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Following Opinion 2/15 it is more than certain that if the Commission continues with its current approach of negotiating far-reaching trade agreements with investment chapters, it will have to conclude them as mixed agreements, together... more
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      International Investment LawExternal Relations of the EUEuropean Union external relationsEU foreign investment law
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      BusinessManagementMarketingBusiness Administration
Recently, some European countries and institutions have expressed concerns about a lack of reciprocity in foreign direct investment (FDI) treatment with third countries. Indeed, European investors in foreign countries often do not enjoy... more
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      International LawForeign Direct InvestmentEuropean UnionEuropean Union Law
(co-authored with Francesco Munari)
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      EU External ActionEU foreign investment lawEU Law (EU legal order: EU legal sources, institutions, remedies, relations with national laws); General Principles of EU Law; EU Migration and Asylum Law, EU Antidiscrimination Law, EU Fundamental Rights and links with the ECHREU and Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS)
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      Renewable EnergyMultilateralismRural Landscape PlanningEU foreign investment law
The EU’s new Free Trade and Investment Agreements (FTIAs) are meant to tackle many of the issues that led to the contestation of international investment law, by increasing the control of the contracting parties over the agreements. One... more
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      EU External Relations LawForeign Direct InvestmentEU foreign investment law
The extension of the EU’s exclusive competences over foreign direct investment, instead of being a smooth process meant to streamline the investment policies of the Member States into one common EU investment policy, has turned into an... more
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      Intellectual PropertyInternational Investment LawEU foreign investment law
This article looks at the role that the European Parliament (EP), as the only democratically elected EU institution, plays in ensuring transparency in the EU’s newly concluded free trade and investment agreements (FTIAs). Using the... more
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      Foreign Direct InvestmentEuropean Union external relationsEU foreign investment law
The present contribution discusses regulatory changes within international investment law due to the political shift in the approach of a number of states and of the European Union. These changes have revised the traditional pro-investor... more
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      International Human Rights LawIndigenous PeoplesInternational Investment LawDiversification
The 2009 Lisbon Treaty transferred the competence over Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) policy from the national to the supranational level. This article analyses the impact of this transfer on the content of international investment... more
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      European StudiesEuropean integrationInternational NegotiationInternational Political Economy
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      Critical TheoryBusinessEngineeringHistory
SommArio: 1. Introduzione. -2. L'autonomia dell'ordinamento dell'Unione: cenni ricostruttivi. -3. I limiti derivanti dall'autonomia alla sottoposizione dell'Unione a meccanismi internazionali di risoluzione delle controversie secondo il... more
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      European LawEU External Relations LawEuropean Union LawExternal Relations of the EU
Published in the European Business Law Review vol 28 (2017) The present paper addresses the problem of determining who, between the EU and its member states must bear international responsibility for the treatment afforded to a foreign... more
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      International LawEU External Relations LawInternational Investment LawInternational Responsibility
Ever since the competence of dealing with the investment policy was transferred on EU level by the MSs, the investment related issues became part of the CIP (common investment policy) of EU. The new provisions of investment along with the... more
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      European Foreign PolicyEuropean Union PoliticsForeign Direct Investment ( FDI )EU foreign investment law
This article critically assesses the feasibility of the recently proposed Investment Court System (ICS) under the envisaged Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), from the perspective of the Court of Justice of the... more
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      External Relations of the EUEuropean Union external relationsEU foreign investment law
This new book is the first to focus on the interaction between international investment law and other systems of international law. It takes a giant step towards determining a hierarchy of conflicting treaty norms, and establishing a... more
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      International RelationsEuropean LawInternational LawInternational Trade
Settant'anni dopo la conferenza di Bretton Woods, che segnò l'inizio del percorso post-bellico di apertura dei mercati in un'ottica di libero scambio dei fattori della produzione 1 , il mondo sta nuovamente sperimentando un'intensa... more
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      European UnionNational SecurityForeign Direct Investment ( FDI )EU foreign investment law
Energy supply, armed and political conflicts, investment and multinational enterprises
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityHuman RightsForeign Direct InvestmentArmed Conflict
This article, published in L. Pantaleo and M. Andenas (eds.), Cristina Reul (ass. ed.), The European Union as a Global Model for Trade and Investment (University of Oslo Faculty of Law Legal Studies Research Paper Series No. 2016-02),... more
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      State ResponsibilityInternational Investment LawEU foreign investment lawInternational Investment Law and Investment Treaty Arbitration
Webinar/Tavola rotonda di attuazione del progetto del Modulo Jean Monnet su EU Investment Law (EUIL) relativamente alla rilevanza degli investimenti per il sostegno all'occupazione.
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      EU internal marketEU foreign investment lawWomen EmploymentInternational Trade and Investments Laws
Workshop on the Impact of EU Investment Law on International Economic Regionalism
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      International LawInternational Investment LawInternational and Regional OrganizationEU foreign investment law
After the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) came into force, foreign direct investment (FDI) policy came to the exclusive competence of European Union (EU). Consequently, most of bilateral investment treaties (BITs)... more
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    • EU foreign investment law
In 2009 the Treaty of Lisbon expanded the competences of the EU creating a Common Investment Policy. China has been defined by the European Commission as a perfect candidate for a future bilateral investment agreement. This research would... more
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      Foreign Direct Investment ( FDI )EU foreign investment law
Webinar 6 May 2022 on Pharmaceutical innovation through investments in international and EU law. What prospects at the time of the Covid-19 emergency/pandemic?
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      Public Health PolicyForeign Direct InvestmentPharmaceutical TechnologyPublic Health
This new book is the first to focus on the interaction between international investment law and other systems of international law. It takes a giant step towards determining a hierarchy of conflicting treaty norms, and establishing a... more
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      International RelationsEuropean LawInternational LawInternational Arbitration
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      Sustainable DevelopmentRenewable energy resourcesEU foreign investment lawExporting and International Trade
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      EU development policyLand GrabbingEU foreign investment lawPermanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources