Most downloaded papers in Droplets
Nanoparticles have been a research focus for more than two decades. The advent of microfluidic technology provides alternative strategies for the synthesis of nanoparticles in reactors having a micrometer length scale. The integration of... more
A new kinetic model for heating and evaporation of Diesel fuel droplets is suggested. The model is based on the introduction of the kinetic region in the immediate vicinity of the heated and evaporating droplets, where the dynamics of... more
In this work the effect of flash boiling on liquid break up and atomization is first reviewed and then described in detail for the sprays produced by two high pressure multistream gasoline direct injectors. They were operated at 120bar... more
This study deals with the diagenetic evolution of dolostones of the Romaine Formation, from cores and outcrops on Anticosti and Mingan islands, and reports evidence for hydrocarbon migration in secondary porosity generated by high... more
There are many processes in nature and technology in which the time needed for fluid fragmentation or coalescence is comparable to the characteristic time of the investigated macroscopic physical phenomenon. Thus methods and models are... more
The effect of an electric field on the formation of a drop of an inviscid, perfectly conducting liquid from a capillary which protrudes from the top plate of a parallel-plate capacitor into a surrounding dynamically inactive, insulating... more
We numerically investigated liquid droplet impact behavior onto a dry and flat surface. The numerical method consists of a coupled level set and volume-of-fluid framework, volume/surface integrated average based multimoment method, and a... more
Applying a thin, protective coating of a nontoxic, chemically resistant epoxy to the interior of existing pipes is an alternative method to pipe replacement. In order to find the controlling parameters in this method, in this study,... more
Although a lot of research has been done in modeling the oil recovery from fractured reservoirs by countercurrent imbibition, less attention has been paid to the effect of the fracture fluid velocity upon the rate of oil recovery.... more
Based on the fact that water can be collected from fog under favorable topographical and atmospheric conditions. The small water droplets present in the fog precipitate when they come in contact with solid objects. The frequent fogs that... more
A new predictive model for collisional interactions between liquid droplets, which is valid for moderate to high Weber numbers (>40), has been developed and validated. Four possible collision outcomes, viz., bouncing, coalescence,... more
Abstract A study of heat transfer and film dynamics caused by single and multiple streams of impinging droplets using HFE-7100 as the cooling liquid under constant heat flux conditions is presented. Single and multiple streams of... more
Recently developed approaches to droplet and spray modeling in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) codes are reviewed. It is emphasized that the modeling of spray primary break-up needs to take into account the transient nature of sprays,... more
The main results of the aerothermodynamic hypersonic characterization of the intermediate experimental vehicle, by means of both computational fluid dynamics simulations and wind-tunnel measurements, have been reported and analyzed in... more
It is shown here that hygroscopic seeding requires two orders of magnitude more hygroscopic agent than can be delivered by flare technology for producing raindrop embryos in concentrations to detect by cloud physics aircraft the... more
The steady-state and transient shear flow dynamics of polymer drops in a microchannel are investigated using the dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) method. The polymer drop is made up of 10% DPD solvent particles and 90% finite... more
1] The influences of the aerosol type and concentration and relative humidity (RH) on cumulus clouds have been investigated using a two-dimensional spectral-bin cloud model. Three simulations are conducted to represent the polluted... more
Most materials of practical interest are neither completely wetting nor completely non-wetting. Through careful design, it is possible to alter the natural wettability of a surface to be more omniphilic or omniphobic. This is principally... more
Powder particles are projected from a thermal spray gun towards substrates to generate protective coatings. A clear understanding of the dynamic impingement when droplets make contact with substrates is critical for controlling and... more
We discuss the stability of bubbles to coalescence when undergoing a pressure drop and their stability to disproportionation under quiescent conditions, studied using previously established 'single bubble layer experimental' techniques,... more
The one-step synthesis of barium titanate (BaTiO 3 ) nanoparticles was studied by employing a low-pressure spray pyrolysis (LPSP) method. The effects of temperature, pressure, and the addition of urea to the precursor were investigated... more
The pore-scale effects of seismic stimulation on two-phase flow are modeled numerically in random 2D grain0pack geometries. Seismic stimulation aims to enhance oil production by sending seismic waves across a reservoir to liberate... more
Nanoparticles have been a research focus for more than two decades. The advent of microfluidic technology provides alternative strategies for the synthesis of nanoparticles in reactors having a micrometer length scale. The integration of... more
This work deals with the modeling and the direct numerical simulation of the absorption of a gas component into a spherical liquid droplet in free fall, where the absorbed component takes part to a chemical reaction. This study is... more
Surface microstructures of solids play a significant role in producing superhydrophobic surfaces. In the present paper, the Cassie-Baxter and Wenzel models on a rough substrate are examined from the viewpoints of geometry and energy. The... more
In this work the effect of flash boiling on liquid break up and atomization is first reviewed and then described in detail for the sprays produced by two high pressure multistream gasoline direct injectors. They were operated at 120bar... more
Centre-of-mass motions of two coupled spherical-cap droplets are considered. A model with surface tension and inertia that accounts for finite-amplitude deformations is derived in closed form. Total droplet volume λ and half-length L of... more
The characteristic conditions causing spreading or splashing after drop impact on solid surfaces are considered together with the underlying mechanisms. To this end, the results of the various studies published over the past few years... more
Drop size distributions (DSDs) were continuously and simultaneously measured by laser raindrop-sizing instruments (LD gauges) in an open site and in three forest stands consisting of Japanese cypress (CY: Chamaecyparis obtusa), Japanese... more
The paper describes a numerical method for the prediction of condensing steam¯ow within compressible boundary layers. The method is based on a simple stream function technique, which enables straightforward integration of the nucleation... more
We report the results of a comparative study of microfluidic emulsification of liquids with different viscosities. Depending on the properties of the fluids and their rates of flow, emulsification occurred in the dripping and jetting... more
It is of both fundamental and practical interest to study the flow physics in the manipulation of droplets. In this paper, we investigate complex flow in liquid droplets actuated by a linear gradient of wettability using dissipative... more
The three-dimensional, moving mesh interface tracking (MMIT) method coupled with local mesh adaptations by Quan and Schmidt [S.P. Quan, D.P. Schmidt, A moving mesh interface tracking method for 3D incompressible two-phase flows, J.... more
Applicability of two kinds of computational-fluid-dynamics method adopting Cahn-Hilliard (CH) and Allen-Cahn (AC)-type diffuse-interface advection equations based on a phase-field model (PFM) is examined to simulation of motions of... more
Drop size distributions (DSDs) were continuously and simultaneously measured by laser raindrop-sizing instruments (LD gauges) in an open site and in three forest stands consisting of Japanese cypress (CY: Chamaecyparis obtusa), Japanese... more
This study is aimed at investigating the forces responsible for the detachment of molten metal droplets formed at an electrode tip, which imminently and eventually drop into the weld pool during the welding process. The Equations used by... more
An open question in cloud physics is how rain forms in warm cumulus as rapidly as it is sometimes observed. In particular, the growth of cloud droplets across the size gap from 10 to 50 m in radius has not been fully explained. In this... more
Hydrophobic surfaces with microscale roughness can be rendered ultrahydrophobic by the addition of sub-micron-scale roughness. A simple yet highly effective concept of fabricating hierarchical structured surfaces using a single-step deep... more
The rates of the reduction of Cr(VI) with S(IV) were measured in deaerated NaCl solution as a function of pH, temperature and ionic strength. The rates of the reaction were found to be first order with respect to Cr(VI) and second order... more
A large eddy simulation (LES) coupled with a Lagrangian stochastic model has been applied to the study of droplet dispersion in a turbulent boundary layer. Droplets are tracked in a Lagrangian way. The velocity of the fluid particle along... more