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      EthnobotanyMedicinal PlantsPhytotherapyEthnobotany in Europe
Anticholinergic plants of the family Solanaceae have a long history of use as medicines, poisons , and recreational drugs. Though they were the intoxicating substances of choice throughout Europe for centuries, their use for these... more
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      BotanyEthnobotanyTraditional Ecological KnowledgeTraditional Environmental Knowledge
Species diversity in home gardens in Eastern Tyrol (Austria) has increased during recent decades. Now, 587 species are cultivated, including 75 endangered species. Species were introduced from natural ecosystems, agroecosystems and the... more
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      EthnobotanyAgrobiodiversityHomegardensEthnobotany in Europe
Acorns are not as well documented in archaeobotanical studies as other fruits and seeds, but their role in European and world prehistory and ethnography is evident. In Polish written sources they are described rather as famine food and... more
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      ArchaeobotanyEthnobotany in EuropeBotany of Useful Plants
Ethnopharmacological relevance Recent studies have shown that groups sharing the same or very similar environments, but with diverse cultural backgrounds (e.g. different ethnos and/or religion) have considerably different knowledge of... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryAnthropologyFolklore
The present article sought to evaluate the efficiency of various folk preparation methods commonly used in Europe for employing anticholinergic Solanaceae plants. The study aimed to uncover which folk methods were effective for the... more
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      BotanyEthnobotanyTraditional Ecological KnowledgeEthnopharmacology
Ethnopharmacological relevance: Mixtures of wild food plants, part of the Mediterranean diet, have potential benefits for their content in bioactive compounds, minerals and fibres. In Italy, wild plants are still consumed in various ways,... more
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      Food PlantsEthnobotany in Europe
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    • Ethnobotany in Europe
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryHistory of Science and TechnologyBotany
Setzenes Trobades Culturals Pirinenques: Els Pirineus marítims. Andorra la Vella: Societat Andorrana de Ciències, 2020, p. 181-190.
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Ethnopharmacological relevance The Norse berserkers were wild warriors of Scandinavia known to enter a trance-like state that allowed them to fight with increased strength and a rage that granted them immunity to many forms of harm in... more
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      EthnobotanyViking Age ScandinaviaVikingsHistorical ethnobotany
Тази книга е посветена на магията на растенията и тяхното място в живота и духовния свят на нас, хората. Нека чрез знанието да виждаме в растенията и света около нас не само тяхното материално присъствие, а също да се докоснем до... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreEthnobotanyMedicinal PlantsFolk magic
Peasants in the pre-industrial Sweden made their own clothes of skin and wool. In the 18th-19th centuries, the primary source of dye for wool were wild plants, including roots, berries, bark, leaves, lichen and, later, fungi. Plants would... more
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      Traditional Knowledge and EthnobiologyEconomic botanyPEASANT ECONOMYEthnobotany in Europe
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      FolkloreEthnobotanyIncunabulaManuscript Studies
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    • Ethnobotany in Europe
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      EthnobotanyEthnobotany, Ethnobiology, EthnoecologyEthnobotany in Europe
За отношенията хора - растения; people - plants relationships
Project: Градината – място на биокултурно разнообразие и интердисциплинарно пресичане (The Garden: Site of Biocultural Diversity and Interdisciplinary Junction)
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      EthnobotanyBulgariaCultural Heritage and Ethnology/anthropology ResearchEthnobotany, Ethnobiology, Ethnoecology
This book reports on an old and venerable discipline, the study of European wild food plants and herbal medicines, invigorated by a new generation of researchers pursuing modern ethnobotanical studies in new contexts. It offers new... more
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      Traditional Ecological KnowledgeEthnobotany in Europe
Article issu de l'atelier d'ethnobotanique « Corps à corps pour faire corps avec les plantes » dirigé par Florence Brunois-Pasina, qui s'est tenu en avril 2018 à Salagon.
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      EmotionAnthropologyEthnobotanySocial and Cultural Anthropology
La plupart des objets exposés dans les musées ethnographiques ont été confectionnés à partir de matériaux naturels : minéraux, animaux ou végétaux. Parmi ces objets, on trouve également un certain nombre de plantes : médicinales,... more
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      EthnobotanyMedicinal PlantsEthnobotany, Ethnobiology, EthnoecologyEthnobotany in Europe
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Wild food and fungi use in the countryside has always been an important part of human-nature relationships. Due to social changes in most rural areas of Europe this part of traditional ecological knowledge is shrinking. The aim of our... more
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      EthnobotanyAnthropology of FoodMaramuresCarpathian-Pannonian region
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      EthnobotanyHistorical ethnobotanyEthnobotany in Europe
Ficha que recoge  los conocimientos tradicionales relacionados con la gestión,  cultivo, manejo y usos del lino (Linum usitatissimum) en las diferentes regiones del Estado Español en las que se ha cultivado esta planta de forma tradicional.
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      EthnobotanyIberian StudiesMedicinal PlantsEthnobotany in Europe
Ficha que recoge los conocimientos tradicionales relacionados con la gestión, cultivo, manejo y usos de la zanahoria (Daucus carota subsp. sativus) en las diferentes regiones del Estado Español en las que se ha cultivado esta planta de... more
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      EthnobotanyIberian StudiesMedicinal PlantsEthnobotany in Europe
European medicinal plants have attracted scholars since ancient times. However, ethnobotanical studies in a modern sense, based on well-defined methods, aims and appropriate documentation, were not introduced in Europe until the mid-19th... more
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      Cultural HistoryEthnobotanyHistory of MedicineEthnopharmacology
Cultural Importance Indices: A Comparative Analysis Based on the Useful Wild Plants of Southern Cantabria (Northern Spain). This paper compares four indices based on informant consensus. Each index aims to assess the cultural significance... more
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      Quantitative EthnobotanyCantabrian RegionEthnobotany in Europe
В статье представлен этимологический и лингвогеографический анализ слов пучка и умра, зафиксированных в русских говорах Прикамья и обозначающих различные зонтичные растения (Heracleum sibiricum L., Angelica archangelica L., Conium... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsLexicologyHistorical LinguisticsEthnobotany
This study reports on the ethnobotanical knowledge in the area of Agro Nocerino Sarnese to help complete the knowledge of the traditional plant use in Campania region. Medical applications have been focused and analysed using quantitative... more
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      Biodeterioration and BiodegradationEthnobotany in Europe
Among the several thousand parasitic plants that thrive in a wide range of ecosystems, a few hold a special position, either for their scientific interest, economic importance, or historical relevance. Cynomorium belongs to the latter,... more
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      Traditional MedicineTraditional, Complementary and Alternative MedicineEthnomedicineTraditional Chinese Medicine
Papaver is popular component in European mythologies, fairy tales, rituals and short forms of folklore (oral literature), it appears as a specific cultural construct. Main goal of the article is to analyze the meanings of this plant... more
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      Folklore (Literature)Folklore (Anthropology)Folk and Fairy TalesPlants
In many agricultural and hunter-gatherer communities, edible wild plants are still a relevant food source, although their use has been, in many cases, undervalued. In this sense, acorns have been known as a foodstuff in written sources... more
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      Experimental ArchaeologyEthnobotanyIberian Prehistory (Archaeology)Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula
The article comprises naming principles according to systematic botany and folk categorization in Estonian. First attempts to fix Estonian plant names were made at the beginning of 1920ies, since that multiple vernacular plant names were... more
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      EthnobotanyHistory of EstoniaEstoniaSystematic Botany, Taxonomy, History of Botany
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      EthnobotanyEthnobotany in Europe
This research contributes to a better understanding of the criteria used for the selection of plants for making beverages. Worldwide, not only the leaves of Camellia sinensis, but also various other plants are used for making tea. We... more
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      Landscape EcologyEnvironmental EducationClimate ChangeEthnobotany
« Ateliers ethnobotaniques », « sorties ethnobotaniques », « jardins ethnobotaniques » : l’ethnobotanique est à la mode. Historiquement pratiquée au Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle et délaissée par les universités, la discipline est... more
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      EthnobotanyEthnobotany, Ethnobiology, EthnoecologyEthnobotany in Europe
European folk medicine has a long and vibrant history, enriched with the various documented uses of local and imported plants and plant products that are often unique to specific cultures or environments. In this paper, we consider... more
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      EthnobotanyFolk MedicineMedicinal PlantsEthnomedicine
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      Ethnobotany in EuropeWild edible plants
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      EthnobotanyWeed ScienceTraditional Ecological KnowledgeEthnobiology
Background: The Republic of Georgia (Sakartvelo in Georgian language) is part of the Caucasus biodiversity hotspot, and human agricultural plant use dates bat at least 6000 years. However, little ethnobiological research has been... more
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      EthnobotanyCaucasusSouth CaucasusEthnobotany in Europe
Chios, one of the largest islands in the Eastern Mediterranean, became internationally known during the 13th century due to the production of the Chios mastic in twenty one villages on the south, the resin of the mastic tree (Pistacia... more
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      Historical GeographyEthnobotanyInternational TradeCommunity Engagement & Participation
Svaneti and Racha-Lechkumi are historical provinces of Georgia, located on the south-facing macro-slope of the western part of the Greater Caucasus. Svaneti has always been one of the more accessible mountain regions of Georgia, and... more
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      EthnobotanyEthnomedicineEtnobotánicaEthnobotany in Europe
Background: Changing lifestyles have recently caused a severe reduction of the gathering of wild food plants.
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      EthnobotanyEthnobotany, Ethnobiology, EthnoecologyNutritional Value of Edible Plants in the WildEthnobotany in Europe
During the pregnancy period, the pregnant woman becomes vulnerable to certain pathologies. In rural areas, several plants are used to treat pregnant women. The objective of this study was to inventory the plants used by traditional... more
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      EthnobotanyEthnobotany in Europe
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      HomegardensGardensSpain (Mediterranean Studies)Catalonia
Речник српских народних веровања о биљкама Веселина Чајкановића је једно од најисцрпнијих и најсистематичнијих дела по- свећених народним знањима и веровањима о магијским и лековитим својствима биљака код Срба. Поред етноботаничких... more
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      EthnobotanyPlant Taxonomy (Taxonomy)Cognitive AnthropologyFolk Religion
To use any domestic remedy, specific knowledge and skills are required. Simple logic dictates that the use of wild plants in the context of limited interaction with nature requires prior identification, while in the case of non-plant... more
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      SociologyEthnobotanyBelarusian StudiesComplementary and Alternative Medicine
Giant knotweed and rowanberry bitters: post-modern ethnobiology on art, food inspiration and preppers
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      EthnobotanyEthnobiologyEthnobotany in EuropeApplied ethnobotany
Background: Archipelagos of islands have played an important role in shaping some of the paradigms of biology, including the theory of the evolution of species. Later, their importance in biology was further emphasised by the theory of... more
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    • Ethnobotany in Europe
Ficha que recoge los conocimientos tradicionales relacionados con la gestión, cultivo, manejo y usos del trigo sarraceno (Fagopyrum esculentum) en las diferentes regiones del Estado Español en las que se ha cultivado esta planta de... more
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      EthnobotanyIberian StudiesMedicinal PlantsEthnobotany in Europe