Evolutionary Game Theory
Recent papers in Evolutionary Game Theory
Morality is serious yet it needs to be reconciled with the free play of alternatives that characterizes rational and ethical agency. Beginning with a sketch of the seriousness of morality modeled as a constraint, this paper introduces a... more
One can restructure institutions, but if individual-level motivations for corrupt behavior are not understood, these restructuring may not be effective. We introduce an evolutionary-game modeling to deal with the problem of corruption... more
Abstract Next-generation wireless networks will integrate multiple wireless access technologies to provide seamless mobility to mobile users with high-speed wireless connectivity. This will give rise to a heterogeneous wireless access... more
The broader adoption of the EPR in healthcare settings has brought with it much greater attention to the significant issues regarding security, confidentiality and privacy of healthcare information. The economic, social and political... more
The analysis of equilibrium points in biological dynamical systems has been of great interest in a variety of mathematical approaches to biology, such as population genetics, theoretical ecology or evolutionary game theory. The maximal... more
Both conventional wisdom and empirical evidence suggest that arranging a prior commitment or agreement before an interaction takes place enhances the chance of reaching mutual cooperation. Yet it is not clear what mechanisms might... more
Indirect reciprocity is an important mechanism for promoting cooperation among self-interested agents. Simplified, it means you help me, therefore somebody else will help you (in contrast to direct reciprocity: you help me, therefore I... more
Evolutionary game models normally have a finite set of strategies. Recently, evo- lutionary games with continuous spaces of strategies have been introduced by Dan Friedman and Joel Yellin, under the name landscape dynamics. In one example... more
In this paper we present the design and implementation of a small-scale marine sensor network. The network monitors the temperature in the Baltic Sea on different heights from the water surface down to the bottom. Unlike many other... more
This paper examines the role of pro-social behavior as a mechanism for the establishment and maintenance of cooperation in resource use under variable social and environmental conditions. By coupling resource stock dynamics with social... more
In this paper we will solve some linear programming problems by solving systems of differential equations using game theory. The linear programming problem must be a classical constraints problem or a classical menu problem, i.e. a... more
The handicap principle is one of the most influential ideas in evolutionary biology. It asserts that when there is conflict of interest in a signaling interaction signals must be costly in order to be reliable. We show how the handicap... more
ABSTRACT. This paper critically reviews Ken Binmore's non-utilitarian and game theoretic solution to the Arrow problem. Binmore's solution belongs to the same family as Rawls' maximin criterion and requires the use of Nash... more
This book is about the three identities of the videogame, the gamer, and Game Studies. I write that there are no definitive truths but rather discourses and constructions; ideas, actions, beliefs, and practices related to videogames are... more
A substantial effort has been devoted to various adaptive techniques of systems. Most of these concepts work in the control domain, where every system only has one controller. Yet, for the multi-controller counterpart -dynamic games,... more
Colman, AM, & Wilson, JC (1997). Antisocial personality disorder: An evolutionary game theory analysis. Legal and Criminological Psychology, 2, 23-34. [Discussed in R. Matthews, “Game Theory Backs Crackdown on Petty Crime”, New Scientist,... more
I use sim-max games to investigate the conditions under which real world properties will be categorized together perceptually. I argue that given this work we should neither expect perceptual categories to be perfect dependable, or... more
The goal of this thesis is twofold. First, intention recognition is studied from an Artificial Intelligence (AI) modeling perspective. We present a novel and efficient intention recognition method that possesses several important... more
Social scientists and folk views have long had it that there is an association between religiosity and prosocial behaviour, but hard evidence for such a relationship is limited. Studies show that religiosity is correlated with... more
Game theory is one of the key paradigms behind many scientific disciplines from biology to behavioral sciences to economics. In its evolutionary form and especially when the interacting agents are linked in a specific social network the... more
Game theory is the mathematical study of strategy and conflict. It has wide applications in economics, political science, sociology, and, to some extent, in philosophy. Where rational choice theory or decision theory is concerned with... more
Why are we good? Why are we bad? Questions regarding the evolution of morality have spurred an astoundingly large interdisciplinary literature. Some significant subset of this body of work addresses questions regarding our moral... more
Coevolution in economic systems plays a key role in the dynamics of contemporary societies. Coevolution operates when, considering several evolving realms within a socioeconomic system, these realms mutually shape their respective... more
Reservoir systems with multiple operators can benefit from coordination of operation policies. To maximize the total benefit of these systems the literature has normally used the social planner’s approach. Based on this approach operation... more
In this paper we survey the basics of Reinforcement Learning and (Evolutionary) Game Theory, applied to the field of Multi-Agent Systems. This paper contains three parts. We start with an overview on the fundamentals of Reinforcement... more
The evolution in animals of a first possession convention, in which individuals retain what they are the first to acquire, has often been taken as a foundation for the evolution of human ownership institutions. However, among humans,... more
Preface (stream-split proportions and stock-recruitment relation) and economic factors (harvest costs and benefits) incorporate Markovian stochastic elements. The implications of alternative knowledge-structures are explored, through... more
Psychological game theory encompasses formal theories designed to remedy game-theoretic indeterminacy and to predict strategic interaction more accurately. Its theoretical plurality entails second-order indeterminacy, but this seems... more
One of the major puzzles in evolutionary theory is how communication and information transfer are possible when the interests of those involved conflict. Simply put, communication is possible if there are substantial costs associated... more
Social punishment has been suggested as a key approach to ensuring high levels of cooperation and norm compliance in one-shot interactions. However, it has been shown that it only works when punishment is highly cost-efficient. On the... more
We give a mechanism fully implementing envy-free divisions such that: strategy spaces are symmetric, the set of Nash equilibria is a global attractor for the best-reply dynamics. As a byproduct, undesired mixed-strategy equilibria are... more
Evolutionary games have considerable unrealized potential for modeling substantive economic issues. They promise richer predictions than orthodox game models but often require more extensive speci®cations. This paper exposits the... more
We explore how evolutionary game dynamics have to be modi"ed to accomodate a mathematical framework for the evolution of language. In particular, we are interested in the evolution of vocabulary, that is associations between signals and... more
I probe the judgments of the agreeable that we make about food and drink. I first separate different concerns that we might have with food and drink. After that, I address expressive language by first sketching an evolutionary... more