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We study the problem of computing a planar curve, restricted to lie between two given polygonal chains, such that the integral of the square of arc-length derivative of curvature along the curve is minimized. We introduce the minimum... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceComputer GraphicsComputational Geometry
Two general methods for establishing the logarithmic behavior of recursively defined sequences of real numbers are presented. One is the interlacing method, and the other one is based on calculus. Both methods are used to prove... more
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsCalculusComputer Science
A new area-based convexity measure for polygons is described. It has the desirable properties that it is not sensitive to small boundary defects, and it is symmetric with respect to intrusions and protrusions. The measure requires a... more
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      Cognitive ScienceComputer VisionImage ProcessingImage Analysis
In this paper, we present a shape retrieval method using triangle-area representation for nonrigid shapes with closed contours. The representation utilizes the areas of the triangles formed by the boundary points to measure the... more
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      Pattern RecognitionDynamic programmingAlgorithmPattern Matching
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      Motion perceptionStereopsisAdolescentPerspective
We introduce the concept of λ-hyperconvexity in metric spaces, generalizing the classical notion of a hyperconvex metric space. We show that a bounded metric space which is λ-hyperconvex has the fixed point property for nonexpansive... more
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      Applied MathematicsPure MathematicsNonlinear AnalysisFixed Point Theory
We review sandwich theorems from the theory of convex functions.
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      ConvexityMonotonicitySet Valued Analysis
In this paper we introduce the notion of approximate da2a siruclures, in which a small amount of error is tolerated in the output. Approximate data structures trade error of approximation for faster operation, leading to theoretical and... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceComputational GeometryData Structures and Algorithms
Meningioma adalah tumor otak jinak yang tumbuh dari arachnoid cap cells durameter dan umumnya tumbuh lambat. Umumnya berbatas jelas. Karakteristik tumor ini dapat tumbuh dengan besar dan cenderung menghasilkan hiperostosis, infiltrasi... more
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      NeurosurgeryCancerQuality of lifeIndonesia
T. Popoviciu has proved in 1965 an interesting characterization of the convex functions of one real variable, based on an inequality relating the values at any three points x 1 ; x 2 ; x 3 ; with the values at their means of di¤erent... more
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      Applied MathematicsPure MathematicsMathematical AnalysisApplication
Sharp bounds on expectations of lifetimes of coherent and mixed systems composed of elements with independent and either identically or non-identically distributed lifetimes are expressed in terms of expected lifetimes of components.... more
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      MultidisciplinaryDurabilitySchur complementConvexity
Feature selection and extraction plays an important role in different classification based problems such as face recognition, signature verification, optical character recognition (OCR) etc. The performance of OCR highly depends on the... more
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a-Starlike functions a-Convex functions Strongly starlike functions SL Ã-functions Radius of starlikeness Radius of convexity a b s t r a c t Let SL Ã denote the class of all analytic functions f in the unit disc U with the normalization... more
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsComputer ScienceNumerical Analysis
The concepts of ( 1 ; 2 )-convexity, 1 -B-vexity and 1 -convexity for fuzzy mappings are introduced through the so-called "fuzzy max" order among fuzzy numbers. We show that the class of ( 1 ; 2 )-convex fuzzy mappings, 1 -B-vex fuzzy... more
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      Pure MathematicsConvexityFuzzy NumbersFuzzy Sets and Systems
We demonstrate that for the class of anisotropic hyperelastic materials with stiffening behaviour (i.e., the stiffness increases for increasing strain), it is possible to find an approximation by means of the linear superposition of an... more
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      Civil EngineeringApplied MathematicsModelingLinear Elasticity
Convexity predicates and the convex hull operator continue to play an important role in theories of spatial representation and reasoning, yet their first-order axiomatization is still a matter of controversy. In this paper, we present a... more
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      Spatial cognitionMereotopologyQualitative Spatial ReasoningFormal Ontology
Page 1. Mathematica Pannonica 5/1 (1994), 139 - 144 A SANDWICH WITH CONVEXITY Karol Baron Instytut Mdtematyki, Uniwcrsyict glgski, ul. ... Ber. 316 (1992), 103-138. ROBERTS, AW and VARBERG, DE: Convex Functions, Academic Press, New... more
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      MathematicsPure MathematicsConvexity
This article investigates the consumer value of diversity both conceptually and empirically. It proposes a measure of diversity value based on a benefit function. It shows that the consumer value of diversity can arise from... more
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      Agricultural EconomicsApplied EconomicsComplementarityConvexity
It is shown how a log concave sequence generates a log super-modular function on the lattice being the direct product of two finite chains. The FKG inequality is applied to this function, and results in an inequality that is a... more
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      Applied MathematicsCombinatoricsPure MathematicsDiscrete Mathematics
Let G be a finite simple graph. Let S ⊆ V (G), its closed interval I[S] is the set of all vertices lying on a shortest path between any pair of vertices of S. The set S is convex if I[S] = S. In this work we define the concept of convex... more
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      Applied MathematicsCombinatoricsPure MathematicsDiscrete Mathematics
Ontology classification—the computation of subsumption hierarchies for classes and properties—is one of the most important tasks for OWL reasoners. Based on the algorithm by Shearer and Horrocks [9], we present a new classification... more
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      Information SystemsDeterrenceGroup communicationCryptography
In this paper, we derive conditions on the parameters a, b, c so that the function zF (a, b; c; z) is starlike in D, where F (a, b; c; z) denotes the classical hypergeometric function. We give some consequences of our results including... more
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      Pure MathematicsConvolution OperatorHypergeometric FunctionConvexity
This paper investigates certain issues of coefficient sensitivity in generalized network problems when such problems have small gains or losses. In these instances, it might be computationally advantageous to temporarily ignore these... more
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsSensitivity AnalysisBusiness and Management
The Neyman-Pearson fundamental lemma is generalized under g-probability. With convexity assumptions, a sufficient and necessary condition which characterizes the optimal randomized tests is obtained via a maximum principle for stochastic... more
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      MathematicsPure MathematicsProbabilityProbability Distribution & Applications
In this paper, we propose a refinement in the analytical definition of the s2-convex classes of functions aiming to progress further in the direction of including s2-convexity properly in the body of Real Analysis
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      Real AnalysisCalculusSpecial functionsConvexity
In this paper we consider a viscoelastic equation with a nonlinear feedback localized on a part of the boundary. We establish an explicit and general decay rate result, using some properties of the convex functions. Our result is obtained... more
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      Applied MathematicsPure MathematicsNonlinear AnalysisDamping
Ontology classification—the computation of subsumption hierarchies for classes and properties—is one of the most important tasks for OWL reasoners. Based on the algorithm by Shearer and Horrocks [9], we present a new classification... more
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      Information SystemsDeterrenceGroup communicationCryptography
Are the managers of financial institutions ready for the small but increasingly significant risk of inflation in the near future, due to the unprecedented fiscal and monetary responses of the US government to prevent an economic collapse?... more
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      Principal Component AnalysisRisk ManagementFinancial InstitutionsInflation
In scalar optimization it is well known that a solution of a Minty variational inequality of differential type is a solution of the related optimization problem. This relation is known as "Minty variational principle." In the vector case,... more
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      Applied MathematicsMathematical ProgrammingOptimality TheoryPure Mathematics
This paper considers the two-stage stochastic integer programming problem, with an emphasis on instances in which integer variables appear in the second stage. Drawing heavily on the theory of disjunctive programming, we characterize... more
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      Applied MathematicsMathematical ProgrammingInteger ProgrammingStochastic Programming
In this paper, standard oligopolies are interpreted in two ways, namely as oligopolies without transferable technologies and as oligopolies with transferable technologies. From a cooperative point of view this leads to two different... more
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      EconomicsMathematical Models for Social SciencesMathematical SciencesConvexity
A class of functions involving the divided differences of the psi function and the polygamma functions and originating from Kershaw's double inequality are proved to be completely monotonic. As applications of these results, the... more
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Ontology classification—the computation of subsumption hierarchies for classes and properties—is one of the most important tasks for OWL reasoners. Based on the algorithm by Shearer and Horrocks [9], we present a new classification... more
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      Information SystemsDeterrenceGroup communicationCryptography
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      Computational GeometryData Structures and AlgorithmsData StructureMinimum Spanning Tree
In this paper we consider an n-dimensional thermoelastic system of type III with viscoelastic damping. We establish an explicit and general decay rate result without imposing restrictive assumptions on the behavior of the relaxation... more
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      Applied MathematicsConvexityNumerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics
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Consider Becker's (1973) classic static matching model, with output a stochastic function of unobserved types. Assume symmetric incomplete information about types, and thus commonly observed Bayesian posteriors. Matching is then... more
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      Incomplete InformationConvexityAssortative Matching
As promised in Second Note on the Shape of S−convexity, we now discuss the exponent of the piece of definition for S−convexity that deals with negative images of real functions. We also present a severely improved definition for the... more
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      Real AnalysisCalculusSpecial functionsConvexity
In this short, but fundamental, note, we start progressing towards a mathematically sound definition of the
real functional classes 2
Ks  .
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      Real AnalysisCalculusSpecial functionsConvexity
When a large oil or gas field is produced, several reservoirs often share the same processing facility. This facility is typically capable of processing only a limited amount of commodities per unit of time. In order to satisfy these... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceNatural ResourcesLinear Programming
The evaluation of efficiency scores in data envelopment analysis is based on the construction of artificial decision making units subject to some assumptions, usually requiring convexity of the production possibility set. This demands... more
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      MarketingModelingData Envelopment AnalysisDecision support system
In this note, we present a few more important scientific remarks regarding the S−convexity phenomenon. We talk about examples and fixings. We sustain the example we gave in Really Short Note, but fix the way we presented one of the... more
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      MathematicsReal AnalysisCalculusLogic
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      Computational GeometryMathematical ProgrammingMesh generationDynamic programming
In this paper we analyze the superreplication approach in stochastic volatility models in the case of European multiasset derivatives. We prove that the Black-Scholes-Barenblatt (BSB) equation gives a superhedging strategy even if its... more
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      Applied MathematicsVolatilityStochastic VolatilityStochastic optimal control
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The Neyman-Pearson fundamental lemma is generalized under g-probability. With convexity assumptions, a sufficient and necessary condition which characterizes the optimal randomized tests is obtained via a maximum principle for stochastic... more
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      MathematicsPure MathematicsProbabilityProbability Distribution & Applications
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      Applied MathematicsPure MathematicsNonlinear AnalysisRelaxation
The Wave Based Method (WBM) is an alternative numerical prediction method for both interior and exterior steady-state dynamic problems, which is based on an indirect Trefftz approach. It applies wave functions, which are exact solutions... more
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      EngineeringAcousticsModelingNumerical Modelling
We prove that when the dividend rate of the underlying asset following a geometric Brownian motion is slightly larger than the risk-free interest rate, the optimal exercise boundary of the American put option is not convex.
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      Applied MathematicsMathematical FinanceVariational Inequality ProblemsBrownian Motion
It is known that, if the time variable in the heat equation is complex and belongs to a sector in C, then the theory of analytic semigroups becomes a powerful tool of study. The same is true for the Laplace equation on an infinite strip... more
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      Partial Differential EquationsPure MathematicsHigher Order ThinkingReal Time