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Review of John Champagne's Italian Masculinity as Queer Melodrama and Louis Bayman's The Operatic and the Everyday in Post-War Italian Film Melodrama
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      Queer StudiesFilm StudiesItalian StudiesOpera
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      CinemaHistory of Indian CinemaFilm Melodrama
"Notes on Melodrama and the Family under Capitalism," Film Reader no. 3 (1980), pp. 40-47.
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    • Film Melodrama
"Abstract: This paper argues that Terrence Malick’s film The Tree of Life can be read as a post-religious film that offers its audience an experience of the “beyond” of the non-cinematic real. In order to make this argument, the paper... more
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      Film TheoryFilm AnalysisPhilosophy of FilmMelodrama
Starting from the assessment that the recent success of Romanian cinema should be considered in relationship with outstanding acting performances, the author analyzes their contribution through the grid of rhetorical figures. Analytical... more
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      Michelangelo AntonioniAndrei TarkovskyEastern European CinemaRomanian cinema
Three different directors working at different moments in film history shoot three movies loosely based on the same story: Douglas Sirk’s All that heavern allows, Rainer Werner Fassbinder’s Fear eats the soul and Todd Haynes’s Far from... more
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      Film StudiesFilm AnalysisMelodramaCinema
Toda biografía que tiene que ver con las relaciones humanas es un melodrama, y es precisamente por eso que creo que es justo hacer películas melodramáticas. La manera en que los americanos abordan ese género de películas transmite al... more
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      German StudiesFilm StudiesFilm TheoryEuropean Cinema
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      Literature and cinemaCinema and HistoryFilm and LiteratureLuchino Visconti
Il melodramma è un genere? O possiamo rintracciare scene e sequenze melodrammatiche attraverso una varietà di generi? La difficoltà nel rispondere a queste domande non dovrebbe farci dimenticare che, nel suo periodo di massimo splendore,... more
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      Film StudiesFilm AnalysisMelodramaCinema
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      Film TheoryFilm Music And SoundFilm AnalysisMelodrama
Saggio introduttivo al libro-intervista di Jon Halliday con Douglas Sirk, "Lo specchio della vita" (Sirk on Sirk), edizione italiana a cura di Andrea Inzerillo, con uno scritto di Rainer Werner Fassbinder, postfazione di Goffredo Fofi, Il... more
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      Film StudiesFilm AnalysisMelodramaFilm History
Chapter Two focuses on the Iwo Jima photograph but examines two demystifying and disenchanting adaptations of this influential image: Delbert Mann’s The Outsider (1961) and Edward Kienholz’s Portable War Memorial (1968). Both works – one... more
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      Cold War and CultureAmerican Civil ReligionArt and Aesthetics of the Cold WarQueer Cinema
Why is Hollywood so uncomfortable with ambitious women? In this video, I look at Aaron Sorkin's 2017 film Molly's Game and explore how female ambition in American cinema is often framed as an illness.... more
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      Women in FilmScreen MelodramaFilm Melodrama
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      Popular CultureMelodramaGreek Cinema of the '60sModern Greek culture
Is melodrama a genre? Or can we trace melodramatic scenes and sequences across a variety of genres? The difficulty in answering such questions should not make us forget that, in its heyday, Hollywood produced a number of movies that we... more
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      Film StudiesFilm AnalysisMelodramaCinema
An adaptation of Naguib Mahbouz’s 1949 novel, Principio y Fin (The Beginning and the End, Arturo Ripstein, 1993) transposes the plot of a family melodrama from Cairo during the late thirties to Mexico City during the early nineties. Why... more
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      Mexican StudiesHonoré de BalzacMexican CinemaCine Mexicano
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      Jean-Luc GodardClassical Hollywood CinemaFilm Melodrama
A number of independent science fiction films released since the Great Recession feature relatively unexceptional protagonists in dystopian scenarios, thereby shifting the conventional focus of the genre from heroic action to small-scale... more
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      Asian American StudiesMelodramaScience Fiction FilmNeoliberalism
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      PsychoanalysisHorror FilmGothic FilmFilm Noir
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      Film StudiesMelodramaCine MexicanoEstudios Culturales Latinoamericanos
Tre diversi registi che lavorano in momenti diversi della storia del cinema girano tre film liberamente basati sulla stessa storia: Secondo amore di Douglas Sirk, La paura mangia l’anima di Rainer Werner Fassbinder e Lontano dal paradiso... more
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      Film StudiesCinemaCinema StudiesFilm & Media Studies
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      ComedyMelodramaLatin American CinemaCuban Cinema
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      Film NoirFilm HistoryFilm and HistoryCinema
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      Film HistoryBritish Cinema (Film Studies) (Film Studies)Film and HistoryBiopic
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      Film GenreMelodramaFilm HistoryAmerican Cinema