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Acknowledgements; Abbreviations; Catalogue of Etruscan Mirrors and Handles in Northeastern Collections; Amherst, Massachusetts: Mead Art Museum, Amherst College; Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania: Glencairn Museum, Academy of the New Church; Bryn... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyClassicsArt HistoryHistory of Art
Despite the name of the publication, these catalog entries are focused primarily on Etruscan, Roman and Hellenistic votive and funerary objects.
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      Etruscan ArchaeologyEtruscan Funerary ArtHellenistic artRoman Sarcophagi
Thanks to the increasing multidisciplinary approach to the analysis of votive contexts, a meaningful amount of information about both archaeological finds and associated faunal remains is available, giving way to interpretations about... more
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      EtruscanEtruscan ArchaeologyEtruscan TombsEtruscan Funerary Art
Updated attached exel file only, 3.09.2024. Updated to include corrections of mirrors. One mirror carries the name TIRANAII (Tyrhenni). It is the oldest extant document containing the name Herodotus referred to and may predate Herodotus'... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyAnthropological LinguisticsLanguages and Linguistics
Acknowledgments; History of the Collection of Etruscan; And Praenestine Mirrors in Oxford; Catalogue of the Mirrors; Ashmolean Museum (1-24); Claydon House (25); Pitt Rivers Museum (26-27); Appendix: Laboratory Analysis of Metallic... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyClassicsArt HistoryMuseum Studies
A cura di G. Sassatelli - A. Gaucci. Testi di G. Baldini, M. Cavalieri, P. Desantis, A. Gaucci, E. Govi, R. Macellari, L. Minarini, A.C. Penzo, C. Pizzirani, G. Sassatelli. A cura di Sassatelli Giuseppe e Gaucci Andrea Anno di Edizione:... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyArt HistoryDecorative Arts
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      EtruscologyEtruscan Mirrors
This fascicle of the Corpus Speculorum Etruscorum, which has been long in the making, is a collaborative effort between colleagues and friends: Evelyn Bell and Helen Nagy. Evelyn Bell contributed the catalogue entries on the mirrors in... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyEtruscanEtruscan ArchaeologyEtruscan Funerary Art
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      LanguagesHistoryClassical ArchaeologyNear Eastern Archaeology
Within the thriving production of Etruscan bronze mirrors, it has been possible to identify a small group that, in our opinion, is particularly influenced by Attic red-figure pottery. These mirrors are decorated with complex mythological... more
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      Cosmology (Anthropology)Etruscan ArchaeologyEtruscan Funerary ArtCosmology
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      EtruscanEtruscan ArchaeologyEtruscan TombsEtruscan Funerary Art
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      EtruscanEtruscan ArchaeologyEtruscan TombsEtruscan Funerary Art
Engraved bronze mirrors are among the more numerous artifacts left behind by the Etruscans, providing us with much information about both the people who created these objects and those who owned them or gave them as funeral offerings, as... more
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      Ancient ArtEtruscan ArchaeologyEtruscan Funerary ArtEtruscan Mirrors
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      Etruscan ArchaeologyEtruscologyEtruscan studiesEtruscan and pre-Roman archaeology
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      Mythology And FolkloreArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyMythology
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS INTRODUCTION ABBREVIATIONS CATALOGUE Oslo, Kunstindustrimuseum Gteborg, Stadsmuseum Lund, Cultural History Museum Mora, Zorn Collection Stockholm, Museum of Mediterranean and Near Eastern Antiquities Private Collections... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyClassicsEtruscan
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      Critical TheoryPhilologyCultural StudiesClassical Archaeology
P. Amann, S. Brenner, S. Kluge, K. Zhuber-Okrog, Etruskische Spiegel in Österreich (EtMirA). Vorstellung des neuen FWF-Projekts und erste Ergebnisse / Etruscan Mirrors in Austria (EtMirA). Presentation of the new FWF-project and first... more
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      Etruscan ArchaeologyEtruscologyEtruscan studiesEtruscan Mirrors
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      EtruscanEtruscan ArchaeologyEtruscan TombsEtruscan Funerary Art
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      Greek MythEtruscan Mirrors
Etruscan cities facing the sea-Caere, Tarquinia, Vulci, Populonia, and Pisa-as well as those located farther inland, such as Roselle, Vetulonia, and Volterra, rose, except for Populonia, on raised mounds or spurs at a certain distance... more
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      EtruscanEtruscan ArchaeologyEtruscan TombsEtruscan Funerary Art
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      IconographyHistory Of EmotionsEtruscanMirrors
Una recente ricerca condotta presso l'Archivio Centrale dello Stato di Roma ha consentito di reperire alcuni preziosi documenti 1 , rimasti sorprendentemente finora inediti, che chiariscono le circostanze e le coordinate topografiche... more
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      EtruscanEtruscan ArchaeologyEtruscologyEtruscan language
Bibliographie de Miklós Szabó / 11 DÁVID BARTUS Les manches de couteau à représentation de gladiateur de l'époque romaine / 27 MICHEL BATS Les dédicants gaulois du sanctuaire d'Aristée de la chôra d'Olbia de Provence (Hyères, Var)... more
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      Etruscan ArchaeologyEtruscologyEtruscologiaMonte Bibele
Despite the historic and archaeological interest which takes on the Etruscan mirrors collection of the National Archaeological Museum of Parma, an exhaustive publication concerning this subject was missing to this day. The present book... more
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      History of ArchaeologyEtruscologyEtruscan Mirrors
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      GeographyHistorical GeographyHistorical LinguisticsIndo-european language reconstruction
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      EtruscanEtruscan ArchaeologyEtruschiTuscia
Anteprima del volume
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      Etruscan Po ValleyEtruscan MirrorsEtruscan bronze mirrors
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyAnthropologyClassics
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      Ancient Technology (Archaeology)Etruscan ArchaeologyEtruscan Mirrors
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      MythologyIndo-european language reconstructionAnatolian StudiesRomanian History
Chapter 3 from The Moral Mirror of Roman Art
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      Art HistoryRoman ReligionMysteries (Greek Religion)History of Art
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      ArchaeologyFunerary ArchaeologyCeltic ArchaeologyEtruscan Archaeology
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      Etruscan languageEtruscan Mirrors
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      EtruscologyCerveteriEtruscan Mirrors
Mémoire de Master 2. Sous la direction d'Agnès Rouveret. Université de Paris Ouest, Nanterre - La Défense, Mention Histoire de l'art et Archéologie, Spécialité "Archéologie". Année universitaire 2013-2014.
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      MythologyEtruscologyHelen of SpartaHelen of Troy
in L'Antiquité Classique 86, 2017, p. 588-589.
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      Greek EpigraphyPtolemaic EgyptGreek SculptureHellenistic Sculpture
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      Etruscan ArchaeologyArms and ArmourEtruscan BronzesEtruscan Mirrors
[Figured mirror. Technical osservations; The inscriptions]
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      ClassicsEpigraphy (Archaeology)EtruscanEtruscan Archaeology
... 117, 1 (2005) p. 269-282. Monterenzio (prov. de Bologne) : la nécropole celto-étrusque de Monterenzio Vecchio. Anna Bondini, Philippe Charlier 1 , Thierry Lejars 2 , Venturino Naldi 3 , Stephane Verger 2 , Daniele Vitali 2, 3. (2005).... more
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      ArchaeologyFunerary ArchaeologyCeltic ArchaeologyEtruscan Archaeology
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    • Etruscan Mirrors