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The first volume to focus exclusively on lesbian performance work, Acts of Passion: Sexuality, Gender, and Performance draws on the experiences and expertise of a wide range of lesbian practitioners and theorists to explore the impact and... more
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      AestheticsFeminist TheoryCollaborationGender and Sexuality
One of the most distinguished intellectuals, major figures of National Struggle and major women writers of the Turkish Republic, Halide Edib had major contributions to the Turkish Theater. Mostly known for her novels and articles, the... more
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      LiteratureShakespeareLiterary CriticismTurkish History
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      DramaAfrican American Dramatic LiteratureFemale playwrightsAdrienne Kennedy (playwright)
A surreal take on a woman's quest for love and freedom
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      Theatre StudiesTranslation StudiesGender and SexualityGreek Theatre
This paper on my creative writing process was delivered at the University of Oxford, May 31st 2018, Faculty of Byzantine and Modern Greek. It was in the context of the performance of my play Splinters at Simpkins Lee Theatre, Lady... more
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      Creative WritingAestheticsTheatre StudiesLiterature
The issue of corporeality is one of the dominant motifs in contemporary women's playwriting in the countries formed after the collapse of Yugoslavia. At the turn of the 20 th and 21 st centuries women's bodies function as a specific open... more
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      PlaywritingTheatreFemale playwrightsPost/Yugoslav space
A party in a club. BLUE is urgently passing though the audience, as if escaping a nightmare. She's just seen her ex totally unexpectedly and is freaked out.
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      Queer StudiesTranslation StudiesQueer TheoryGender and Sexuality
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      Marina CarrFemale playwrightsEmma Dante
Emma Dante burst on to the Italian national theatrical scene in 2001 with her absurdist and episodic mPalermu, a play about an extended Sicilian family who in the arc of one day fail to complete the single action of leaving their house.... more
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      FeminismItalian TheatreContemporary Italian TheatreItalian dialects
This article examines the work of an Irish playwright, Marina Carr and an Italian playwright, Emma Dante. Both female playwrights show a recurring preoccupation with death, dying and living in their work. Contrasting the modern taste for... more
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      Theatre StudiesLiminalityThanatology - Death StudiesFemale playwrights