Deir El-Bahari
Recent papers in Deir El-Bahari
Two graffiti of Senenmut from the Temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari are presented in this paper: one located in the granite portal leading to the Upper Court of the temple, and another in the entrance to the Chapel of Thutmose I in... more
The reconstruction of the decoration in the mortuary temple of Mentuhotep II is not straightforward, since a large number of relief fragments are now spread out over museums worldwide. One of the fragments in the Art and History Museum in... more
was confined entirely to studies and documentation of the Tuthmoside materials, both in the store and in situ. 1 The following subjects were in progress:
Ab ca. 300 v. Chr. entstehen im Mittelmeerraum Heiligtümer, die – mittels aufragender Terrassen auf Fernsicht konzipiert – als ansteigende Sakralräume inszeniert sind. Trotz des großen Effektes auf die Architekturgeschichte bleibt die... more
El Templo de Hatshepsut contiene dos alineaciones solares, una más sencilla y otra más compleja. La primera coincide con el eje longitudinal del recinto, que se alinea con el amanecer en el solsticio de invierno; por cierto que esta... more
The work discusses selected aspects of the decorative programme of the Chapel of Hatshepsut, which forms part of the Complex of the Royal Mortuary Cult located on the Upper Terrace of the temple at Deir el-Bahari, south of the main axis.... more
On the inner north wall of the Southern Room of Amun in the Temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari there is a depiction of the so-called frieze of objects, arranged in two rows. In the upper one vessels with oils containing four out of... more
Aashyet’s sarcophagus (JE 47267) offers a unique case for understanding how the intersection of a person’s identities, such as ethnicity, gender, age, or religion, is portrayed on a funerary object within the historic and religious... more
The temple of Tuthmosis III at Deir el-Bahari - description of results of work of the Polish Mission; iconographic programmme (in Polish and English)
I Deir el-Bahari 196 1 is a red ochre dipinto standing on the cornice cavetto of the north (internal) side of the south wall of the Ptolemaic Portico of the Hatshepsut temple. The inscription as visible on the stone in situ is... more
An unusual iconographic motif-a fringed piece of linen-depicted in the Chapel of Hatshepsut, part of the queen's temple at Deir el-Bahari, is examined in this paper as an illustration of the interest, well attested in Hatshepsut's reign,... more In Ägypten bahnt sich wieder etwas an. Abseits der üblichen Berichterstattung präsentiert der Schweizer Ägyptologe Dr. Michael E. Habicht exklusiv für... more
A corpus of funerary linen was found in the 2012/2013 season in one of the rock tombs cut in the cliff bordering the Tuthmosis III temple platform in Deir el-Bahari during the work of the Polish-Egyptian Archaeological and Conservation... more
Les graffiti érotiques de la tombe 504 (Deir el-Bahari) ont régulièrement été interprétés par les modernes comme une représentation de la reine Hatchepsout et du dignitaire Senenmout. Aucun élément iconographique ni critère de datation ne... more
An analytical examination of the research and modern archaeology surrounding the location of the ancient land of Punt.
This conference contribution will be published in the near future as proceedings of the colloquium (edited by Prof. A. Abdelhalim / D. Budde). The following article is part of the ongoing Ph. D. research concerning the complete royal and... more
The paper presents the results of archaeological exploration in parts of the Hatshesut Temple, carried out by the Polish-Egyptian team in the 2020/2021 season. Excavations focused on the Southern Room of Amun on the Third Terrace of the... more
A set of wooden figures representing female deities with painted fronts and flat backs was identified in the archaeological material coming from recent excavations in the Chapel of Hatshepsut. The fragments were scattered through the... more
A parallel overview of the shabtis for this owner including a new interpretation of the tomb location.
Hatschepsut, Pharao der 18. Dynastie, wurde von den meisten Ägyptologen über viele Jahre hinweg mit wenig schmeichelhaften Worten betitelt: Der König gilt als "skrupellos", "eitel" und "hinterhältig" oder bestenfalls als "passiv" oder... more
The excavation of the western side of the courtyard in the mortuary complex TT 315 during the fourth field season of the Middle Kingdom Theban Project (MKTP) has unveiled three seal impressions deriving from different archaeological... more
In the 2012/2013 season, the Polish-Egyptian Archaeological and Conservation Mission of the Temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari (PCMA UW) continued work in a tomb (Tomb II) cut into the cliffs bordering the temple of Tuthmosis III from... more
When St. Anthony the Great started a monastic movement in Egypt, many monks had spread out all over the country, often finding dwellings in the old pagan temples or tombs. Western Thebes, an ancient necropolis hidden between the desert... more
The decorative program of the Chapel of Hatshepsut in the temple of the queen at Deir el-Bahari, has often been compared to that in the sanctuaries of the pyramid temples of an earlier date. In the paper the depiction of the offering... more
During epigraphic works carried out in the Southern Room of Amun (Temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari) in season of 2014/2015 painted decoration of two chests with sloping lid from the frieze of objects was recorded. On the side of... more
It is well known that during the post-Amarna period, depictions and texts vandalized in the course of the religious revolution of Akhenaten were restored. On the whole, they were reworked without changes. However, in the case of some... more
Die Umbettung der Könige des Neuen Reiches Die Mumien der Könige des Neuen Reiches wurden mehrheitlich nicht in ihren Gräbern, sondern in zwei großen Mumienverstecken (DB 320 und KV 35) gefunden. Die Priester des Amuns hatten sie dort am... more
Building a temple in Ancient Egypt began with the Foundation Ritual and ended with the consecration of the completed monument to its gods. The moment when the temple was ready for its cultic functions is by a majority of authors placed at... more
Reusage was a common phenomenon in the ancient world. Throughout the history of Egypt, from the very early beginnings until modern times, tombs, temples, quarries or loose architectural elements were adapted for new purposes. The Temple... more
Christiane Desroches-Noblecourt, La Reine Mysterieuse (the Mysterious Queen) Hatshepsut, Pygmalion, Paris, 2002, 504p. The last book of the famous French Egyptologist Christiane Desroches Noblecourt is dedicated to a not yet very... more
The Polish-Egyptian mission working on the restoration of the remains of the funerary temple of Tuthmosis III at Deir el-Bahari, in accordance with a special protocol between the EAO and the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology,... more
Photo report by Kenia de Aguiar Ribeiro. Contact sheet with photographs taken at Deir el-Bahari, Temple of Hatshepsut (Egypt). These images are intended for editorial use (print, online, and broadcast) and personal use. Please contact the... more