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      NursingTomographyElectrical Impedance TomographyLung
Los procedimientos generalmente utilizados en el laboratorio de función pulmonar informan del comporta-miento global del sistema respiratorio. No obstante, en determinadas circunstancias, como la resección quirúrgica (lobectomía o... more
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      Lung CancerLung FunctionElectrical Impedance TomographyClinical Sciences
Aqueous phase exfoliation was developed for producing high-yield graphene nanosheets from expanded graphite (EG). The process included ultrasonication with sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) emulsion in aqueous phase. The high throughput... more
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      EngineeringPolymerizationPhysical sciencesElectrical Impedance Tomography
Although electrical impedance tomography (EIT) for ventilation monitoring is on the verge of clinical trials, pulmonary perfusion imaging with EIT remains a challenge, especially in spontaneously breathing subjects. In anticipation of... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringClinical TrialPrincipal Component AnalysisTomography
In order to meet the future emissions regulations, nitrogen oxides (NO x ) sensors with a high sensitivity in the low ppm detection range will be required. An integrating NO x sensor concept is proposed for that purpose. In this concept,... more
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      Materials EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryCarbon DioxideElectrical Impedance Tomography
Electrical impedance spectroscopy is a minimally invasive technique that has clear advantages for living tissue characterisation owing to its low cost and ease of use. The present paper describes how this technique can be applied to... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringStatistical AnalysisBreast CancerDiscriminant Analysis
The detection of buried land mines in soil is a well-studied problem; many existing technologies are designed and optimized for performance in different soil types. Research on mine detection in shallow water environments such as beaches,... more
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      WaterSoil MechanicsTomographySensors
Finite element analysis has been used to model the ultrasonic wave propagation both in a custom made transducer and in the tested polymer sample. The model consists of acoustic (passive elements) and electroacoustic (active elements)... more
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      Piezoelectric materialElectrical Impedance TomographyParameter IdentificationFinite element simulation
We call piezoelectromechanical (PEM) truss beam a truss modular beam coupled with a transmission electrical line when the coupling is obtained by piezoelectric actuators which act as bars in the module and as capacitances in the... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsVibration ControlElectrical Impedance Tomography
Electrical impedance spectroscopy is a minimally invasive technique that has clear advantages for living tissue characterisation owing to its low cost and ease of use. The present paper describes how this technique can be applied to... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringStatistical AnalysisBreast CancerDiscriminant Analysis
A new mathematical model for the bulk electrical impedance of human skin is presented. In particular this model describes the impedance of skin during surface functional neuromuscular stimulation (FNS) with square stimulation pulses.... more
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      Nonlinear dynamicsMusclesElectrical Impedance TomographySkin
One of the main causes of damages for wind-turbine power plants is lightning. Direct and indirect events, indeed, can produce damages and malfunctions of electrical and mechanical components. Concerning mechanical components, blades and... more
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      Finite element methodPower PlantWind turbineElectrical Impedance Tomography
... [Buy Via Ask*IEEE]; A. Ramirez, W. Daily, D. LaBrecque, E. Owen, and D. Chesnut, "Monitoring an underground steam injection process using electrical resistance tomography", Water Resources Res., vol.... more
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      Signal ProcessingImage ReconstructionElectrical Impedance TomographyInverse Problem
Abstract-An improved electrical impedance tomographic recon-struction algorithm is presented that is generally guaranteed to con-verge. The algorithm is attractive for several reasons. A modified New-ton-Raphson method varies a... more
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      AlgorithmsBiomedical EngineeringTomographyComputer Simulation
This paper reports the design, development and implementation of a low cost electrical impedance tomography system. A 16 electrode EIT system was designed around a phantom tank. A 60 kHz constant sinusoidal current of up to 1 mA is... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyReconstructionElectrical Impedance Tomography
In this paper, a new approach to obtain sensorless velocity feedback for loudspeakers is developed. The back electromotive force (back-EMF) of the moving coil is estimated by using a disturbance-observer-type estimator based on the coil... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringRobust controlActuatorsActive noise control
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      Cognitive ScienceNeuromodulationChronic PainElectrical Impedance Tomography
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      Critical CareElectrical Impedance Tomography
Ante la posibilidad de realizar un proyecto de investigación se planteó conocer el EIT (método de construcción de imágenes no invasivo e inocuo que permite obtener una sección transversal plana de una estructura tridimensional). El equipo... more
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    • Electrical Impedance Tomography
A multi-frequency electrical impedance tomography system for cardiopulmonary monitoring has been designed with specialized digital signal processors developed primarily for the telecommunications sector. The system consists of two... more
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      AlgorithmsBiomedical EngineeringTelecommunicationsDigital Circuits
Recibido el 24 de junio de 2009; aceptado el 21 de octubre de 2009 Disponible en Internet el 25 de enero de 2010 PALABRAS CLAVE Síndrome de distrés respiratorio agudo; Ventilación mecánica; Tomografía axial computarizada; Lesión asociada... more
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      Computed TomographyAcute respiratory distress syndromeElectrical Impedance TomographyMechanical Ventilation
Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) is a medical imaging modality that is used to compute the conductivity distribution through measurements on the cross-section of a body part. An elliptic geometry model, which defines a more general... more
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      EngineeringMathematicsBiomedical EngineeringFinite element method
In this paper, we employ the concept of the Fisher information matrix (FIM) to reformulate and improve on the "Newton's One-Step Error Reconstructor" (NOSER) algorithm. FIM is a systematic approach for incorporating statistical properties... more
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      BioinformaticsInverse ProblemsTomographyComputer Simulation
The kinetics of iron electrodeposition from acid sulphate solutions onto a platinum electrode was investigated by means of stationary polarisation curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Together with interfacial pH data... more
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      EngineeringKineticsElectrochemical Impedance SpectroscopyPh
The electrical impedance diagnostic methods and instrumentation developed at the Gda ´ nsk and Warsaw Universities of Technology are described. On the basis of knowledge of their features, several original approaches to the broad field of... more
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      Breast CancerElectrical Impedance TomographyElectrical PropertiesBlood Flow
A major factor associated with recent improvements in the clinical performance of cochlear implant patients has been the development of speech-processing strategies based on high stimulation rates. While these processing strategies show... more
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      Nonparametric StatisticsElectrochemistryCatsSafety
In electrical impedance tomography (EIT), current patterns are injected into a subject and boundary voltages are measured to reconstruct a cross-sectional image of resistivity distribution. Static EIT image reconstruction requires a... more
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      AlgorithmsBiomedical EngineeringMesh generationFinite element method
Electrical impedance tomography measurements in clinical applications are limited by an undesired noise component. We have investigated the noise in three systems suitable for imaging epileptic seizures, the UCH Mark1b, UCH Mark2.5 and... more
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      Electrical Impedance TomographyNoise characterization
A study of cerebral hemorrhage detection using computed tomography with head image has been done. The process after detection is the determination of the area and volume of hemorrhage. Image processing techniques used are Segmentation of... more
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      Computer ScienceImage ProcessingComputed TomographyX-ray Tomography
Breathing moves volumes of electrically insulating air into and out of the lungs, producing conductivity changes which can be seen by electrical impedance tomography (EIT). It has thus been apparent, since the early days of EIT research,... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringExperimental ResearchTomographyElectrical Impedance Tomography
Simultaneous in situ UV-Vis-NIR spectro-electrochemical and a.c. impedance techniques have been realized for the first time. Combination of the data obtained by these parallel, independent methods can be exploited in the future in the... more
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      EngineeringConducting PolymersSwitchingElectrical Impedance Tomography
Abstrct-For electrical impedance pneumography, we measured electrode motion artifacts for four different electrode circuits (bipolar, tetrapolar, guarded bipolar, and guarded tetrapolar). Experiments used 10 different electrode... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringElectrical Impedance TomographyRespirationElectrodes
The objective of this paper is to study mixing of two miscible liquids in turbulent flow. Strictly speaking we are studying the performance and mixing patterns of TrumpJet ® mixing system of papermaking chemicals and additives. TrumpJet ®... more
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      Civil EngineeringThree Dimensional ImagingElectrical Impedance TomographyTurbulent Flow
RESUMEN La tomografía por impedancia eléctrica (TIE) es un método de obtención de imágenes tomográficas que, a través de una inyección de corriente, determina una imagen representativa de la distribución de impedancia eléctrica de un... more
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      Electrical EngineeringComputed TomographyElectrical Impedance TomographyBioelectrónica
A prototype confirmation landmine detector, based on electrical impedance tomography (EIT), that can operate under realistic environmental conditions, has been developed. Laboratory and field experiments demonstrated that it is possible... more
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      GeophysicsGeoscience and remote sensingElectrical Impedance TomographyField Experiment
The body composition in overweight and obese hemodialyzed patients (HD) remains ill-defined. This study evaluates in HD patients the influence of body size, as indicated by body mass index (BMI, kg/m(2)), on body composition by measuring... more
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      EducationObesityAnthropometryBody Composition
The objectives of this clinical study were firstly, to assess the effects of breed/genetic group on body composition in dogs using Dual-X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) as the reference method and secondly, to check, in clinical field... more
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      GeneticsAnimal ProductionVeterinary ScienceDogs
Barium strontium gadolinium bismuth niobate (Ba0.1Sr0.81Gd0.06Bi2Nb2O9, BSGBN) ceramics were prepared by using the conventional solid-state reaction method. The dielectric permittivity, modulus and impedance spectroscopy studies on BSGBN... more
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      EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsMaterials ScienceMaterials
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      Critical CareElectrical Impedance Tomography
We propose a novel, variational inversion methodology for the electrical impedance tomography (EIT) problem, where we seek electrical conductivity σ inside a bounded, simply connected domain , given simultaneous measurements of electric... more
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      Applied MathematicsMathematical PhysicsPure MathematicsInverse Problems
In this paper, we analyze the vibrational spectra of mechanical resonators actuated piezoelectrically with aluminum nitride (AlN) films. The microresonators consist in bimorph cantilevers with different lengths containing a piezoelectric... more
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      Silicon NitrideElectrical Impedance TomographyResonant Frequency
Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) is a recently developed imaging technique.
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      Image ReconstructionElectrical Impedance Tomography
An impedentiometric electronic tongue based on the combination of a composite sensor array and chemometric techniques aimed at the discrimination of soluble compounds able to elicit different gustative perceptions is presented. A... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceAnalytical ChemistryBiomedical EngineeringBiosensors
Electrical impedance tomography is an imaging method, with which volumetric images of conductivity are produced by injecting electrical current and measuring boundary voltages. It has the potential to become a portable non-invasive... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringFinite element methodFinite ElementTomography
Several papers on induced current electrical impedance tomography (IC-EIT) have dwelt on potential advantages of this technique over conventional EIT which uses applied current (AC-EIT). Experimental evidence that IC-EIT could surpass... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringTomographyElectrical Impedance TomographyMedical Image
Detection of local lung air content by electrical impedance tomography compared with electron beam CT. The aim of the study was to validate the ability of electrical impedance tomography (EIT) to detect local changes in air content,... more
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      Biological SciencesAppliedElectrical Impedance TomographyApplied Physiology
Hybrid imaging techniques utilize couplings of physical modalities -they are called hybrid, because, typically, the excitation and measurement quantities belong to different modalities. Recently there has been an enormous research... more
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      Applied MathematicsMathematical PhysicsUltrasoundPure Mathematics
It has been known for some time that many tumors have a significantly different conductivity and permittivity from surrounding normal tissue. This high ldquocontrastrdquo in tissue electrical properties, occurring between a few kilohertz... more
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      EngineeringAlgorithmsMedical ImagingCancer
Thoracic electrical impedance tomography (EIT) is a noninvasive, radiation-free monitoring technique whose aim is to reconstruct a cross-sectional image of the internal spatial distribution of conductivity from electrical measurements... more
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      EngineeringCritical CareTomographyFinite Element Analysis
A bipolar membrane (BM) is composed of one cation and one anion ion-exchange layers joined together in series. In order to obtain the AC electrical impedance of a BM, a small sinusoidal current perturbation was superimposed to the DC... more
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      EngineeringMembrane ScienceQuantitative analysisElectrical Impedance Tomography