Eddic Poetry
Recent papers in Eddic Poetry
El artículo presenta un análisis semántico de los nombres propios de Wainamoinen, uno de los personajes principales del epos finlandés Kalevala. El análisis comparativo reveló las siguientes capas de información en los nombres propios de... more
Here is a study of 2nd or the 3rd century Roman Enameled Oval Plate Brooch and its relation to Salisbury Plain, where the brooch can be seen as a map of the Plain.
In Nordic Paganism, contemporary Nordic folk music is emerging as a prominent aspect of the tradition’s body of Lore, the corpus of mythology, historical accounts, archaeological records, folk histories, traditions, and symbolism from... more
This paper is the third in a three-part series that develops a model for the background of rhyme in Old Norse dróttkvætt poetry as a formalization of the same form of rhyme found across Old Germanic poetries. The first paper in this... more
This article argues that the medieval Scandinavian valkyrie and shield-maiden, overlapping categories of warrior, are best understood as a third gender, a hybrid of masculine and feminine attributes. Found in a variety of texts, myths,... more
Hann lagði okkur í raesið á hverri síðu Ellefu líf og Konan við 1000°" Já. Seinna stríðið snerist meira og minna um það að gera alla íbúa heimsins jafn einmana og þann sem það hóf." 1
In the rich tapestry of Norse mythology and Viking history, women often played vital and multifaceted roles, not only as caretakers and figures of domestic life but also as warriors and seekers of justice. The sagas are replete with tales... more
Repensar la herejía, como objeto de estudio, es desandar viejos problemas dentro del campo histórico medieval, ¿Por qué es necesario volver? Porque cuando hablamos de herejía estamos haciendo referencia a formas en las cuales se ejerció... more
Along with Vǫluspá, Hávamál is probably the most famous Old Norse poem. It is traditionally dated to c. 850-950, but some scholars have argued for a much later date based on its content. Existing content-based dating attempts suffer from... more
Статья посвящена тому, как в древнеисландской словесности используется паремия at mæla fagrt ok hyggja flátt («говорить красиво и думать лживо»), а также ее часть — фор- мула «Х говорит красивыми словами» (mæla með fögrum orðum) и ее... more
In a number of previous works, I have investigated the theme of love and the depiction of emotions in Old Norse literature in its various genres. One recurring focus has been the dependence of native vs. forign tradition in the depiction... more
Dans Cahiers de civilisation médiévale Cahiers de civilisation médiévale 2022/4 (n° 260) 2022/4 (n° 260), pages 436 à 439
Este artigo apresenta as principais divindades relacionadas às intempéries atmosféricas, com destaque para aquelas relacionadas a elementos vinculados à ocorrência de tempo severo. Foram coletadas e agrupadas informações sobre diferentes... more
Guðrúnarkviða I is an Eddic poem preserved in Codex Regius nr. 2365 4to (c. 1270), where it is placed between the longer prose section titled Frá dauða Sigurðar (following Brot af Sigurðarkviðo) and Sigurðarkviða in skamma. The poem is... more
This study aims to give a contribution to the history of passion as a motif in Old Norse literature. It will be done by an examination of a distinct and clearly defined phenomenon: love-sickness. The material will primarily be a distinct... more
Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att granska hur genus och genusrelationer uttrycks i svenska, medeltida ballader. Genom att förstå balladkaraktärernas handlingar som performativa, ämnar uppsatsen undersöka hur maskulinitet och femininitet... more
Using various Old Norse sources, this chapter analyses the description of the state that obtained before the creation of the world in pre-Christian Nordic mythology by focusing on Ginnungagap and its relation to the concept of abyss. The... more
Programme for the 15th Bergen International Postgraduate Symposium in Old Norse Studies 2024 and abstract for my paper on Old Norse Depictions of Sámi people in the fornaldarsögur (wip of my current MA thesis)
In the present study we intend to reconstruct the attitudes of Romanian peasants towards the vestiges of prehistoric material culture. They have been in contact with a diversity of prehistoric artefacts: polished and perforated stone... more
Skírnismál is an Eddic poem consisting of 42 stanzas in ljóðaháttr, preceded by a prose introduction. All the stanzas are in direct speech. The whole poem is preserved in the manuscript Codex Regius nr. 2365 4to (c.1270) and the first 27... more
General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide... more
The first edition of this book was published by the Clarendon Press, Oxford in hardback 1982. It was reissued in paperback by the Viking Society in 1988, and again, with minor corrections and a lengthy list of corrections, in 2000. This... more
Originalet på svenska av den gamla grekiska myten i ännu en bearbetning
Guðrúnarkviða II is an eddic poem in fornyrðislag metre, preserved in the Codex Regius, GKS no. 2365 4to (c. 1270) where it is placed between the prose chapter Dráp Niflunga [The Killing of the Niflungs] and the poem Guðrúnarkviða III.... more
The book Following the Formula in Beowulf, Örvar-Odds saga, and Tolkien by Prof. Michael Fox is a comparative study which attempts at offering a new glance at the old question of oral-formulaity of the Old English epic in conjunction with... more
After a discussion of earlier interpretations of l. 51f., an argument is made for the emendation not only of chludun to chlubun, "they clove" (incontestable), but also of stoptū to a non-OHG stopun, "they stepped" (better than a saxonised... more
Nach einem Abriss der verschiedenen, seit 1729 gegebenen Erklärungen von luttila werden die Voraussetzungen und Konsequenzen der Deutung Holtzmanns (1854 und 1864) eingehend kritisiert. Die dann vorgestellte Erklärung beruht auf dem... more
Die altenglischen Parallelen zu sunufatarungo legen nahe, dass damit das traditionelle Thema der ‚germanischen' Heldensagen signalisiert wird: Mord und Totschlag zwischen Verwandten. Dieses Thema dürfte aber nicht erneut durchgeführt,... more
This paper is the second in a three-part series on the distinctive type of rhyme in the Old Norse dróttkvaett meter, argued to have emerged through the metricalization of uses of rhyme within a short line found across Old Germanic... more
The topic of this article is the medieval source material for A Dictionary of Old Norse Prose. We discuss the dictionary's approach to the text sources and how different types of text make up the body of citations and what information... more
Index 301 This volume is the outcome of the Fourth Workshop of the Ecocritical Network for Scandinavian Studies (ENSCAN) held in November 2020. Organized by Reinhard Hennig and Michael Schulte on behalf of the University of Agder, Norway,... more
The skaldic kenning is frequently described as ‘riddling’ or ‘riddle-like’. Valuable work has been done (e. g. Lindow1975) in establishing the structural, linguistic, and cognitive similarities between kennings and riddles, but this has... more
Laust eftir miðjan sjotta aratug 18. aldar mun Jon Olafsson hafa fengið þa hugmynd að flest orð hefðu i fyrndinni verið miklir langhundar, samsettir ur tveimur eða fleiri orðum eða orðhlutum, en siðar dregist harla mikið saman. Þetta var... more
El siguiente trabajo se realizó con el objetivo de resaltar la labor de los hermanos Francisco Antonio y José Sotero Figueroa Veliz quienes, además de ser patriotas participantes en la guerra independentista de los Diez Años, fueron... more
Victor Hugo Sampaio (NEVE) foi entrevistado no boletim da International Society for Folk Narrative Research, página 32
Hon satt på golvet" av Fedor Tjutčev Om diktens och kärlekens gränser PER-ARNE BODIN Она сидела на полу И груду писем разбирала-И, как остывшую золу, Брала их в руки и бросала-Брала знакомые листы И чудно так на них глядела-Как души... more
Each sheriff had a summoner (stefnuvottur) for assistance. The highest ecclesiastical office was, and still is, that of bishop. The provost was the next in rank, followed by the vicar and the assistant pastors; a deacon (djákn) was not... more
The Norse god Loki and his monstrous children Sleipnir, Hel, Jörmungandr
& the Fenris Wolf are discussed. It is suggested that they are represented in the sky as constellations and their likely place in the heavens is revealed.
& the Fenris Wolf are discussed. It is suggested that they are represented in the sky as constellations and their likely place in the heavens is revealed.
The Kalevala (1849), the Finnish folk epic, has inspired all types of artists throughout the years. It could be argued that it was only a matter of time before Finnish metal musicians started adapting material from the epic in their music... more