Entheseal Changes
Recent papers in Entheseal Changes
Entheses are always visible on the bone, although with variable forms and degrees of expression. The term "robusticity" indicates the "normal" osseous markings at entheses, while "enthesopathy", indicates the... more
Enthesopathies are alterations that could be present at entheses. Two types of enthesopathies have been defined: osteophytic (OF) and osteolytic (OL). In the present paper, we propose a standardized method to score the degree of... more
Objective. To describe enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) features and characteristic entheseal changes in the knees in patients with seronegative spondyloarthropathy (SpA). Methods. The 56 patients included 30 with psoriatic... more
- by Yasser Emad
The analysis of the effect of age on entheseal changes (EC) and bone robusticity is still of anthropologists' interest. Some researchers assert a strong influence of age on bone morphology in adults, underlining the necessity of age... more
In the year of 2015, the Group of Studies in Human evolution (GEEvH) completed ten years of existence. Since its foundation, GEEvH’s has played an important role in the difficult task of communicating science in Portugal in the field of... more
The aim of this paper is to investigate the relationship between entheseal changes and sexual division of labor in the pre-Hispanic population of Gran Canaria Island (Spain). Ethnohistorical records from the period of contact between... more
ObjectivesThe current article explores the effectiveness of entheseal changes (EC) as skeletal activity markers by testing the correlation between such changes and cross‐sectional geometric (CSG) properties while controlling for the... more
Thrower's elbow (medial epicondylosis) is a rare occupational syndrome today. The lateral to medial (L/M) epicondylar ratio is greater than 1 in living populations. The L/M ratio permits comparisons in past populations. European... more
This article presents a consensus terminology for entheseal changes that was developed in English by an international team of scholars and then translated into French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and German. Use of a standard, neutral... more
Entheseal changes have been widely studied with regard to their correlation to biomechanical stress and their usefulness for biocultural reconstructions. However, anthropological and medical studies have demonstrated the marked influence... more
Differential diagnosis is a fundamental step in every palaeopathological study. It is a challenging exercise since many intrinsic and extrinsic factors may negatively impact the accurate interpretation of bone changes in human skeletal... more
This article presents a consensus terminology for entheseal changes that was developed in English by an international team of scholars and then translated into French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and German. Use of a standard, neutral... more
Studies on identified skeletal collections yield discordant results about the association between osseous changes and activity. These dissonances can be ascribed to several factors: the variability of the osseous changes selected for... more
Entheseal changes have been widely used in anthropology to study activity patterns, but there is an increasing awareness that ageing is associated with these changes. The aim of this study was to test each feature of the new Coimbra... more
This paper explores mechanical stress in the Hellenistic/early Roman community of Menainon (Sicily) to test the existence of sex-based division of labor. For this pur- pose, human skeletal remains from 79 males and 65 females, dating to... more
Apprentissage et reproductibilité d'une méthode de cotation de l'aspect osseux des enthèses fibrocartilagineuses: résultats d'un test effectué lors du Workshop de la Société Suisse d'Anthropologie (Genève, 25 et 26 Juin 2010) [Learning... more
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), musculoskeletal disorders are the most common disability induced or aggravated by occupation and its performance1,2. This relationship has been repeatedly challenged in the study of past... more
In bioarchaeology and forensic anthropology the most reliable skeletal element for sex estimation is the pelvis; nevertheless, when it is missing, other postcranial elements must be used. The main goal of this research is to provide... more
Les fractures du bassin representent entre 1 et 4 % des cas de boiteries du membre pelvien chez le cheval. Elles sont souvent sous-diagnostiquees du fait d’une difficulte d’exploration de cette zone recouverte de muscles volumineux. De... more
Fracturas compresivas de cuerpos vertebrales: Análisis metodológicos e interpretativos en restos... Intersecciones en Antropología-Volumen especial. 2022.
Objectives: To highlight conditions that may cause early-onset degenerative joint disease, and to assess the possible impact of such diseases upon everyday life. Material: Four adults aged under 50 years from a medieval skeletal... more
Twenty non-pregnant doe rabbits, 8 months old (10 New Zealand White; NZW and 10 Californian; CAL) in the second parity of their first year of production were used in this study. After parturition, does are chosen in both the two breeds... more
La enfermedad articular degenerativa (EAD) y los cambios entesiales (CE) fueron estudiados en seis colecciones óseas prehispánicas del noroeste de América del Sur con el objetivo de aportar al debate sobre las relaciones entre estos... more
Entheseal changes (EC), alterations at insertion sites on the bones, may be related to mechanical stress among other causes, and are thus used for decades to reconstruct the activities of human past populations. They can be characterised... more
Lower levels of physical activity are often linked to higher socioeconomic status (SES) in past societies. As an activity marker, changes at muscle attachment sites known as entheseal changes (ECs) have been used with varying efficacy.... more
Investigation of warfare‐related lifestyle based on the activity‐induced skeletal changes is of great interest for bioarchaeologists. Numerous studies have described various skeletal traces connected to the regular practice of different... more
Entheseal changes (EC), alterations at insertion sites on the bones, may be related to mechanical stress among other causes, and are thus used for decades to reconstruct the activities of human past populations. They can be characterised... more
The study of entheseal changes (ECs), that is, osseous changes that occur at muscle attachment sites, has increased in recent years because they have been considered one of the most promising markers of activity in the human skeleton.... more
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), musculoskeletal disorders are the most common disability induced or aggravated by occupation and its performance1,2. This relationship has been repeatedly challenged in the study of past... more
Studies on identified skeletal collections yield discordant results about the association between osseous changes and activity. These dissonances can be ascribed to several factors: the variability of the osseous changes selected for... more
In total 110 skeletons recovered from the Late Bronze Age (ca. 1100/900e760/500 cal. BC) cemetery Liushui, Autonomous Region Xinjiang, China (36 14 0 41.9 00 N, 81 43 0 23 00 E, ca. 2850 m a.s.l.) were suitable for observation of... more
Heel spurs are the bony protrusion seen especially on the dorsal and plantar face of the calcaneus bone at the attachment site of the muscles. It was aimed herein to obtain data about the life styles, daily lives, and especially the... more
The aim of this paper is to investigate the relationship between entheseal changes and sexual division of labor in the pre-Hispanic population of Gran Canaria Island (Spain). Ethnohistorical records from the period of contact between... more
The first objective of this study is to reconstruct levels and types of physical activity and associated sexual and social differences using human skeletal remains from the predominately 19th century Dutch cemetery of Middenbeemster. For... more
In Egypt, during the last ten years, rabbits play crucial role in animal production sector. But, they facing many obstacles including heat stress, diet quality, management skills and recent techniqulaties. In Egypt, rabbits are reared... more
S ....................................................................................................................................................................... 18 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS AND INDEX... more
RESUMEN: Uno de los diversos aspectos analizados por la bioarqueología es el estudio de los patrones de actividad física en restos humanos, en particular a través del análisis de patologías degenerativas articulares y variables... more
In anthropological sciences, muscle attachments are typically utilized for reconstructing the physical activities of past human populations. This approach relies on the concept that entheseal bone morphology is influenced by cumulative... more
Entheseal changes (EC), alterations at insertion sites on the bones, may be related to mechanical stress among other causes, and are thus used for decades to reconstruct the activities of human past populations. They can be characterised... more
A new research way of palaeopathology has recently opened : it concerns the study of the impact of the human activities on the skeleton and the reconstitution of these activities. Being interested essentially in the activity-induced... more
Enthesopathies-that is, ''musculo-skeletal stress markers''-are frequently used to reconstruct past lifestyles and activity patterns. Relatively little attention has been paid in physical anthropology to methodological gaps implicit in... more
Data deposition: Candidatus Evansia muelleri Xc1 genome has been deposited at the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) under the accession PRJEB4944. Xenophyes cascus OF mitochondrion has been deposited at the European Nucleotide Archive... more