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Celem artykułu było przedstawienie znaczenia inskrypcji i przedstawień zdobiących przedmioty używane podczas posiedzeń rady, a także pomieszczenie obrad rady Izbę Pańską. Najstarszy z przedmiotów, berełko, przez wieki stanowiło insygnium... more
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      Early Modern HistoryMaterial Culture StudiesEarly Modern CityCity Council
Focusing on the Roman plague of 1656–1657, this chapter analyses the ways in which the Congregation of the Oratory of Saint Philip Neri coped with the epidemic outbreak and its development, aiming at underlining their fragile and... more
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      Urban HistoryHistory of PlagueReligious congregations and monastic ordersSocial History of Medicine
In 2018, a late medieval landfill excavated in the suburbs of Tallinn unearthed a few seeds of horse chestnut. The context within the landfill places the seeds to around 1500, making the seeds likely one of the oldest horse chestnut seeds... more
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      ArchaeobotanyMedieval ArchaeologyUrban archaeology
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      ArtPoliticsComparative DramaLiterary studies
What was the role of energy in shaping modern economies and fuelling the transition to sustained economic growth? In the historiography on the industrial revolution, the transition to fossil energy carriers plays a central role. Despite... more
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      EnergyThe Industrial RevolutionHistory of the Low Countries
The article attempts to define how the film picture becomes a medium to record urban space. The cinecamera showing urban landmarks resulting from the composition allows to note impressions, sensations in real time. Over time, the captured... more
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      ArtArchitectureModernismUrban Space
The inventory of Tallinn merchant Michael Meyer's (1704-1758) property is one of the largest inventories of an 18th century citizen of Tallinn. Almost the entire world of his possessions is reflected in this unique source. The inventory... more
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      EnlightenmentPhilosophy of PropertyAge of Enlightenment
This paper studies urban dimensions with respect to the old city of Pune, India to analyse effect of psychological concept of Shadows by Carl Jung. This interdisciplinary research focuses on understanding timeline of the city with respect... more
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      Medieval HistoryEarly Modern History
Bu çalışma 19. yüzyılda ortaya çıkan Charles Baudelaire'in 'Modern Hayatın Ressamı' ile Walter Benjamin'in 'Pasajlar' adlı yapıtlarının temel kavramlarından biri olan ve bir yaşam biçimini ifade eden 'Flaneur'lüğün izini sürmekte;... more
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Resumen: Desde la aparición de la imprenta, los casamientos reales han sido una fuente inagotable de información que se trasmitió en buena medida a través de las relaciones de sucesos. Son numerosos los testimonios conservados sobre tales... more
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      Women's HistoryEarly Modern HistoryQueenship in Medieval and Early Modern EuropePopular literature, chapbooks and ephemera
Goal of this study is to acces 17th-century oaths of municipal officials in little liege town Kožlany to komparative study. Before edition itself there is little introduction into history of Kožlany and oaths.
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      Early Modern BohemiaCity and county governmentOathsMunicipal Government
Mit Albrecht L war oin Herr.dler von GottBS Gnaden erachlagen worden, starb ein K6n lg ohne letzte Beichte und Absolution. Nicht ru öe H8rTSChaft: der Hababurger wurde 1309 erechCttert, die ganz. Walt war .,. d.n Fugen. Um die Ordnoog w i... more
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      ArchitecturePostcolonial StudiesUrban StudiesUrban Design
This Unit will take you through the tale of this city, which underwent remarkable changes in three centuries. It transformed from a pargana headquarter to the provincial capital of Awadh in 1775. After the British annexation in 1856, it... more
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      LUCKNOWUrban Studies and PlanningMedieval cityEarly Modern City
The emergence of regional states along with their provincial capitals (Murshidabad, Hyderabad, Poona, Lahore and Srirangapatna) in the eighteenth century ushered a new beginning in the political history of India. Though these states were... more
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      HistoryUrban HistoryEighteenth Century StudiesHyderabad
to thank Bruno Blondé, Peter Stabel and the reviewers for their valuable comments. Thanks to Kate Eliott for correcting my English. 1 The following description is based on City Archives Ghent (hereafter: SAG), series 332, no. 772/12. 2... more
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      Material CultureEarly Modern City
The article attempts to define how the film picture becomes a medium to record urban space. The cinecamera showing urban landmarks resulting from the composition allows to note impressions, sensations in real time. Over time, the captured... more
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      ArtArchitectureModernismEarly Modern City
Seminario «La mujer y los universos femeninos en las fuentes documentales de la Edad Moderna». Universidade da Coruña y Universidad de Navarra, del 28 al 30 de junio de 2021.
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      Edad ModernaRelaciones De SucesosHISTORIA DE LA MODA
Extract of my book
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      Monastic StudiesEarly Modern ArchitectureConvent architectureEarly Modern City
Inside and outside the early modern hospital. Ideas, practices, contexts The essay reflects on some questions raised by recent studies on early modern hospitals, underlining the research potentials of this... more
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      History of EducationGender HistoryUrban HistoryReligious Conversion
Published in: „Kwartalnik Historii Kultury Materialnej”, 68 (2020), 1, s. 51–68, The topic of the article is the execution of testaments in three small towns of Greater Poland, Dolsk, Krzywiń... more
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      HistoryLegal CultureSocial HistoryEarly Modern City
De mortuis nil nisi vere. The Chalmers, Cracow Townspeople and Evangelicals in the Eyes of Rev. Daniel Kałay On 21 October, 1664 Rev. Daniel Kałay, the minister of the Reformed-Evangelical congregation at Wiatowice near Cracow, had a... more
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      Scottish DiasporaEvangelical TheologyEarly Modern Funeral SermonsEarly Modern City
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    • Early Modern City
Résumé : Peut-on estimer l’emprise foncière des religieux dans l’espace urbain bordelais au milieu du XVIIIe siècle ? Bordeaux faisait partie des cinq villes les plus peuplées du royaume de France et abritait une trentaine de communautés... more
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      Early Modern HistoryUrban HistoryMonastic StudiesReligious congregations and monastic orders
Völlerei, Sexualität, das Sezieren von Leichen oder verschwenderisches Zurschaustellen des eigenen Reichtums: Im Exzess wurde - so die These des Buches - gesellschaftliche Ordnung gestaltet. Wie produktiv das Agieren im Übermaß sein... more
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      Early Modern HistoryHistory of MedicineSocial HistoryHistory of Anatomy
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      Early Modern HistoryHistory of the CityVilniusEarly Modern City
Pomimo prowadzonych od wielu lat badań nad historią miasta Wilna, wciąż niewiele wiemy o jego mieszkańcach, szczególnie ludziach drugiego i trzeciego planu historii, żyjących w cieniu wielkich dworów i pałaców. Równie słabo zbadane... more
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      Women's HistoryEarly Modern HistoryHistory of SexualityMedieval Church History
This article is about the represantion of the brigands – mercenaries of the Hundred Years’ War – in the historiographical sources created during the period of the war. After analysing the sources, we can set up several principal character... more
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      War CrimesMental ImageryThe Hundred Years' WarMercenaries
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    • Early Modern City
Studia Religiosa Rossica: научный журнал о религии, № 1, 2018. С. 47-65
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      French HistoryFrench Wars of ReligionGuise
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      Art HistoryHabsburg StudiesViennaEarly Modern City
India is a land of rich cultural heritage. The heritage is so varied that much of the historical places, and traditional arts and artisans are forced into neglect. There is an urgent need to bring these back into limelight to showcase our... more
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      ArchitectureUrban PlanningHeritage ConservationUrban Design
The 17th-century oaths of city officials in town Kožlany – commented edition Abstract: Goal of this study is to acces 17th-century oaths of municipal officials in little liege town Kožlany to komparative study. Before edition itself there... more
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      Early Modern BohemiaCity and county governmentOathsMunicipal Government
L’exposition proposée à l’Hôtel de Ville retrace l’histoire de la Ville lumière depuis le XIIe siècle.
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      Early Modern HistoryGovernmentUrban HistoryUrban Studies
Der Aufsatz untersucht die Entstehung und den Wandel zweier spätmittelalterlicher Stiftungen in der Reichsstadt Memmingen. Totenmemoria und Wohltätigkeit erscheinen dabei als Einheit. Zunächst werden die Stifter und ihre Motivationen... more
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      History of the ReformationLate Medieval HistoryImperial CitiesReichsstädte
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      Early Modern HistoryHistory of SexualityEarly Modern EuropeBiography
Pornind de la un conflict iscat la Braşov în anii 1680–1681 legat de ridicarea unei biserici în suburbia braşoveană Blumăna şi care a implicat nobilimea calvină, principele şi Înalta Poartă, studiul de faţă încearcă să prezinte... more
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      Ottoman HistoryEarly Modern HistoryUrban HistoryCentral European history
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      Medieval Cities and UrbanismSacral landscapeSacral TopographyEarly Modern City
Conversions to Christian Orthodoxy were not unusual in XVIIIth and XIXth centuries Moldavia. To identify individual conversions andconverts, the author had looked for areliable criterion, which eventually proved to be their family name:... more
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      Romanian HistoryReligious ConversionReligious Conversion and Converts in the Early Modern Mediterranean contextHistory of Moldova
As recent scholarship tends to stress, the early modern period was not one of decline in the history of European cities. While scholars traditionally used to claim that European cities were over the peak of their development by the end of... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryIntellectual HistoryPhilosophy
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      Art HistoryTravel LiteratureAlbrecht DürerJan Van Eyck
17,50 € IVA INCLUIDO a Real Audiencia y Chancillería de Valladolid, que nunca perdió su preeminencia sobre su homóloga granadina, fue una de las instituciones más importantes dentro del entramado administrativo de la España Moderna. Como... more
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Se analiza el fenómeno de las santas vivas, tanto laicas como monjas en los monasterios de Córdoba y el tema de la religión cívica y la religiosidad urbana. Uno de los casos fue Magdalena de la Cruz, procesada por la Inquisición.
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      Cultural HistoryGender StudiesWomen's StudiesCivic History
Browse Beautiful Jewelry collection inspired by Lucknawi Nawabs. Purchase exclusive Lucknawi Nawabi Jewelry at Voylla including HaathPhool, Anguthi, Maangtika, Danglers Earrings, Jhumkis and many more Lucknawi Nawabi products for special... more
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El siglo XV asistió en la Corona de Castilla a un amplio y diversificado fenómeno de creaciones conventuales femeninas promovidas por mujeres que fue muy visible en las ciudades. Se inscribió en las reformas de la Baja Edad Media y... more
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      Gender StudiesHistory of IdeasWomen's StudiesMedieval History
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    • Catalan
Королевский двор и муниципалитеты Франции в период Первой гражданской войны (1560-1563 гг.) La cour royale et les municipalités de la France au temps de la première Guerre civile (1560-1563) Политика королевского двора в отношении... more
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    • Guerres de religion