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Grid connection of renewable energy sources (RESs), such as wind and solar, is becoming today an important form of distributed generation (DG). The penetration of these DG units into electrical microgrids (MGs) is growing rapidly,... more
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      Electrical EngineeringControl Systems EngineeringRenewable EnergyModeling
Orchestrated modulation of cell adhesion is essential for development and homeostasis in multicellular organisms. It optimizes embedding of the cell in its dynamic environment and facilitates appropriate cell responses and intercellular... more
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      Intercellular CommunicationCancerCell MigrationCell Adhesion
Construction project control aims to effectively obtain real-time information and enhance dynamic control by utilizing information sharing and connecting involved participants of the projects to reduce construction conflicts and project... more
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      EngineeringCivil EngineeringInformation TechnologyProject Management
Abstract—This paper reports on the control structure of the pneumatic biped Lucy. The robot is actuated with pleated pneumatic artificial muscles, which have interesting characteristics that can be exploited for legged machines. They have... more
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      ThermodynamicsDynamic controlQualitative evaluationDynamic Simulation
A new technique for constructing dynamic equivalents of power systems is developed. The method identifies the important modes of the system utilising a performance index based on the notions of controllability and observability. The... more
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      Power PlantElectric Power SystemsDynamic controlSteady state
With rapid technological advances in network infrastructure, programming languages, compatible component interfaces and so many more areas, today the computational Grid has evolved with the potential of seamless aggregation, integration... more
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      Autonomic ComputingForest fireMiddlewareDynamic control
The paper presents a complex installation for biomagnetism studies and measurements in ambiental electromagnetic environment of the biomagnetic signals produced by the electrophysiological activity. The installation consists in a shielded... more
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      Very Low Frequency ElectromagneticsDynamic controlHigh FrequencyElectromagnetic Field
The paper presents the design and evaluation of PECOS, a PreEmptive COntrol Signature technique for on-line detection of control flow errors. The technique uses assertions that can be embedded in the assembly language code and that are... more
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      Flow ControlDynamic controlText SegmentationLine Detection
Electrochromic evacuated advanced glazing has been developed, combining optimum dynamic control of the solar radiation penetrating into buildings with a high degree of thermal insulation. This was achieved by the optimisation of the... more
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      EngineeringEnergyEnergy Efficiency BuildingsDynamic control
Two schools of thought exist in terms of handling mobility in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs).
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      Distributed ComputingMobile Ad Hoc NetworksRoutingSynchronization
This thesis explores computation mobility. We view mobility, the selection of an execution environment, as an attribute of a computation. To capture this attribute, we introduce a novel programming abstraction, which we call a mobility... more
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    • Dynamic control
The objective of this research was to assess the effectiveness of adaptive automation (AA) for supporting information processing (IP) in a complex, dynamic control task by defining a measure of situation awareness (SA) sensitive to... more
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      Decision MakingSituation awarenessInformation ProcessingDynamic control
{ Whenever a sensor is mounted on a robot hand it is important t o k n o w the relationship between the sensor and the hand. The problem of determining this relationship is referred to as the hand-eye calibration problem. Hand-eye... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringDynamic controlInterferometryGeometric model
M.C. Sá nchez-Guerrero). a v a i l a b l e a t w w w . s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / a g w a t 0378-3774/$ -see front matter #
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      Civil EngineeringAgricultural Water ManagementDynamic controlCucumber
In this paper, a review of past and recent developments in the dynamics of flexible multibody systems is presented. The objective is to review some of the basic approaches used in the computer aided kinematic and dynamic analysis of... more
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      Finite ElementDynamic controlMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
Over the last two decades, significant research effort has been directed towards developing vehicle transmissions that reduce the energy consumption of an automobile. This effort has been a direct consequence of the growing environmental... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringEnergy ConsumptionDynamic controlEnvironmental Concern
Voltage-gated ion channels are main players involved in fast synaptic events. However, only slow intracellular mechanisms have so far been described for controlling their localization as real-time visualization of endogenous voltage-gated... more
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      Electron MicroscopyMultidisciplinaryDynamic controlQuantum Dots
The Due to their advantage of high speed, accuracy and repeatability, robot manipulators have become major component of manufacturing industries and even now a days they become part of routine life. Two link robot manipulator is a very... more
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      Dynamic controlSimulationPidRobot Manipulator
Distillation of close-boiling mixtures, such as propylene-propane and ethyl benzene-styrene systems, is an energy intensive process. Vapor recompression techniques and heat pumping-assisted columns have been adopted for such applications... more
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      Chemical EngineeringThermodynamicsDesignHydraulics
Design of smart journal-bearing systems is an important issue that opens up the possibility for semiactive dynamic control of bearing behavior. Recent studies show that there is an increasing interest in designing hydrodynamically... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringTribologyDynamic controlComputation Fluid Dynamics
This paper presents an embedded energy share method between the high energy storage system (battery) and the auxiliary energy storage system such as supercapacitors (SC). Using the SC and battery with a good strategy for energy management... more
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      Vehicle DynamicsAerodynamicsTopologyEnergy Management
One of the main drawbacks of vision-based control that remains unsolved is the poor dynamic performances caused by the low acquisition frequency of the vision systems and the time latency due to processing. We propose in this paper to... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringRoboticsDynamic controlRobotic
In this article, a review on parallel kinematic machine dynamic control is performed. It is shown that the classical control strategies from serial robotics generally used for parallel kinematic machine have to be thought again. Indeed,... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMotion controlDynamic controlRobotic
A dynamic object is an object whose properties change over time. A static object is an object whose properties do not change over time. Given such an idealization, the notion of 'static' lies at an extreme end of the spectrum of temporal... more
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      PharmacologyCognitive ScienceNeurologyPhilosophy of Mind
This paper describes analysis of steady motions for underwater gliders, a type of highly efficient underwater vehicle which uses gravity for propulsion. Underwater gliders are winged underwater vehicles which locomote by modulating their... more
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    • Dynamic control
This paper explores the problems associated with the multicasting of continuous media to support multimedia group applications. The interaction between multicasting and the delivery of multiple time-correlated continuousmedia streams with... more
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      Information SystemsDistributed ComputingGroup communicationTraffic control
The concept of a medical parallel manipulator applicable to chest compression in the process of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is proposed in this paper. According to the requirement of CPR action, a... more
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      CardiologyOrthopedic SurgeryDynamic controlParallel Robots
High speed unmanned ground vehicles evolving on natural terrains can exhibit a significant slip and skid. An estimation of both friction and traction forces can allow to achieve a better control. In order to implement a control... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringVehicle DynamicsDynamic controlManufacturing Engineering
The concept of a medical parallel robot applicable to chest compression in the process of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is proposed in this paper. According to the requirement of CPR action, a three-prismatic-universal-universal... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringComputer ArchitectureCardiologyControl
Data from field observations and numerical model simulations are used to understand and quantify the pathways by which passive tracers penetrate into the Black Sea intermediate and deep layers. Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) concentrations... more
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      GeochemistryOceanographyConvectionDynamic control
Keywords: basin analysis dynamic topography flat subduction Andean foreland Argentina Pampas Plain
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      Earth SciencesDynamic controlPhysical sciencesEarth and Planetary Science
A not trivial problem in bipedal robot walking is the instability produced by violent transitions between the different walk phases. In this work a dynamic algorithm to control a biped robot is proposed. The algorithm is based on cubic... more
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      Dynamic controlArtificial IntelligentBiped RobotRobot Control
In this paper, we present a decentralized dynamic control algorithm for a robot collective consisting of multiple nonholonomic wheeled mobile manipulators (NH-WMMs) capable of cooperatively transporting a common payload. In this... more
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      System DynamicsDynamic controlSimulationNumerical Simulation
This paper presents supercapacitor (SCAP) and battery modeling with an original energy management strategy in a hybrid storage technology. The studied dc power supply is composed of SCAPs and batteries. SCAPs are dimensioned for peak... more
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      EngineeringPower ManagementTopology ControlEnergy Management
This paper describes a modelling and dynamic control design process applicable to the development of fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs). After an introduction to advanced propulsion technologies the... more
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      Hydrogen StorageFuel CellEnergy ManagementDynamic control
Increasing complexity and interdependency in manufacturing enterprises require an agile manufacturing paradigm. This paper considers a dynamic control approach for linking manufacturing strategy with market strategy through a... more
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      Applied MathematicsLogicModelingProduction Management
This paper extends previous research on two approaches to human-centred automation: (1) intermediate levels of automation (LOAs) for maintaining operator involvement in complex systems control and facilitating situation awareness; and (2)... more
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      Information SystemsPsychologySituation awarenessDynamic control
may translate into cost reductions due to improved o p erational safety and are anticipated to be applicable to process control operations.
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      Chemical EngineeringSituation awarenessProcess ControlControl system
Bigtable is a distributed storage system for managing structured data that is designed to scale to a very large size: petabytes of data across thousands of commodity servers. Many projects at Google store data in Bigtable, including web... more
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      Computer ScienceDatabase SystemsComputer NetworksDatabases
The effective and reliable use of existing transmission lines are critically important because high-voltage transmission networks met enormous power demands are very expensive investments in terms of their costs. Flexible Alternating... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsPower SystemFuzzy Logic Control
It is shown that the vehicle dynamic control (VDC) system can improve the vehicle handling and active safety of driver and passengers considerably. The control of vehicle yaw moment through differential braking, based on the vehicle... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringControl systemDynamic controlManufacturing Engineering
A dynamic control system design has been a great demand in the control engineering community, with many applications particularly in the field of flight control. This paper presents investigations into the development of a dynamic... more
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      Control EngineeringFuzzy ControlSystem DesignControl system
Activated Leukocyte Cell Adhesion Molecule (ALCAM/CD166), is expressed on osteoblasts (OB) and hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) residing in the hematopoietic niche, and may have important regulatory roles in bone formation. Because HSC... more
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      Intercellular CommunicationCancerBreast CancerCell Migration
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and... more
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      ManagementEngineeringAlgorithmsMilitary Intelligence
Many modern pharmaceutical therapies such as vaccines and macromolecular drugs benefit from transdermal delivery. Conventional transdermal drug delivery via hypodermic needles causes pain, noncompliance, and potential contamination.... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringDynamic controlControlled releaseDrug Delivery Systems
With multiple air-interface support capabilities and higher cell densities, future cellular networks will offer a diverse spectrum of user services. The resulting dynamics in traffic load and resource demand will challenge present control... more
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      Dynamic OptimizationDynamic controlCellular NetworkReal Time
In humans, studies of back muscle activity have mainly addressed the functioning of lumbar muscles during postural adjustments or rhythmic activity, including locomotor tasks. The present study investigated how back muscles are activated... more
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      Skeletal muscle biologyMotor ControlDynamic controlWalking
This paper presents a new control method for a matrix-converter-based induction machine drive. A discrete model of the converter, motor, and input filter is used to predict the behavior of torque, flux, and input power to the drive. The... more
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      EngineeringControl TheoryQuality ControlDynamic control
Associate Editor, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering.
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      EngineeringGenetic AlgorithmsGenetic AlgorithmDynamic control
We generated medium-range forecasts of runoff for a 50 km 2 headwater catchment upstream of a reservoir using numerical weather predictions (NWPs) of the past as input to an operational hydrological model. NWP data originating from... more
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      HydrologyMultidisciplinaryFlood ForecastingDynamic control