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The statement “Discipline is the soul of an army. It makes small numbers formidable; procures success to the weak, and esteem to all” urges the need of a well-disciplined and ordered army to a state where the military as last resort.... more
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    • Forms of Discipline and Military Law
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      Military HistoryMilitary LawWar StudiesHistory of War
The passive response of peacekeeping commanders to genocidal acts committed in Rwanda and Srebrenica has raised questions regarding their individual responsibility. With the confirmation of state responsibility for the Netherlands and an... more
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      Military LawInternational RelationsInternational LawInternational Criminal Law
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      Roman LawRoman ArmyEjército romanoEsercito Romano
Military obedience, in the modern sense of the word, is the result of a rationalistic concept of order which developed between the14th and the18th century. According to this concept, the abstract and formal representations made by our... more
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      PeacekeepingMilitaryThe nation-state and modernityObedience
1. Uwagi wstępne -2. Sposoby regulacji prawnej przestępstwa ucieczki z pola bitwy: prawo koronne i litewskie -3. Postulaty de lege ferenda z połowy XVII w. -4. Przepisy dla autoramentu cudzoziemskiego -5. Nowe projekty prawne przez... more
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      Forms of Discipline and Military LawHistoria Prawa
“Ciudadanización y profesionalización militar. La reforma del sistema de justicia y disciplina de las Fuerzas Armadas. Argentina, 2006-2008”. Revista Historia y Justicia Nº6. Grupo de Historia y Justicia. Santiago de Chile. 2016.... more
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      Military HistoryJusticeMilitary and PoliticsCivil-military relations
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      Military LawPolish HistoryHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthTeutonic Knights
Przem oc wśród żo łn ie rzy w w o js k u R z e c z y p o s p o lite j XVI-XVII w. в Juliusz Kossak, Odsiecz smoleńska -zima stanowiła zawsze najgorszy okres w służbie.
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      Military LawHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthPunishment and PrisonsForms of Discipline and Military Law
This is Chapter 5 from our book "Weber's Rationalism and Modern Society," which we encourage you to read and cite. This chapter is a translation of what we think is one of Weber's more important essays, i.e. one about the nature of... more
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      Military HistorySociologyIndustrial SociologyPolitical Sociology
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      Military LawHISTORY OF CRIME AND LAWHistory of Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
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      Military LawHistory of WarXVI centuryForms of Discipline and Military Law
Automated decision-making systems are becoming more prevalent in government processes around the world, in areas as diverse as the administration of social security, taxation, criminal sentencing and migration.3 These systems are most... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceMachine LearningCivil-military relationsAdministrative Law
The essay investigates the role of military discipline in civilizing and nationalizing Italian conscripts between 1861 and 1914 by intersecting a strictly normative approach with some suggestions coming from ego-documents. On the one... more
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      History of Nationalism and Nation-BuildingModern ItalyConscriptionForms of Discipline and Military Law
Urban military articles in modern Europe. An outline of the issues Military laws, taking into account the entities issuing them, can be divided into fi ve types. These are hetman's articles (announced by the chief commanders), royal... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary LawHistory of LawPrague
Military Congregations’ Participation in Creating and Proclaiming Ordinances and Articles of War in the XVI and XVII Century The article explores soldiers’ participation in process of creating and accepting ordinances and articles of war.... more
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      Military LawHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthSejmikiForms of Discipline and Military Law
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      Military LawHistory of Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthWar and Religion
From an international perspective, there has been a tendency to try and restrict or even avoid the use of military tribunals to prosecute members of the military or police responsible for serious human rights violations. Colombia has... more
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      Constitutional LawForms of Discipline and Military Law
królewskiego (crimen laesae maiestatis) 4 . W końcu trzecim miejscem, w którym wprowadzano jednolite, zaostrzone przepisy porządkowe, były poczty towarzyszące posłom udających się zagranicę z misją dyplomatyczną. Niniejszy artykuł... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryDiplomatic StudiesDiplomatics (Medieval)Military Revolution
This article investigates how the contemporary war dispositif in cinematic representations captures and integrates bodies, gestures, space and desire. It focuses on two analytic aspects of this process, suture and interpassivity, and... more
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      RhythmEmbodimentTrauma StudiesMilitary and Politics