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      Vocational EducationDemand AnalysisSupply and Demandрегиональный рынок
This thesis examines in depth how the rights to independent living of persons with disabilities in Türkiye are shaped within the framework of socio-cultural perceptions and social demands. The sample group consists of a total of 10... more
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      Disability StudiesCultureSocial InclusionDemand Analysis
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      EducationTeacher EducationBiologyDemand Analysis
Decision making and knowledge intensive work requires information supply tailored to the need of the user in question. Context management is considered a key contribution to this objective. The paper investigates context definitions and... more
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      BusinessComputer ScienceKnowledge ManagementDecision Making
There is a trend towards reducing heating and cooling requirements of buildings by using high levels of insulation, minimizing thermal bridging, and ensuring excellent air tightness, together with the operation of efficient mechanical... more
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      EngineeringLife Cycle CostingDemand AnalysisEmbodied Energy
In the context of the Canadian Forces Health and Fitness Strategy and as a preliminary step in the development of fitness standards which take into account the specific demands of the Navy, Army and Air force, detailed task analyses were... more
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      Demand AnalysisMedicineAeronauticsNavy
for helpful comments, data and support. All possible mistakes are however my own.
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      EconomicsMicroeconomicsModel SelectionNonparametric Regression
27 2.1 Life history 28 2.2 Diet and foraging behaviour 29 2.3 Assessing seal fisheries interactions .33 CHAPTER 3: METHODS 34 3.1 SMRU captive facility .35 3.2 Animals 35 3.3 Respirometry 3.3.1 Open flow respirometry system 38 3.3.2... more
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      BiologyEnergy Expenditure
Gewährt wird ein nicht exklusives, nicht übertragbares, persönliches und beschränktes Recht auf Nutzung dieses Dokuments. Dieses Dokument ist ausschließlich für den persönlichen, nicht-kommerziellen Gebrauch bestimmt. Die Nutzung stellt... more
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      EducationCurriculum DevelopmentDemand AnalysisCONTINUING EDUCATION
2020, 30 S. - (Aufstieg durch Bildung: offene Hochschulen) Padagogische Teildisziplin: Erwachsenenbildung / Weiterbildung; Hochschulforschung und Hochschuldidaktik;
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      EducationCurriculum DevelopmentDemand AnalysisCONTINUING EDUCATION
A number of studies have explored the empirical relevance of the Engel's law by using household budget surveys in developed and developing countries. This article presents an empirical evidence on the applicability of the... more
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      EconomicsExperimental EconomicsEconometricsPolitical Economy
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      Civil EngineeringComputer ScienceGenetic AlgorithmsTransport Planning
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      HumanitiesPolitical ScienceFacesPortal
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      HumanitiesPolitical ScienceFacesPortal
En el presente artículo se pretende realizar una revisión de la literatura de las redes sociales en el ámbito turístico, conocer el nivel de implantación de las redes sociales en las Webs de las oficinas de información turística de las... more
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      HumanitiesPolitical ScienceRedes socialesTurismo
This paper has its primary focus on the analysis of perceptions and willingness-to-pay (WTP) for composted municipal solid and faecal waste among urban and peri-urban farmers and other potential compost users in Ghana. Participatory rural... more
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      BusinessEnvironmental EngineeringGhanaAgriculture
Pada pertengahan masa pandemi COVID-19, di banyak negara terjadi kenaikan permintaan barang-barang kebutuhan esensial untuk menunjang kehidupan dan menjaga kesehatan. Namun ada satu barang yang sebenarnya bukan termasuk komoditi esensial... more
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    • Demand Analysis
En el presente artículo se pretende realizar una revisión de la literatura de las redes sociales en el ámbito turístico, conocer el nivel de implantación de las redes sociales en las Webs de las oficinas de información turística de las... more
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      HumanitiesPolitical ScienceRedes socialesTurismo
Fruits and vegetables form the basis of a nutritional diet for the population. In addition to the basic determinants, such as market prices and consumer income, other factors influence consumer demand. This paper aims to investigate how... more
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      Demand AnalysisFruits and vegetablesConsumer Preferences
Consumption of fruits is important for the health of Slovak Republic (SR) inhabitants, as they positively affect the overall health of the people who consume them. The article aims to identify the position of fruits in the consumption... more
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      Consumer BehaviorDemand AnalysisFruit and vegetablesSubstitute Product
En el presente artículo se pretende realizar una revisión de la literatura de las redes sociales en el ámbito turístico, conocer el nivel de implantación de las redes sociales en las Webs de las oficinas de información turística de las... more
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      HumanitiesPolitical ScienceRedes socialesTurismo
The contribution of vaccination to global health, especially in low-middle-income countries is one of the achievements in global governance of modern medicine, averting 2-3 million child deaths annually. However, in Nigeria,... more
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      Organizational BehaviorBehavioral SciencesVaccinesFamily Caregivers/Carers
Background Vaccination remains the most effective means of reducing the burden of infectious disease among children. It is estimated to prevent between two to three million child deaths annually. However, despite being a successful... more
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      Women's StudiesInfectious DiseasesHuman Papillomavirus VaccineDemand Analysis
CIRANO Le CIRANO est un organisme sans but lucratif constitué en vertu de la Loi des compagnies du Québec. Le financement de son infrastructure et de ses activités de recherche provient des cotisations de ses organisations-membres, d'une... more
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      Demand AnalysisPublic GoodChildrenSocial Science Research Network
Tick infestations can be controlled by immunobiological strategies, however the complexity of the tick-host interface will require a multi-component, multi-effector anti-tick vaccine. High throughput genomic strategies for antigen... more
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      Immune responseBiologyDemand AnalysisGene expression
A simple and sensitive Spectrophotometric method has been used for the determination of iron concentration in Teff flour and its concentration was compared between the different varieties. The method is based on the reaction of iron with... more
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      ChemistryNatural SciencesGreen ReagentAbsorbance
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      EconomicsWelfare EconomicsEnergy ConsumptionIncome inequality
Choosing a particular good or service always depends on the utility that we can expect from it. In different activities, a moment arrives when we need to choose one specific function, object, material, or generally, an entity, comparing... more
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      AlgorithmsMicroeconomicsOptimization (Mathematics)Optimization techniques
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      Computer ScienceParameterized ComplexityarXiv
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      BusinessGeographyPolitical Science
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      PolicyDemand AnalysisBusiness and ManagementLabor Market
This paper explores the role of the Mental Health System (MHS) on the Health System of the Province of Buenos Aires, trying to throw light on its financing structure. The extent of this research is limited to the Province of Buenos Aires,... more
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      Mental HealthArgentinaHealth Financing
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      EconomicsDemand AnalysisPanel DataPrice Elasticity
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      EconomicsHuman CapitalBargaining PowerHousehold Income
Poultry supply chains is really complex with many different factors. Economical results in these systems are very unsettled, the color reproductive hens production has a good economic performance but layer duck, Muscovy duck and broiler... more
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      BusinessGeographyVietnamDemand Analysis
Through incomes of 82% of households in rural area are mainly from agricultural production or from between agriculture and off-farm activities. Thanks to selfmade products in most of households, the rural areas are not considerably... more
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      BusinessGeographyVietnamDemand Analysis
This paper presents a curriculum design approach for a Masters program in Telecommunications Management based on demand data obtained from surveying the needs of the potential students of the proposed program. Through online surveys... more
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      EngineeringEducationEngineering ManagementCurriculum Development
Os perfis típicos de curvas de carga de consumidores e redes constituem informações fundamentais para a determinação das tarifas de uso dos sistemas de distribuição de energia elétrica. Destaca-se que a sinalização horária das tarifas é... more
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      Data MiningApplied StatisticsData AnalysisClustering and Classification Methods
Since the introduction of Cocoa into Nigeria in about 1874, it has grown to become the fourth largest exporter in the world with production level, reaching 385, 000 metric tonnes per annum. In view of Nigeria's significant contribution... more
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      EconomicsAgricultural EconomicsExportationComparative Advantage
We formalize the idea that uncertainty is generated by news about future developments in economic conditions which are not perfectly predictable by the agents. Using a simple model of limited information, we show that uncertainty shocks... more
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      EconomicsEconometricsRecessionSocial Science Research Network
Within the semiparametric framework introduced by Pendakur (1999) we introduce a new loss function to estimate equivalence scales. This loss function uses all available information from the total expenditures of both the reference and... more
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      EconometricsApplied EconomicsClothing
Cross-Price Elasticities of Demand Across 114 Countries United States Department of Agriculture w w w w w. e r s. u s d a. go v o o Find additional information about global food markets and related topics at:... more
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      EconomicsEconometricsInternational RelationsCommunication
Elasticities of substitution, often called Armington elasticities, reflect incomplete substitutability because of perceived product characteristics. This study divides the determinants of the Japanese demand for beef imports into two... more
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      EconomicsDemand AnalysisMultidisciplinaryTrade Policy
Tick infestations can be controlled by immunobiological strategies, however the complexity of the tick-host interface will require a multi-component, multi-effector anti-tick vaccine. High throughput genomic strategies for antigen... more
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      Immune responseBiologyDemand AnalysisGene expression
Resumo: Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA) é uma técnica não-paramétrica que permite decompor uma série temporal em sinal e ruído. É uma técnica útil para filtrar dados de séries temporais. Neste artigo, os modelos Box & Jenkins e... more
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      Electrical EngineeringEconomicsApplied StatisticsDemand Analysis
RESUMEN La evolución reciente de los gastos efectuados por los hogares en Venezuela da cuenta de cambios en los patrones de consumo, no solo en el tiempo sino entre los diferentes segmentos de hogares clasificados en función de su... more
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      PovertyConsumptionVenezuelaDemand Analysis
The collective household model is based upon the assumption that decision makers have achieved efficient outcomes. This paradigm, which has become one of the leading approaches in family economics, is seldom, if ever, rejected, raising... more
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      EconomicsRationalityFalsifiabilityconsumption sociology
We apply a smooth coefficient semiparametric model to a unique high frequency data set to examine the intertemporal pricing of personal computers. Furthermore, we test (a) whether firms charge differential component prices for their top... more
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      EconomicsEconometricsApplied EconometricsApplied Economics