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In dit project kunnen we een grote en plausibele poging om schoon en beheersbare architectuur te creëren vinden. In this project we can find a great and plausible attempt to create clean and manageable architecture. En este proyecto... more
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      Renewable EnergySustainable ArchitectureEnergy efficiencyDomótica
La domótica o casa inteligente es un sistema que por medio del uso de dispositivos electrónicos destinados al uso doméstico puede realizar acciones de monitoreo y control para resolver ciertas tareas cotidianas con un mínimo de... more
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      Electronic EngineeringSmart Home TechnologyDomóticaDomotics
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    • Domotics
Réalisation d'une maison intelligente à base d'Arduino] 1 Dédicace A nos chers parents Pour leur soutien, leur patience, leur sacrifice Et leur amour, vous méritez tout éloge, Vous qui avez fait de nous ce que nous sommes maintenant. Nous... more
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      Home automationArduinoDomoticsAutomation Using Arduino
This project aims at automating many home appliances. The appliances are controlled automatically and the functioning of the appliances is controlled by the programmable Logic Controller (PLC). As the functioning of the appliances is... more
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      Home automationPLCSCADADomotics
Speculations have been on compromise from significant time and age in the field of kitchen home automation. Predominantly it was termed as domotics or home analytics to be called whole. Although there have been several advancements in... more
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      Operations ResearchDomotics
Resumen: En esta investigación se realizó el diseño y construcción de un prototipo de casa inteligente, específicamente los módulos de iluminación y ventilación automática, haciendo uso de sensores y actuadores, los cuales serán... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceArduinoNode.JSWeb Programming
Diseño del prototipo de un sistema de iluminación inteligente que regula el uso de luz natural y artificial, priorizando la disponibilidad de la primera sobre la segunda y considerando en todos los aspectos posibles la maximización de la... more
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      Power ElectronicsAutomatic ControlSolar EnergyDaylight
This article aims to report the development of a home automation system based on the TCP/IP and ZigBee protocols that permits the place management by the internet. The system comprises two ZigBee wireless communication modules, being... more
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      Electronic EngineeringTelecommunications EngineeringWireless CommunicationsElectronics
Il punto e la linea: nullità contrattuale e rilievo officioso dopo il 2014 L'identificazione degli azionisti dopo l'attuazione della seconda direttiva azionisti Dal consenso dell'interessato alla "responsabilizzazione" del titolare del... more
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      Artificial IntelligencePERSONAL DATA PROTECTIONHome automationPrivacy and data protection
This research addresses the smart buildings and their inside and outside environment and technology types. The aim of this study is to understand the main actors responsible for such buildings and houses and environmental impact as well... more
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      Home automationDomoticsSmart HousesSmart Buildings
We are living in the era of minute by minute developments and new technologies; the demand of easy way of life is the talk of the day. Engineering industries are focusing on the projects which advance and facilitate their customers with... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsFace RecognitionImage AnalysisSatellite Communications
A paradigm for modelling and analysing Home Automation Systems is introduced, based on Multi-Agent System theory. A rich and versatile environment for Home Automation System simulation is constructed for investigating the performances of... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceEnergy ManagementMulti-Agent SystemsDomotics
This is a project that made a remote controller for any domestic AC appliances.
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      MechatronicsHome automationDomotics
기술적 발전을 ‘혁명’1)으로 지칭하는 것은 ‘혁 명’이 ‘지각변동의(disruptive)’ 혁신2)으로 이어질 것이라고 이야기하는 것만큼이나 흔한 일이 되고 있다. 사물인터넷3)은 주목할 만한 현상이 되고 있 다. 그로 인한 경제적 파급효과와 사회적 가능성이 대단히 클 수 있기 때문이다.4) 그러나 사물인터넷 이 우리의 삶을 어느 정도로 바뀌게 할지 그리고 법적인 관점에서, 현행 규칙이 변경되고 새로운 규 칙이 마련되어야... more
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      European StudiesInformation TechnologyComparative LawIntellectual Property
The lighting systems of homes and workplaces today must be constantly redesigned to be environmentally friendly, sustainable, healthy and ergonomic. This requires maximizing the flow of daylight into indoors, minimizing the amount of... more
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      The Internet of ThingsLED LightingSolar EnergyDomotics
The ultimate goal of bioclimatic architecture is to promote a sustainable living model, taking advantage of natural resources. However, nowadays guaranteed comfort standards are insufficient to promote this architecture as a more valid... more
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      Bioclimatic ArchitectureDomoticsBioclimatic Architecture and Sustainable Development
Modern Smart Environments (SmE) are equipped with a multitude of devices and sensors aimed at intelligent services. The variety of devices has raised a major problem of managing SmE. An increasingly adopted solution to the problem is the... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceSemantic Web TechnologiesSemanticsOntology (Computer Science)
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      Cinema and ArchitectureFilm and ArchitectureCiberculturaVirtual Reality
The world of the ‘Internet of Things’ (‘IoT’) is just one manifestation of recent developments in information and communication technologies (‘ICTs’), closely tied to others, including ‘cloud computing’ and ‘big data’. For our purposes,... more
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      Computer ScienceComparative LawContractsInformation Security
The world of the ‘Internet of Things’ (‘IoT’) is just one manifestation of recent developments in information and communication technologies (‘ICTs’), closely tied to others, including ‘cloud computing’ and ‘big data’. For our purposes,... more
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      Comparative LawContractsInformation SecurityContract Law
El propósito de este artículo es el estudio del campo léxico-semántico de domotique, con el fin de describir el conjunto de términos relacionados formal y semánticamente con esta unidad. Para llevar a cabo este trabajo, hemos reunido un... more
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Domotic is a system that, through Information Technology, interactively regulating electrical devices within the building in order to increase comfort, energy efficiency, and security. There are some problems that need to be addressed in... more
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      Information TechnologyWireless CommunicationsService Oriented ArchitectureSurveillance Studies
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      Human Computer InteractionUbiquitous ComputingPervasive ComputingAmbient Intelligence AmI (in )
EL ESPECTADOR, En 2018 Bogotá estrenaría sistema de semaforización inteligente, 31 de mayo 2017. La Secretaría de Movilidad está dar inicio al proceso de semaforización inteligente, para optimizar los tiempos de viaje entre un punto de... more
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      DomoticsMovilidad y TransporteSemaforos
The hierarchical, centrally controlled energy grid is ill-suited to the third digital revolution. The electric power industry is undergoing rapid change. The energy transition move from the current energy system using non-renewable... more
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      Smart GridDemand ResponseDomotics
A presente comunicação incide sobre uma investigação em curso que estuda a integração de tecnologias da informação, comunicação e automação (TICA) no espaço doméstico. As TICA têm na habitação um papel fundamental na estratégia para... more
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      Housing & Residential DesignHome automationQuality of Life and Elderly PeopleDomotics
Abstract. Building and residence automation, specially the first, is a promising area of research and business since the beginning of the 90 s. However only part of the features envisaged have being implemented (although with success) and... more
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      EngineeringMechatronicsIndustrial AutomationBuilding Automation
One of the major exponents for ubiquitous computing may be found in smart home environments, where a great deal of different devices must interact, process received information and actuate. Devices like sensors, effectors,... more
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      Ubiquitous ComputingSmart HomeDomoticsInformation Technology and System Integration
In this paper I define and characterize what I call structural and empirical approaches to technology, and defend the thesis that philosophers of technology should avoid and repair every gap that threatens to leave both approaches... more
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      Telecommunications EngineeringMetaphysicsPhilosophy of TechnologySocial Sciences
The greenhouse gas effect has become a major preoccupation worldwide. Heating of buildings and houses is one of the major sources of this effect. We propose to optimize heating control systems by directly integrating the recognition of... more
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      Human Computer InteractionUbiquitous ComputingPervasive ComputingAmbient Intelligence AmI (in )
Domotic is a system that, through Information Technology, interactively regulating electrical devices within the building in order to increase comfort, energy efficiency, and security. There are some problems that need to be addressed in... more
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      Information TechnologyWireless CommunicationsService Oriented ArchitectureSurveillance Studies
This paper shows a mobile robot whose purpose is to provide comfort and meet various needs that may arise in family homes. This mobile has different sensors that allow monitoring the house remotely, since it has a direct connection... more
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      Mobile RoboticsDomóticaDomoticsRobótica asistencial
Embedded systems are specialized computers used in larger systems or machines to control equipments such as automobiles, home appliances, communication, control and office machines. Such pervasivity is particularly evident in immersive... more
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      Pervasive ComputingHome CareDistributed SystemsMiddleware
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    • Domotics
The greenhouse gas effect has become a major preoccupation worldwide. Heating of buildings and houses is one of the major sources of this effect. We propose to optimize heating control systems by directly integrating the recognition of... more
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      Ubiquitous ComputingInteraction DesignPervasive ComputingDomotics
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      SecurityDomoticsDigital Home Wireless Heterogeneous Networks
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      Human Computer InteractionUbiquitous ComputingPervasive ComputingAmbient Intelligence AmI (in )
Our society is becoming increasingly more IT-oriented, and the images and sounds that reflect our daily life are being stored mainly in a digital form. This digital personal life can be part of the home multimedia contents, and users... more
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      Information SystemsSecurityMultimedia SecuritySecurity and Privacy
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      Wireless MAC protocolsTelematicsDomotics
"Domotic is a system that, through Information Technology, interactively regulating electrical devices within the building in order to increase comfort, energy efficiency, and security. There are some problems that need to be addressed in... more
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      Surveillance StudiesWireless Sensor NetworksDomotics
In this paper, I discuss Rodney Brooks’ speculations on the future of domotics, that is, the technological dream of home automation.  For Brooks, household robots such as the Roomba autonomous vacuum cleaner point to a future in which... more
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      Mobile RoboticsMedia EcologySocial RoboticsThe uncanny
Nowadays, the Internet of Things is used to transfer information from human to human and from human to machine. In this paper, we propose the use of IoT platforms to link those homes that are equipped with IoT capabilities, in order to... more
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      Computer ScienceSmart Home TechnologyDomóticaCitizen Security
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      Human Computer InteractionUbiquitous ComputingPervasive ComputingAmbient Intelligence AmI (in )
The last decade has seen explosive growth in the technologies required to implement Ambient Intelligence (AmI) systems. Technologies such as facial and speech recognition, home networks, household cleaning robots, to name a few, have... more
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      AlgorithmsArtificial IntelligenceAnalytical ChemistryAmbient Intelligence
This research addresses the smart buildings and their inside and outside environment and technology types. The aim of this study is to understand the main actors responsible for such buildings and houses and environmental impact as well... more
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      Computer ScienceHome automationDomoticsSmart Houses
Nowadays, the Internet of Things is used to transfer information from human to human and from human to machine. In this paper, we propose the use of IoT platforms to link those homes that are equipped with IoT capabilities, in order to... more
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      Smart Home TechnologyDomóticaCitizen SecurityDomotics
Abstract We are living in the era of minute by minute developments and new technologies, the demand of easy way of life is the talk of the day. Engineering industries are focusing on the projects which advance and facilitate their... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsFace RecognitionImage AnalysisSatellite Communications
A presente comunicação incide sobre uma investigação em curso que estuda a integração de tecnologias da informação, comunicação e automação (TICA) no espaço doméstico. As TICA têm na habitação um papel fundamental na estratégia para... more
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      Housing & Residential DesignHome automationQuality of Life and Elderly PeopleDomotics
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