Most cited papers in Eloquence
Simgesel sistemiyle görünür olan dil, onu kullanan bireyin evrene ve ögelerine bakışını, düşünüş biçimini sunar ve böylelikle toplumu seslendirerek ve topluma seslenerek yaşama eşlik eder. Anlamı inşa eden insan, dili konuşarak onu... more
This paper analyzes Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot (1954) and Harold Pinter's The Dumb Waiter (2003) by focusing on their affinities and differences. It is an analytical literary study from a linguistic standpoint using Kenny's (2011)... more
As a way of »performing the law«, courtroom speeches have been a fundamental component of the legal ritual and a basic component of lawyers’ identities in many countries with civil law traditions: lawyers have presented themselves and... more
The analysis of the numerous narratives dedicated to the feminine embassy sent to Coriolan shows what makes the specific efficiency of the “matronal speech”. These narratives, written in Greek or in Latin, fit into a tradition and resort... more
This article argues that Kant's attack on the ars oratoria in §53 of the Critique of the Power of Judgment is directed against eighteenth-century school rhetoric, in particular against the "art of speech" (Redekunst) of Johann Christoph... more
La relation entre l'éthique et la rhétorique, largement débattue par les philosophes et les rhétoriciens de l'Antiquité classique, est aussi l'un des thèmes principaux de la littérature égyptienne antique, particulièrement dans les... more
The Judicial Reform of 1864 was a turning point in the life of Russian society. It introduced the system of jury courts and established the profession of an attorney. First forensic orators were heavily influenced by Russian literary... more
The Arabic language has a rich history of literary criticism and theory, starting from the 8th century CE up to the 21st century. This literary criticism and theory engages with a poetic tradition that dates back to pre-Islamic times. The... more
Forme lyrique de circonstance, le toast a connu une grande fécondité au cours du XIXe siècle, une fécondité partisane, collective, à visée démocratique ou en support de propagande. Quand les temps démocratiques s’interrompent en 1851, la... more
A Bibliography of items on the subjects of rhetoric, eloquence, and oratory found in the periodical literature of 18th-century America.
"Language and its Public Features: Reorganizing the Trivium in Locke's Essay and Port-Royal Logic" The new theory of language in the 17th century coincides with the end the traditional order of disciplines in the trivium (grammar, logic... more