Elite Boarding Schools
Recent papers in Elite Boarding Schools
This paper examines how Irish elite schools negotiate change and maintain their legitimacy in times of economic turmoil and rising social inequality. It argues that they have not bowed before the demands of democratisation or economic... more
The number of International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) schools has increased rapidly in China in recent years. However, access to schools offering the IBDP remains restricted to a relatively elite minority of China’s... more
A brief history of the Chefoo School for missionary children and their internment by the Japanese in World War II
This paper draws on fieldwork from the Elite Schools in Globalizing Circumstances multi-sited ethnographic project (funded,by the Australian Research Council) and a reading of the websites of elite schools. This five year project, with a... more
RESUMEN: El presente artículo estudia los colegios reales de internos dentro del sistema educativo liberal decimonónico a partir de un análisis pormenorizado del Real Colegio de San Pablo de Valencia. Mediante el empleo exhaustivo de... more
Article about the Swedish boarding school Lundsberg (in swedish). In the anthology: "fostran i skola och utbildning: Historiska perspektiv". ÅSU vol 212 Uppsala 2012, Anna Larsson (red).
The role of boarding schools in helping to overcome education disadvantage for First Australian young people has received increasing attention, and funding, from government, the media, and private sector investors in recent years.... more
Too little attention has been paid to the school institutions intended to educate and socialize the children of the upper classes. Greece has a significant history of private educational institutions. Yet their history and role within the... more
This article brings studies on elite schools into conversation with studies on colonialism to show how elite status, as constituted through boarding school campuses, is implicated in colonialism. Using document and visual analysis of... more
A cigányság oktatási és ebből következően munkaerő-piaci hátrányai olyan problémaként jelennek meg, amelynek orvosolására számos oktatáspolitikai kezdeményezés született. Habár a rendszerváltozás követően javult a cigányság oktatási... more
This thesis uses the Swedish boarding school Lundsberg to write a global history of elite boarding schools and, more broadly, to reflect upon the transnationally interconnected nature of elites.The research draws on primary sources from... more
Educational Studies: A Journal of the American Educational Studies Association, Special Issue: “Anarchism… is a living force within our life…” Anarchism, Education and Alternative Possibilities http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/heds20/48/1
Although there has been considerable interest in the Chilean education context in recent years, limited attention has been given to the specific educational experiences of social elites. As a starting point, this paper provides a... more
The shape of the paper • Introducing the British 'public' school • Colonisation, empire and the nuancing of the form • Outline of narcissism • The elite school as a narcissistic institution • Identity production and narcissism • From... more
Zusammenfassung: Während Internatsgymnasien in Deutschland im öffentlichen Diskurs wiederholt als Stätten von Elitebildung thematisiert werden, ist bislang kaum etwas über die tatsächliche internatsschulische Sozialisation und ihre... more
Volunteer abroad programs are a burgeoning industry and rite of passage for secondary school students, particularly at elite independent schools, which aspire to produce global leaders. What is the role of racial bodies in making elite... more
This conference proceeding explains how a Waqf-run Islamic boarding school (exemplified by TAZAKKA Modern Islamic Boarding School, Batang, Central Java, Indonesia) can prevent Muslim community from educational gentrification caused by the... more
This investigation examines the legacy of the Third Reich through the prism of education. After the collapse of the Nazi regime in 1945, the United States, Great Britain, the Soviet Union and France divided Germany into four zones of... more
In this article, we use our experiences to demonstrate the limits of the “studying up” metaphor to capture the complexity of the dynamics involved in doing research on groups that occupy positions of power within social hierarchies. The... more
The production of young elites as caring national leaders and global citizens requires regulated racial encounters. At Canadian elite schools, these encounters are formulated as multicultural and humanitarian educational experiences.... more
The preparation of this book are intended to supplement the rules of coaching and mentoring of students in institutions with a model Boarding School especially in Indonesia, which is expected to contribute ideas to the managers and... more
This article focuses on the continuing impact of recuperative masculinity politics in the schooling of economically advantaged boys (elite and middle class); yet, it also indicates resistance to this politics. An understanding that the... more
In this editorial, I reflect on what the authors show us about curricular unruliness at elite schools, in other words, educational experiences that emphasize a digressive approach in the classroom. How does an unruly approach to teaching... more
This book takes us inside the complex lived experience of being a First Nations student in predominantly non-Indigenous schools in Australia. Built around the first-hand narratives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander alumni from... more
Zusammenfassung: Anliegen des Beitrags ist es, die biografieanalytischen Potenziale der Begriffe Identität und Habitus zu diskutieren und ihre Genese anhand der Biografien von ehemaligen Internatsschüler*innen nachzuvollziehen. Mit... more
Good afternoon and thank you for having me here today. A couple of years ago I found myself caught up in a demonstration. Generally, I'm not much of a demonstrator and in this case, it was a Friday afternoon and I was keen to get home. It... more
This paper examines the role re-location has played in shaping the status of elite and middle-class schools in and around London. A Bourdieusian lens is applied to understand the institutional trajectories of 51 schools which moved from... more
Too little attention has been paid to the school institutions intended to educate and socialize the children of the upper classes. Greece has a significant history of private educational institutions. Yet their history and role within the... more
This short blog post describes how elite private schools in England are taking advantage of rising rents on historic property ownership in London. In one case this includes increased rents for university students going straight into the... more
This paper demonstrates what is at stake in the elite school volunteer abroad encounter and argues that these programs should be eliminated. I draw from my ethnographic study of a group of students from an elite Canadian secondary girls’... more
This paper follows the elite school encounters that led to the institutionalization of volunteer abroad programs. I examine the historical elite school encounters to tell the story of the chronological move from the Grand Tour to the... more
The production of young elites as caring national leaders and global citizens requires regulated racial encounters. At Canadian elite schools, these encounters are formulated as multicultural and humanitarian educational experiences.... more
Sociologist Colin Bell pointed out that sociology “can be easily seen as thoroughly implicated in the power structure of society” (1978, p. 25). One way in which this implication is expressed is the way that ethical concerns have become... more