Recent papers in Druids
The tree has probably been the most historically important metaphor for the world axis in religion and mythology. We often find a snake in proximity to this tree in ancient religion and mythology. The reason for this may be that the... more
This almost completely lost work that has been forgotten about especially in our 21st century is a comprehensive 19th-century(1835) exploration of supernatural phenomena, magic, and mystical traditions spanning from ancient times to... more
Few themes like the ones revolving around issues of “identities” have been so widely explored over the last decades in the study of the past. Iron Age historiography is no exception. Local identities, transregional identities, linguistic... more
The religious beliefs of the Gaulish Celts are also significant in forming the basis of the Celtic religion in England and Ireland. The Celtic priests, known as Druids, acted as both priests and philosophers of the Celts. They performed... more
In an era where patterns are indiscernible, change imminent and chaos looming, the natural cycles of the world and the rhythms of nature draw us near. The cycles of the moon, the sun, and the stars more than other patterns in Nature such... more
This multidisciplinary volume examines the ongoing effects of James G. Frazer’s The Golden Bough in modern Humanities and its wide-ranging influence across studies of ancient religions, literature, historiography, and reception studies.... more
The Calendar of the Celts also offers a contextual series of myths that follow the patterns of the months and seasons as they are charted in the night sky. This basis for the spiritual and religious beliefs of the Celtic peoples is easily... more
Os Estudos Celticos sao, por sua natureza propria, multidisciplinares e transnacionais. Proporcionam, portanto, um grande leque de abordagens, desde a antiguidade ate a modernidade, sabendo-se que a marca distintiva em relacao as outras... more
The Reverend Thomas Eyre, a prominent Birchover vicar, was known for his significant antiquarian interests, a trait many of his peers shared in the eighteenth century. The parish was surrounded by megalithic monuments in Birchover, with... more
Le projet de Bilis est différent des travaux sur le même sujet. Il tient son originalité par la conception de la souveraineté qui, selon l’auteure, correspond le mieux à la personne des Rois. Dans la même suite d’idée, la spécificité de... more
Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é debater o sacrifício humano na Gália pré-romana. De acordo com as narrativas clássicas, os druidas eram os responsáveis pelos sacrifícios. O sacrifício humano era um dos temas mais comuns associados aos... more
Рахно Костянтин. Літописні звістки про волхвів у кельтській порівняльній перспективі. Частина I // Філософські дискурсії = Philosophical Discoursions: збірник наукових праць. – Івано-Франківськ : Філософська комісія ІФО НТШ, 2024.... more
Read about how to interpret the famous EID MAR coin type of Brutus and the degree to which it has something to do with liberty & freedom
This study analyzes the unique primary source which deals with the annual meeting of the Gallic Druids, in Carnute territory. After a rigorous translation, it will be compared to archaeological and geographical data and brings a new... more
Au XVIII e siècle, la figure de l'historien romain Tacite est de première importance dans l'écriture républicaine de l'histoire de France. Son oeuvre La Germanie, rédigée vers 98, joue un rôle pivot dans le basculement de l'Histoire... more
My 2019 short thesis on the impacts of the Roman conquest on Celtic society in Britain and the ways in which the arrival of the Romans altered the society and religion of the British Celts.
This paper engages with the legacy of a prehistoric monument-the Avebury henge, in southern England-and the influential work of an early antiquarian-William Stukeley. We highlight how the reception of Stukeley's 1743 work, Abury: a temple... more
L'époque hellénistique présente un étonnant contraste entre l'état objectif des situations respectives des Celtes et des Grecs, et l'expression de cette situation dans les écrits hellénophones. I. A l'époque hellénistique, les Grecs ont... more
Although there are Goddesses, such as Selene and Artemis, who represent the moon in its monthly phases, the lunar cycles beyond the moon's monthly journey are represented by certain deities, such as Hecate and the Cailleach Bheara, who... more
Les spectres ont eu, sur la scène occidentale, depuis la Renaissance, un succès qui ne s'est guère démenti, même s'il a connu quelques variations dans le temps. Cette pérennité pose d'autant plus problème que le statut du fantôme a... more
This article outlines the cycles of the moon in sync with the cycles the sun and the planets that are measured on Stonehenge and recorded on The Moon Cycle Calendar of the Druids discovered in Coligny, France.
I have written this article in Dutch in the period 2007/2008 to add my findings to the (rather limited) knowledge about the many Goddesses that have been worshiped in the river delta area of the Netherlands in the Roman era. I think Dutch... more
This paper engages with the legacy of a prehistoric monument-the Avebury henge, in southern England-and the influential work of an early antiquarian-William Stukeley. We highlight how the reception of Stukeley's 1743 work, Abury: a temple... more
Au cours de ces dernières années, un nombre impressionnant d'ouvrages a été consacré aux théâtres romains, marquant ainsi un regain d'intérêt pour cette architecture spectaculaire omniprésente au coeur des villes du Haut-Empire 1. Ces... more
The chapter compares the representation of 'sages' , 'philosophers' or 'wise men' in Ammianus Marcellinus' Res Gestae from the late 4th century and in the Cosmographia Aethici of 'Pseudo-Jerome' from the 8th century, with a particular... more
Apesar de ser relativamente fácil encontrar alguma menção aos druidas, sacerdotes das culturas “célticas”, muitas informações sobre eles são generalistas, desacompanhadas de fontes e apenas raramente produzidas por especialistas da área,... more
Britannia é uma série anglo-estadunidense do gênero fantasia histórica distribuída em formato streaming para televisão e internet pelas empresas Amazon e Sky. O artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa que se insere no conjunto do... more
Esta obra é licenciada por uma Licença Creative Commons: Atribuição-NãoComercial-SemDerivações 4.0 Internacional-(CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). Os termos desta licença estão disponíveis em: <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/>. Direitos para esta... more
Un best seller en mi opinión que le abrirá los ojos y le mostrará el origen de muchas festividades y celebraciones PAGANAS que el mundo de hoy en día celebra por costumbre y tradición como por ejemplo la Navidad, pero que en la realidad... more
Entrepreneurial individuals who migrated seeking adventure, wealth and opportunity initially stimulated friendly societies in Victoria. As seen through the development of friendly societies in Victoria, this thesis examines the migration... more
Britannia é uma série anglo-estadunidense do gênero fantasia histórica distribuída em formato streaming para televisão e internet pelas empresas Amazon e Sky. O artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa que se insere no conjunto do... more
Cet article fait écho aux travaux de Béatrice Cauuet sur les mines gauloises et plus particulièrement sur l’évolution du niveau technique des sociétés protohistoriques qu’elle a pu mettre en évidence au cours de ses recherches. Béatrice a... more
Rezensionen und Kurzanzeigen Heikki K o s k e n n i e m i † unter Mitwirkung von Erkki K o sk e n n i e m i und Johannes K o s k e n n i e m i, Papyri Turkuenses (P. Turku).
Text reaguje na univerzalistické nároky alternativní spirituality. Tím, že se identifikuje jako (jediná a pravá) univerzální spiritualita lidstva a odmítá, že by byla „náboženstvím“, rýsuje zároveň distanci mezi sebou a tradičními... more
This study examines how Pliny judged the Druids in his Natural History. The beginning of the study focuses on the common opinion concerning the Druids. Following this is an study, a conclusion is drawn about how Pliny depicts the Druids... more
Given at the Panel 'Ethnographic Discourses across Literary Genres in Classical and Late Antiquity', of the XIV Celtic Conference in Classics, Coimbra 11-14th July 2023, on 12 July 2023.
Lore Olympus is a webtoon that uses color as a sign for each of its characters. In interpreting symbols, this study applies Peirce’s semiotic theory related to representamen or signs, objects, and interpretants. This study aims to... more
Lore Olympus is a webtoon that uses color as a sign for each of its characters. In interpreting symbols, this study applies Peirce’s semiotic theory related to representamen or signs, objects, and interpretants. This study aims to... more
This study examines how the Romans judged the custom of human sacrifices at the end of the Republic and during the Principate. The beginning of the study focuses on the period when Romans still practiced human sacrifices. Following this... more
This paper examines Pomponius Mela’s description of the Western and Northern coastline of Gaul. In the first section of the study, I write about from where Mela could get his information about Gaul, and I also focus on the data that Mela... more
El presente artículo reflexiona en la leyenda de La Llorona como un fenómeno santo cuya cualidad es doble: como relato y como creencia. Noción que exploramos a partir de los conceptos de Rudolf Otto, lo racional y lo irracional de la... more
Genesis describes the "serpent" in the Garden of Eden as the most clever of the animals. The serpent is able to speak with Eve, and by the influence of the serpent, Adam and Eve come to possess the knowledge of good and evil.
Jorge Luis Borges Tükör és a maszk (El espejo y la máscara) című novellájának a háttere az "Első magyar költő" szempontjából. Avagy vizsgálódás arról, meddig tartható fenn egy költői hagyomány.