Process Analysis of Environmental Reporting
J. Rácek a, b, J. Hrebícek a and T. Pitnerb
Centre of Biostatistics and Analyses, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Abstract: Paper outlines current trends in environmental information management in the Czech Republic
specifically in the field of environmental reporting systems. The paper also presents selected results of two
research projects “Analysis and Design of Environmental Data Models and External Czech Environmental
Information System Interfaces Compatible with the EU” and “Proposal of Communication Framework with
International Environmental Information Systems”. The paper furthermore discusses the developed web
based information system Central Data Model which facilitates the management and monitoring of the
reporting activities that the Czech Republic demands. During the development of environmental reporting (on
national and international levels) system the Unified Modelling Language was used for process modelling and
for the design. Results are applicable not only in the area of public administration but also in the field of
business environmental communication and environmental and sustainability corporate reporting. The global
central data model for environmental information exchange and reporting purposes has been designed to
perform systematic attributing, thereby providing a basis for a central output data warehouse to meet
reporting obligations.
Keywords: Process Analysis, Environmental Information Systems, Information Management, Environmental
Reporting, Unified Modelling Language, Select Perspective Methodology.
Within the framework of the Corporate
Environmental Information System (CEIS), the
Ministry of the Environment (ME) of the Czech
Republic (CR) and The Czech Environmental
Information Agency (CENIA) systematically collect
primary environmental data through monitoring,
statistical research and recording. An example of
significant data source is monitoring network of
Czech Hydrometeorological Institute and Czech
water research Institute. After consolidation,
primary environmental data are stored in the CEIS
as validated data and the chosen environmental
information and indicators are processed by the
Reporting Information System (RIS) and published.
Reporting [Directive, 1999] (i.e. providing information to the European Commission (EC) on a
regular basis) is defined as the preparation of
reports on the implementation of certain directives
and a regular submission of these reports to the
EC, or to the European Environment Agency (EEA)
using the European Environmental Information and
Observation Network (EIONET), see [Hrebícek,
Pitner, Rácek, 2004, 2005]. The EIONET includes
many offices, institutes and organisations of
member states of the European Union (EU) and its
affiliated countries. The EEA coordinate
environmental data exchange with national
repositories of memb er states of EU by means of
the REPORTNET system, see Figure 1.
Figure 1. REPORNET system (source: the EEA)
Currently, it is not possible to make any direct
reporting from the Czech Corporate Environmental
Information System into the RIS and then through
Czech national repositories into REPORTNET and
European repositories due to different attributing,
technology and methodology, [Hrebícek, Pitner,
Rácek, 2004, 2005].
The project “Analysis and Design of
Environmental Data Models and External Czech
Environmental Information System Interfaces
Compatible with the EU” funded by the ME has
been solved at Masaryk University (MU) in Brno
from October 2003 to February 2006 [Hrebícek et al.,
2005]. The research team followed ideas of Denzer
[2005], where the question, how different
environmental information systems can be
integrated in a generic way, is discussed. The
second project “Proposal of Communication
Framework with International Environmental
Information Systems” [Hrebícek et al., 2005a]
started in January 2005. The common objectives of
both projects (mostly of the first) are:
Perform a complete analysis of the current
requirements for environmental reporting and
for environmental data models and external
international viewpoints;
Perform analyses of significant data sources
from the point of view of attributing and
Design and implement an exchangeable
national central data model (CDM);
Prepare the conversion of the existing
information sources of the CEIS into the
Integrate the CDM into the existing structures
of the CEIS and the REPORNET to create
Czech national repository for the efficient
exchange of environmental data and
information at both the national and
international level.
A common output of these projects is the web
( for the management
of national and international environmental
reporting, which is implemented in the CENIA. The
CDM is described further in this paper together
with the methodology of the solution. Its analysis
consists of two basic parts:
Analysis of the reporting obligation and
processes given by legislation;
Analysis of significant national data sources.
The aim of the first part was to identify the
reporting processes included in the national and
European legislation, to specify data structures of
the relevant reports and then to make a comparison
of the identified processes and data structures.
investigators Hrebícek, Pitner, Rácek, [2004, 2004a,
2005] have chosen the simple procedure:
Regulation –> Process –> Data
This procedure respects the basic structure of the
components of the web information system of the
EEA, and involves the following three steps [EEA,
Finding the relevant legislative regulations,
Identification of the reporting processes
implied by these regulations,
Specification of data produced in these
The second part of the analysis has been oriented
to the Czech national data sources which are used
for environmental reporting. This entails the
identification of significant environmental data
sources (information systems of the CEIS) in the
CR, analysing and describing their internal data
formats, finding their relation with reporting
processes and designing data interfaces between
data sources and the reporting management
When creating standards for environmental
reporting and a communication framework in the
communication technology (ICT), it has been
necessary to find a common understanding and
consensus with European trends [Denzer, 2005]. It
is expected that the proposed standards from
projects would allow users (stakeholders, decision
makers, public administration bodies, business
organisation, academicians and citizens) to
environmental data and information on national
and international levels. It has been anticipated to
enable the use of not only environmental
information and data, but also public information
and data created or collected in other domains,
areas, times, situations, etc. by statistical offices,
ministries, universities and institutes of the
Academy of Sciences of the CR [Hrebícek., Pitner,
Benko, 2003].
The web information system CDM presents all
environmental reporting activities and their
reporting processes that are described as process
definition and stored in the reporting process
repository. The CDM function of the process
definition is to describe a reporting process in a
form which supports automated manipulation, such
as modelling, or enactment by a workflow
management system. The process definition
consists of a network of activities and their
relationships, criteria to indicate the start and
termination of the process, and information about
the individual activities, such as participants,
associated ICT applications and data [Hrebícek et
al., 2005]. Processes are invoked automatically by
the CDM and ME reporters take information about
tasks that they should do. Finished reports are
stored in a special repository. The fact, that data
formats of all reports are described inside the
process definitions, enables the creation of the
global data model of the whole environmental
reporting, or the creation of a data model for
selected group of reporting obligations. The basic
functions of the system CDM is shown in
Figure 2.
National Data
Usually, the system analysis has two main phases.
The first phase was Business Process
Reengineering (BPR) when significant processes
have been identified. During BPR, these processes
have been modeled into the form of a UML activity
diagram and a process hierarchy structure was
built. Then the process hierarchy was transformed
to use case structure. Usually one elemental
process in Process Hierarchy Diagram (PHD) has
been transformed into one use case as shown in
Figure 3.
Process Hierarchy
Use Cases
Figure 3. Transformation of process hierarchy
diagram into the use case diagram.
Reporting Data Model
Figure 2. The basic architecture of the
management system for the environmental
Process Modelling (BPM) [Rumbaugh et al., 1991]
[BPM, 2003].
A modified framework of the SELECT Perspective
methodology ( has been
used during development of CDM information
system as a methodology for analysis and design.
The modification consists of using Unified
Modelling Language (UML) at the beginning
phases of the analysis not only for system
architecture description but also for Business
In this way results of process analyses have been
used as a base for high level design of management
information system of environmental reporting.
Described reporting processes have been
transformed into the system use cases.
The Object Modeling Technique (OMT) has been
used in the second phase to describe and
decompose use cases. OMT was developed by
Rumbaugh as a method to develop object-oriented
systems, and to support object-oriented
programming [Rumbaugh, Jacobson, and Booch,
2004]. Together with typical UML models used by
OMT also some other UML tools have been used
to make models of reporting processes and reports.
The new UML tools used during this part of
analysis are activity diagrams, state machine
diagrams and time diagrams. An activity diagram
offers a base view of reporting process and is used
to display the sequence of reporting activities.
Activity diagram shows the workflow from a
reporting process start point to the finish point
detailing the decision paths that exist in the
progression of events contained in the activity.
A state machine diagram models the behavior of a
single environmental report, specifying the
sequence of events that a report goes through
during its lifetime. UML timing diagrams are used
to display the changes in states or values of
reports over time. Moreover, it also shows the
interaction between timed events and the time and
duration constraints that govern them.
The system CDM is implemented on the web server
of the CENIA. It distinguishes two types of
authenticated users. The first user type is the
Analyst, who can insert, update and delete data
coming from legislation analysis. It can also create
requests and search the system database for
information. The second user type is the Person
who can search and read information from the system database, but does not have permission to
change the data. This typical user is an official from
the ME who supervises the project.
Data Source
administrated by
works in
operated by
Information about identified reporting obligations
and their data formats are placed in the data store
Obligation. Thus the entity includes attributes
giving information about the report dates,
periodicity, responsible persons, process scenario,
subsidiary applications and tools, report recipients
as well as input and output formats. The basic
structure of the obligation entity complies with the
structure used in the ROD system but other
attributes respecting the national level have also
been added.
Information about reports is stored in the entity
Report. Data set formats of reports are placed in
the Data set data store. The report data structure is
recorded in the entities Entity including information about data attributes and relationships.
This enables an automatic generation of the actual
data structure of selected reports within the time
period specified.
The main entities describing the national structure
of reporting are the Person and Institute, holding
information about all the response persons and
institutions participating in the environmental
reporting of the Czech Republic. The entity Data
Source is containing metadata about more then
forty environmental information systems of the
CEIS, and the entity Tool is describing the software
tools for reporting. The information about compiled
and completed reports is stored in the entity
SW Tool
operated by
managed by
supported by
reported to
Legal Instrument
Data Entity
consists of
Data Set
Figure 4. The basic architecture of the
management system for the environmental
The CDM system uses five Oracle basic data
stores. Information about legislative regulations is
stored in the Legal instruments data store where
the international and legislative context of the
reporting is placed. This part of the system is fully
compatible with the ROD system of the EEA [EEA,
2004] and is automatically updated from this
Figure 5. Screenshot of CDM system – Reporting
obligation list
The CDM system offers a lot of primary functions.
The group of editing functions inserts, up-dates
and deletes data of all entities and configures
reporting obligations and reporting processes in
the system. The system search functions are based
on SQL technology and are oriented mainly (but
not only) to information about reporting
obligations and their datasets. Searching of a
reporting obligation can be done by combination of
17 requirements and constraints. For example,
system enables to generate a group of actual
reporting obligation of selected institute or person
in random time period and generate the data model
and the list of data sources which are needful for
reports composition.
These functions are also used for reporting
management when any reporter is automatically
informed about deadlines of his/her reports and
accessible software tools.
Today’s implementation is built on Apache web
server and Oracle database engine. Java, PHP,
JavaScript and SQL have been used as
programming languages. Templates for data
conversion from national data sources are made in
the form of XML and MS Excel files.
The process of system analyses validated
applicability of UML for modeling of reporting
processes and report states and values. During
system implementation were used mainly freeware
tools. System is programmed in PHP and based on
MySQL database machine.
The information system for international
environmental reporting (CDM) of the Czech
Republic has been developed under the auspices
of the Czech Ministry of the Environment. It
enables the management and monitoring of
reporting activities in the CR and the design of a
global data model for environmental information
exchange and reporting purposes. It also performs
systematic attributing, thereby providing a basis
for a central output data warehouse to meet
reporting obligations.
New European Union legislative requirements
stipulate another field closely related to
informing the public. The solution reflects these
requirements, too. It has to provide an information
base for strategic planning, supra-field information
support for public administration, and cooperation
within the business sphere.
The paper is supported by the Ministry of
Environment of the Czech Republic (project No.
SM 10/99/05).
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