Environmental Information System
Most cited papers in Environmental Information System
Smartphones are both green technologies and an integral parts of green information systems that are beginning to make serious contributions toward a sustainable environment. We trace the rise of the smartphone, with particular attention... more
We present preliminary results of our joint investigations to monitor and mitigate environmental pollution, a leading contributor to chronic and deadly health disorders and diseases affecting millions of people each year. Using... more
The Danjiangkou reservoir lies in the upper Hanjiang basin and is the source of water for the Middle Route Project (MRP) under the South-to-North Water Transfer Scheme (SNWT) in China. The eco-environment of water resource areas plays an... more
Meta information systems are tools to organize and document the large and ever growing resources of environmental and geospatial data compiled by government agencies, academia, non-government organizations, and industry. Their main... more
Every year between one and two million African children under five die of malaria. If one adds to this the contribution of malaria to all-cause infant mortality then clearly the burden of the disease is catastrophic — a disaster quietly... more
Environmental information is available to managers through a broad range of methods and tools, from raw data provision to knowledge-based decision support systems. The design of 'environmental information systems' (EISs) to enhance the... more
Background, aim and scope This paper presents a preliminary study of the water profile with reference to microbiological parameters, required by Directive 2006/07/EC (European Community 2006) concerning the management of bathing water... more
The pressure on environmental systems is increasing worldwide due to population growth and the consequences of climate change. Adaptable tools and methods are needed to elaborate information, develop understanding and strategies for... more
The provision of accurate, comprehensive and condensed information contained in distributed environmental information systems via public search interfaces raises several technological challenges. Our approach to tackle these challenges is... more
Citizens are increasingly aware of the influence of environmental and meteorological conditions on the quality of their life. This results in an increasing demand for personalized environmental information, i.e., information that is... more
A very large number of data sources on environment, energy, and natural resources are available worldwide. Unfortunately, users usually face several problems when they want to search and use relevant information. In the Ecobase project,... more
Due to the globalization of the information and knowledge society on the Internet, modern Web-based Information Systems (WIS) must be flexible and prepared to be easily accessible and manageable in real-time. In recent times it has... more
Purpose -Over the past 50 years India has been experiencing rapid population growth, causing the migration of a large part of the population to the cities looking for livelihood. This resulted in massive increments of population in the... more
The Institute of Environmental Engineering at the University of Pannonia has undertaken the challenge to develop an online environmental information system. This system is able to receive and process the collected environmental data via... more
Abstrakt Ein System ist entwickelt worden, das auf dem SPINE-Datenmodell basiert. Das System ist modularisiert, einschließlich der SPINE-Datenbanken, der besonders geentworfenen Daten, die Software anfassen, der dynamischen Web-Seiten für... more
In many Environmental Information Systems the actual observations arise from a discrete monitoring network which might be rather heterogeneous in both location and types of measurements made. In this paper we describe the architecture and... more
One of the most prominent themes concerning environment is the inner and marine water protection. The information required for developing such a theme is very large, having to cover numerous and various fields of knowledge: geography,... more
In this paper we present the web-based River Basin Information System (RBIS) for data management, analysis and exchange as an integral standalone part of the Integrated Landscape Management System (ILMS). Its architectural layout will be... more
This article aims to be a contribution to the improvement of agricultural and environmental official statistics.
Die Informatik hat die Anwendung ihrer Methoden und Techniken in Umweltschutz, Umweltforschung und Umweltplanung zu einer Spezialdisziplin zusammengefaßt, die seit einigen Jahren als Umweltinformatik bezeichnet wird. Die Umweltinformatik... more
In Santiago de Chile and other cities in Chile, air pollution is a dramatic problem. An Environmental Information System (EIS) based on air quality models is extremely valuable in order to support users in governmental administrations and... more
This paper aims at describing how the E 2 SP (Environmental Enterprise Service Provider) system supports the local and regional environmental agencies in fulfilling their daily reporting and data analysis activities, trough providing a... more
Language Technology for Transnational Web Services Multilinguality and Cross Cultural Communication 1 Stephan Busemann TEMSIS DFKI, Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3, D-66123 Saarbrücken [email protected] Summary The growing flood of information on the... more
A prototype petrologic database (MinChem) has been under continual development for several years. MinChem contains petrologic, mineralogical, and bulk-rock geochemical data for Hanford Site sediments collected over multiple decades. The... more
Paper outlines current trends in environmental information management in the Czech Republic specifically in the field of environmental reporting systems. The paper also presents selected results of two research projects "Analysis and... more
Full-text search functions in environmental portals make a large amount of environmental data accessible. Many data sources, however, are not suited for indexing by search machines or the data themselves are not suited for access by... more
Environmental Information System (EIS) development is a complex task involving modeling several aspects of the physical real world and complexity management. Conceptual modeling is an essential premise for a correct development of complex... more
Environmental information systems (EIS) have been in professional use for quite a long time. Applications of this domain often include features of quite common location based services (LBS). This means utilization of space-, time-and... more
Advances in environmental sciences increase the difficulty in creating products that can be readily used by non-experts. In this paper we demonstrate how a carefully designed environmental system is able to provide solutions. While... more
Building environmental information systems is a challenging task. It involves a detailed analysis of the addressee's needs, development of air pollutant concentration assessment and interpretation techniques, which must be tailored to the... more
We sketch the HIPPOLYTOS and the KOIOS system prototypes for simple, keyword-based search in structured environmental data. Built on top of a commercial Spatial Data Warehouse software, the prototypes apply lightweight Semantic Web... more
The Networked Environmental Information System for Global Emissions Inventories (NEISGEI, pronounced "nice-guy,") is an EPA supported initiative to develop a web-based global air emissions inventory network. Part of this effort is the... more
Agriculture in the Netherlands produces high emissions of minerals to soil and ammonia to air, which cause environmental problems. The CLEAN model is a tool to evaluate policy options to reduce these problems. An overview of the model is... more
Recognising soil a key role as regulator of energy and matter flows within agro-ecosystems has led to a growing concern to assess its quality and vulnerability for different applications and to an increasing use of simulation models as... more