External memory algorithms
Recent papers in External memory algorithms
Allen (2001) proposed the "Getting Things Done" (GTD) method for personal productivity enhancement, and reduction of the stress caused by information overload. This paper argues that recent insights in psychology and cognitive science... more
Writing is analyzed as thinking that uses paper or other media to externalize and manipulate symbolic expressions. Mental operations of natural language can occur somewhat independently, and they communicate well with language that has... more
We present an approach for clique and quasi-clique computations in very large multi-digraphs. We discuss graph decomposition schemes used to break up the problem into several pieces of manageable dimensions. A semiexternal greedy... more
We show how to uniformly distribute data at random (not to be confounded with permutation routing) in two settings that are able to deal with massive data: coarse grained parallelism and external memory. In contrast to previously known... more
An effective way to process a graph that does not fit in RAM is to build a hierarchical partition of its set of vertices. This hierarchy induces a partition of the graph edge set. We use this partition to produce a macro view of the... more
The need and use of large scale distributed storage has rapidly increased in last few years. Organizations need Terabytes of storage for their operational data and backups. Large storage systems are the ultimate solution, but they are... more
In web data, telecommunications traffic and in epidemiological studies, dense subgraphs correspond to subsets of subjects (ie users, patients) that share a collection of attributes values (ie ac-cessed web pages, email-calling patterns or... more
An implementation of an On Chip Memory (OCM) based Dual Data Rate external memory controller (OCM2DDR) for Virtex II Pro is described. The proposed OCM2DDR controller comprises Data Side OCM (DSOCM) bus interface module, read and write... more
A suffix tree is a fundamental data structure for string searching algorithms. Unfortunately, when it comes to the use of suffix trees in real-life applications, the current methods for constructing suffix trees do not scale for large... more
We describe techniques that are useful for the detection of dense subgraphs (quasi-cliques) in massive sparse graphs whose vertex set, but not the edge set, fits in RAM. The algorithms rely on efficient semi-external memory algorithms... more
This paper reports the results of an extensive user study that examined information seekers' use of their memory and externally recorded search histories in searching for and using information in the legal domain. The ultimate goal of the... more
This work presents an external memory approach to extract the maximal repeats from whole genome sequences with the statistics of these repeats across classes, where the definition of a class is determined from the statistics to be... more
We present an external-memory algorithm to compute a well-separated pair decomposition (WSPD) of a given point set S in ℝd in O(sort(N)) I/Os, where N is the number of points in S and sort(N) denotes the I/O-complexity of sorting N items.... more
In this paper, we propose a novel external-memory algorithm to support view-dependent simplification for datasets much larger than main memory. In the preprocessing phase, we use a new spanned sub-meshes simplification technique to build... more
We consider the read/write streams model, an extension of the standard data stream model in which an algorithm can create and manipulate multiple read/write streams in addition to its input data stream. Like the data stream model, the... more
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) in combination with image sensors opens plethora of opportunities in the wildlife tracking. It provides a glimpse into previously unseen, remote and inaccessible world of some of the most endangered species... more
We develop I/O-efficient algorithms for diameter and all-pairs shortest-paths (APSP). For general undirected graphs G(V,E) with non-negative edge weights and E/V = o(B/ log V) our approaches are the first to achieve o(V 2) I/Os. We also... more
Interfacing in Microprocessor-based Systems with an Advanced Physical Addressing. Mountassar Maamoun1, Boualem Laichi2, Abdelhalim Benbelkacem3, Daoud Berkani4 ... This solution consists in creating a new bus, made up of a data bus, an... more
This paper reports the results of an extensive user study that examined information seekers' use of their memory and externally recorded search histories in searching for and using information in the legal domain. The ultimate goal... more
We study the flow of water on fat terrains, that is, triangulated terrains where the minimum angle of any triangle is bounded from below by a positive constant. We give improved bounds for the worst-case complexity of river networks on... more
Home and office network gateways often employ a cost-effective embedded network processor to handle their network services. Such network gateways have received strong demand for applications dealing with intrusion detection, keyword... more
We present results related to satisfying shortest path queries on a planar graph stored in external memory. Let N denote the number of vertices in the graph and sort(N) denote the number of input/output (I/O) operations required to sort... more
Skyline queries return the set of non-dominated tuples, where a tuple is dominated if there exists another with better values on all attributes. In the past few years the problem has been studied extensively, and a great number of... more
We have developed the University of Washington Image Computing Library (UWICL), the high-performance image processing library for a next-generation mediaprocessor currently under development, named the Media Accelerated Processor... more
Writing is analyzed as thinking that uses paper or other media to externalize and manipulate symbolic expressions. Mental operations of natural language can occur somewhat independently, and they communicate well with language that has... more
We describe an efficient, high-level abstraction, multi-port memory-control unit (MCU) capable of providing data at maximum throughput. This MCU has been developed to take full advantage of FPGA parallelism. Multiple parallel processing... more
Computer processing speeds are increasing rapidly due to the evolution of faster chips parallel processing of data and more e cient software Users today have access to an unprecedented amount of high quality high resolution data through... more
In this paper we present an efficient FPGA implementation of the 'Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees' (SPIHT) algorithm of Said and Pearlman [1] in combination with an arithmetic coder. The FPGA implementation is applied within a... more
We present the interpolation search B-tree (ISB-tree), a new cache-aware indexing scheme that supports update operations (insertions and deletions) in O(1) worst-case block transfers and search operations in O(logBlogn) expected block... more
The performance and cost of an adjustable speed drive (ASD) depends largely on the PWM schemes and the implementation technique. In this paper, a new PWM implementation technique is proposed, where, an external ROM based circuit generates... more
String matching plays a central role in packet inspection applications such as intrusion detection, anti-virus, anti-spam and Web filtering. Since they are computation and memory intensive, software matching algorithms are insufficient to... more
In this paper, we propose a new structure of FPGA based on MRAM technology; we name it MFPGA (Magnetic FPGA). FPGA i based on SRAM technology has been developed in the last years, because of its high speed and near limitless number of... more
The efficient simulation of spiking neural networks (SNN) remains as an open challenge. Current SNN computing engines are still far away of being able to efficiently simulate systems of millions of neurons. This contribution describes a... more
We present results related to satisfying shortest path queries on a planar graph stored in external memory. Let N denote the number of vertices in the graph and sort(N ) denote the number of input=output (I=O) operations required to sort... more
This paper describes a system able to acquire, process and eliminate noise in continuous streams of data in real-time. The signal processing algorithms were based on the discrete wavelet transform and employ a new approach to deal with... more
We have developed the University of Washington Image Computing Library (UWICL), the high-performance image processing library for a next-generation mediaprocessor currently under development, named the Media Accelerated Processor... more
We introduce a new variant of the popular Burrows-Wheeler transform (BWT) called Geometric Burrows-Wheeler Transform (GBWT). Unlike BWT, which merely permutes the text, GBWT converts the text into a set of points in 2-dimensional... more
A suffix tree is a fundamental data structure for string searching algorithms. Unfortunately, when it comes to the use of suffix trees in real-life applications, the current methods for constructing suffix trees do not scale for large... more
Externalism holds that the individuation of mental content depends on factors external to the subject. This doctrine appears to undermine both the claim that there is a priori self-knowledge, and the view that individuals have privileged... more
- by Klaas Kraay
Peer-to-peer networks have recently gained importance as environments for digital libraries. In this paper, we describe Pepper, a peer-to-peer network for supporting two important access modes, searching and browsing. Pepper seamlessly... more
An implicit data structure for the dictionary problem maintains n data values in the first n locations of an array in such a way that it efficiently supports the operations insert, delete and search. No information other than that in Oð1Þ... more
This paper deals with the topic of learning through neuroevolutionary algorithms in non-stationary settings. This kind of algorithms that evolve the parameters and/or the topology of a population of Artificial Neural Networks have... more