Environmental Finance
Recent papers in Environmental Finance
Fontos, hogy a megújuló energia beruházásokban a helyi önkormányzatok mellett más, tőkeerős, helyi beágyazottságú gazdasági szereplők is részt vegyenek. A vállalati szektor társadalmi szerepvállalásának egyik kiemelt területe a... more
world's total annual milk supply. India has witnessed an increasing trend of goat milk production with a growth rate of 3.82 per cent during 2015-16 (www.nddb.org). Caprine milk fat have smaller fat globules, it is easier to digest than... more
There is a pertinent concern over the continued lending to companies that are still pursuing projects that increase the amount of carbon emissions in the atmosphere. South Africa has most of its energy generation being done through coal... more
This is an age of technology. Now, all types of organizations are adopting the modern technology for providing efficient services to the customers. This study is an attempt to find out the significant factors that affecting the customer "... more
Mainstream environmentalism and critical scholarship are abuzz with the promise and perils (respectively) of what we call for-profit biodiversity conservation: attempts to make conserving biodiverse ecosystems profitable to large-scale... more
Green finance plays an important role in environmental protection missions and fighting climate change. The Environment Fund in Vietnam is the main channel of preferential capital offered to firms for environmental protection.... more
This is an age of technology. Now, all types of organizations are adopting the modern technology for providing efficient services to the customers. This study is an attempt to find out the significant factors that affecting the customer... more
International funding is an important source of financing for biodiversity projects and, by extension, to the financing of protected areas. This study presents some systematic knowledge about the extent of international aid for projects... more
We assess the value of stranded coal-fired power plants in Germany due to the critical phase-out by 2038. Within a Monte Carlo simulation, the scenarios under consideration (a slow decommissioning at the end of the technical lifetime in... more
There is a pertinent concern over the continued lending to companies that are still pursuing projects that increase the amount of carbon emissions in the atmosphere. South Africa has most of its energy generation being done through coal... more
Mainstream environmentalism and critical scholarship are abuzz with the promise and perils (respectively) of what we call for-profit biodiversity conservation: attempts to make conserving biodiverse ecosystems profitable to large-scale... more
The initiation of BRICS Bank has come at the right moment to make the global financial architecture broad-based for funding the need of the developing world breaking the domination of the World Bank (WB) and International Monetary Fund... more
The initiation of BRICS Bank has come at the right moment to make the global financial architecture broad-based for funding the need of the developing world breaking the domination of the World Bank (WB) and International Monetary Fund... more
Green bonds, an emerging instrument of Chinese environmental economic policy, represents an important step in the country’s effort to systemically transform towards ‘ecological civilization’. The involvement of transnational actors... more
Globalization has accelerated economic growth; however, this growth is thought to be unsustainable. It is associated with environmental degradation, including deforestation, biodiversity loss, global warming, and air pollution.... more
A considerable issue regarding environmental changes is growth positively that depends on to reduce cutting trees and to make green our surroundings as part of economic progress through time. Industrial development truly accelerates the... more