Departamento de Geología
Recent papers in Departamento de Geología
Meu esposo Fernando, que sempre me apoiou, principalmente no sanduíche na Austrália e que agüentou a barra com o nosso filho para que eu pudesse estudar. Meu filho maravilho Breno, que me deu uma gestação tranquila para que pudesse... more
- by Jose Gil
Air adalah substansi yang paling melimpah di permukaan bumi dan merupakan komponen utama bagi semua mahluk hidup serta merupakan kekuatan utama yang secara konstan membentuk permukaan bumi, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai... more
Offshore oil and gas platforms have a design life of about 25 years whereas the techniques and tools used for managing their data are constantly evolving. Therefore, data captured about platforms during their lifetimes will be in varying... more
With the economic stability from Real Plan and the social advances in the recent years, Brazil started a new era in his history, with a middle class with more than 90 million people according to IBGE (2012). The main goal for these new... more
Las estructuras de segregacion vesiculadas comprenden cuerpos de variada geometria y dimensiones milimetricas a metricas con una vesiculacion de entre el 20 y el 40 % alojados en los sectores internos de un flujo lavico. Estas resultan de... more
A mineral may be defined as a natural, inorganic, homogeneous, solid substance having a definite chemical composition and regular/uniform atomic structure. In other words, minerals are natural, crystalline materials. They aren't living... more
Climate change causes changes in rainfall patterns, increases in air temperature and increases in extreme events such as floods and droughts. Floods and droughts as the impact of climate change may affect the availability of land and... more
Informe de peligros volcánicos asociados al Volcán Villarica. Laboratorio de geología ambiental.
Climate change causes uncertainty in water availability. The change may include annual rainfall, evapotranspiration and the shift of rainy and dry seasons, thus, it affects hydrological response in the region. Water demand will increase... more
Mestrado em Engenharia GeológicaEsta tese de fim de curso aborda a influência das perdas de energia num dos ensaios de caracterização geotécnica mais usados em todo o mundo, o Standard Penetration Test, mais conhecido como SPT. Essas... more
Dallol area is located in Afar region of northeastern Ethiopia. From west to east, the geology of the area is characterized by: i) Neoproterozoic metavolcanics and metasediments, ii) Quaternary alluvial fan deposits and red beds, iii) a... more
Uses: The most important ore of iron. Heavy media separation. Studies of Earth's magnetic field. Economic importance: The iron from magnetite and hematite deposits is the source ore used to create steel used in modern infrastructure. Rate... more
Manejo de bases de datos necesaria para los geólogos, para la administración proveniente de un programa de exploración o de una mina en operación
Relatório de estágio de mestrado, Geologia Económica (Prospeção mineral) Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2020Trabalhos recentes, inclusivamente na faixa metalogenética estano-volframítica Góis - Panasqueira - Argemela –... more
Nowadays, the database field has gotten much more diverse, and as a result, a variety of non-relational (NoSQL) databases have been created, including JSON-document databases and key-value stores, as well as extensible markup language... more
Karang Mumus River Pampang Village Samarinda City has a postal system in accordance with what is needed to overcome or overcome problems related to the environment. This research was carried out around the Pampang River in Samarinda City... more
Infiltration rate in a watershed is very important for water management. There are many methods for estimating the rate of infiltration in a watershed. Among of them are direct measurements, hydrograph analysis and water balance... more
a otro direccional, donde el enfriamiento del globo se convierte en auténtico concepto explicativo preferente. Este nuevo modelo abre el camino a una cronología de larga duración. En el presente artículo nos dedicaremos a describir y a... more
The availability of accurate and reliable data is essential throughout the various life cycle stages of the development of Oil & Gas facilities. However, there are currently many challenges in information management of Oil & Gas projects... more
Karang Mumus River Pampang Village Samarinda City has a postal system in accordance with what is needed to overcome or overcome problems related to the environment. This research was carried out around the Pampang River in Samarinda City... more
A navegação consulta e descarregamento dos títulos inseridos nas Bibliotecas Digitais UC Digitalis, UC Pombalina e UC Impactum, pressupõem a aceitação plena e sem reservas dos Termos e Condições de Uso destas Bibliotecas Digitais,... more
Offshore decommissioning represents significant business opportunities for oil and gas service companies. However, for owners of offshore assets and regulators, it is a liability because of the associated costs. One way of mitigating... more
The disruption of hydrological cycle will reduce watershed's ability to store water, so that discharge in dry season decreases and discharge in rainy season increases. These problems are caused by changes in land cover from forested land... more
y muchas instituciones científicas y culturales dedicarán sesiones y congresos a glosar la figura de los que, de algún modo, son los "padres" de la geología moderna. Desde el punto de vista didáctico, ambas figuras pueden ser recordadas y... more
In the last two decade, there has been a dramatically land use changes in the sub-catchment area of Jangkok, Lombok, from forest toward agroforestry. The results of study show that 17.32% of upper stream of Sub-Jangkok due to land use... more
Erosion prediction and sedimentation measurement in sub-watershed Danau Limau Manis was conducted to predict erosion and sedimentation from several land uses there, as well as to find out other types of land use being able to reduce... more
Land use is the most influential factor in soil degradation due to erosion. The objectives of this research are to know the level of land degradation and the factors that influence the land use area, the upper vegetation density and the... more
Efectuou-se a calibração estratigráfica das unidades sísmicas mais recentes identificadas na Bacia offshore do Algarve recorrendo à análise biostratigráfica (Nanofósseis calcários e Foraminíferos) do core de pistão SWIM04-39. Obteve-se... more
Aplicação de um SIG à Informação Geológico-geotécnica obtida no reconhecimento do local do NAL-CTA Application of GIS for Geological-geotechnical information obtained in the recognition site of the NAL-CTA
- by Bruno Pina
Evaluation of land rehabilitation (revegetation) activities is necessary for measuring the extent of success of the ongoing activities in rehabilitating and recovering degraded lands. One way for evaluating the success of land... more
Perubahan penggunaan lahan dalam ekspansi perkebunan berpotensi menyebabkan degradasi tanah, yang dapat menyebabkan kekeringan di musim kemarau dan banjir di musim hujan. Model hidrologi sangat penting untuk mensimulasikan fluktuasi debit... more
- by Budi Kartiwa
O estudo tem como objetivo analisar os processos de sedimentação que ocorreram em uma planície costeira amazônica utilizando a granulometria e o teor de material orgânico como parâmetros para a compreensão dos processos dominantes durante... more
o estudo de mais de 500 amostras de sedimentos não consolidados e a interpretação de algumas centenas de quilómetros de reflexão sísmica ligeira permitiu a avaliação das potencialidades em cascalhos e areias de parte da plataforma... more
Ciujung Watershed is the biggest and considered as one of major watershed in Banten Province related to floods that take place almost each year in the area. The study aimed to review the SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) Model... more
Cicatih is one of sub watershed which categorized as a good condition. However, if the land use allocation planning is not correctly, it is likely causing watershed degradation. The aim of this study was to assess land use changes and its... more
Until recent most of the geologist believed that continents and ocean basins were fixed, permanent features on Earth
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to; Define igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks with regard to the rock cycle Illustrate the factors affecting formation of rocks from igneous to sedimentary to metamorphic... more
Se realiza un análisis de la salida de campo realizada en la materia de Petrografía, en la carrera de Ingeniería en Geología de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional
O presente estudo visa promover a discussão e reconstituição de saberes em torno dos documentos produzidos por altura da expansão portuguesa sobre território angolano a sul de Luanda (capital de Angola), mas que nem sempre contemplam... more