class. Among these results, we prove that almost all... more
For algebras A whose type is given by an endofunctor, iterativity means that every flat equation morphism in A has a unique solution. In our previous work we proved that every object generates a free iterative algebra, and we provided a... more
Motivated by recent work of Connes and Marcolli, based on the Connes-Kreimer approach to renormalization, we augment the latter by a combinatorial, Lie algebraic point of view. Our results rely both on the properties of the Dynkin... more
A logic is developed in which function symbols are allowed to represent partial functions. It has the usual rules of logic (in the form of a sequent calculus) except that the substitution rule has to be modified. It is developed here in... more
In this paper, we establish the Composition-Diamond lemma for associative algebras with multiple linear operators. As applications, we obtain Groebner-Shirshov bases of free Rota-Baxter algebra, $\lambda$-differential algebra and... more
A Σ-labeled n-poset is an (at most) countable set, labeled in the set Σ, equipped with n partial orders. The collection of all Σ-labeled n-posets is naturally equipped with n binary product operations and n ω-ary product operations.... more
We study z-automorphisms of the polynomial algebra K[x, y, z] and the free associative algebra K 〈x, y, z〉 over a field K, i.e., automorphisms that fix the variable z. We survey some recent results on such automorphisms and on the... more
This paper shows that the collection of identities which hold in the algebra N of the natural numbers with constant zero, and binary operations of sum and maximum is not finitely based. Moreover, it is proven that, for every n, the... more
Let α ≥ 2 be any ordinal. We consider the class Drsα of relativized diagonal free set algebras of dimension α. With same technique, we prove several important results concerning this class. Among these results, we prove that almost all... more
Completely iterative algebras (cias) are those algebras in which recursive equations have unique solutions. In this paper we study complete iterativity for algebras with computational effects (described by a monad). First, we prove that... more
We consider the lambda definability problem over an arbitrary free algebra. There is a natural notion of primitive recursive function in such algebras and at the same time a natural notion of a lambda definable function. We shown that the... more
Using ideas of our recent w ork on automorphisms of residually nilpotent relatively free groups, we i n troduce a new growth function for subgroups of the automorphism groups of relatively free algebras FnV o ver a eld of characteristic... more
We study different properties of the Nagata automorphism of the polynomial algebra in three variables and extend them to other automorphisms of polynomial algebras and algebras close to them. In particular, we propose two approaches to... more
In this paper we describe completely the involutions of the first kind of the algebra UT n (F ) of n × n upper triangular matrices. Every such involution can be extended uniquely to an involution on the full matrix algebra. We describe... more
Let A=A(x_1,...,x_n) be a free associative algebra in A freely generated over K by a set X={x_1,...,x_n}, End A be the semigroup of endomorphisms of A, and Aut End A be the group of automorphisms of the semigroup End A. We investigate the... more
Residuated logic is a generalization of intuitionistic logic, which does not assume the idempotence of the conjunction operator, Such generalized conjunction operators have proved important in expert systems (in the area of Approximate... more
We consider algebras for which the operation PC of pure closure of subsets satisfies the exchange property. Subsets that are independent with respect to PC are directly independent. We investigate algebras in which PC satisfies the... more
We introduce a semantical definition of minterms and maxterms which generalizes the usual notion in Boolean logic to a class of many-valued logics. We apply this notion to get normal forms for logics G, NM, NMG. Then we obtain a... more
This paper studies the equational theory of various exotic semirings presented in the literature. Exotic semirings are semirings whose underlying carrier set is some subset of the set of real numbers equipped with binary operations of... more
Modal transition systems (MTS) is a formalism which extends the classical notion of labelled transition systems by introducing transitions of two types: must transitions that have to be present in any implementation of the MTS and may... more
We study z-automorphisms of the polynomial algebra K[x, y, z] and the free associative algebra K x, y, z over a field K, i.e., automorphisms which fix the variable z. We survey some recent results on such automorphisms and on the... more
be the polynomial algebra in two variables over the finite field F q with q elements. We give an exact formula and the asymptotics for the number p n of automorphisms (f, g) of F q [x, y] such that max{deg(f ), deg(g)} = n. We describe... more
We consider homogeneous varieties of linear algebras over an associative-commutative ring K with 1, i.e., the varieties in which free algebras are graded. Let F be a free algebra of some variety A of linear algebras over K freely... more
Abstract. Let A = A(x1,...,xn) be a free associative algebra in the variety of associative algebras A freely generated over K by a set X = {x1,...,xn}, End A be the semigroup of endomorphisms of A, and Aut EndA be the group of... more
Using actions of the free monoids and free associative algebras, we establish some Schreier-type formulas involving the ranks of actions and the ranks of subactions in free actions or Grassmann-type relations for the ranks of... more
For arbitrary F-algebra, in which the operation of addition is defined, I explore biring of matrices of mappings. The sum of matrices is determined by the sum in F-algebra, and the product of matrices is determined by the product of... more
This result solves an open Problem formulated in \cite{22}
We present a survey on methods to analyse the program complexity, based on termination orderings and quasi-interpretations. This method can be implemented to certify the runtime (or space) of programs. We demonstrate that the class of... more
We solve a problem of J6nsson by showing that the class Y/of (isomorphs of) algebras of binary relations, under the operations of relative product, conversion, and intersection, and with the identity element as a distinguished constant,... more
Let A be a (non-necessarily associative) finite-dimensional algebra over a field of characteristic zero. A quantitative estimate of the polynomial identities satisfied by A is achieved through the study of the asymptotics of the sequence... more