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numbers, but many people give little consideration to the order in which they present the data. This article illustrates the strengths and weaknesses of four criteria for organizing data -empirical, theoretical, alphabetical and a... more
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      Data AnalysisTeachingNumbersOrganization
Chapter four outlined the methodological and research design aspects employed for this study. This Chapter presents the data that was collected through an empirical investigation. The data presented in this Chapter relates to the findings... more
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      Focus Group discussionsData AnalysisResearchData Presentation
The Statistical Analysis System (SAS) is a powerful and flexible computer software package for management information system applications. The database management, data manipulation, data presentation, and report generation capabilities... more
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      Management Information SystemsMisData ManipulationDatabase Management
The Extensible Markup Language (XML) rapidly establishes itself as the de facto standard for presenting, storing, and exchanging data on the Internet. However, querying large volume of XML data represents a bottleneck for several... more
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      XMLGrammarEstimationData storage
... North Québec City, QB G3J 1X5 [email protected] Maria Nilsson University of Skövde PO Box 408, SE-541 28 Skövde, Sweden [email protected] Joeri van Laere University of Skövde PO Box 408, SE-541 28 Skövde, Sweden... more
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      Cognitive ScienceInformation ScienceTechnologyKnowledge Management
can be translated into accurate predictors of health risk, even at an early stage, and can be combined with alarm-triggering systems in order to initiate the appropriate actions. The paper presents the design and implementation of a... more
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      Information SystemsHuman Computer InteractionCardiologyData Analysis
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      Medical data analysisData PresentationStatistical ReportingData Presentation Methods
Debates about the utility of p values and correct ways to analyze data have inspired new guidelines on statistical inference by the American Psychological Association (APA) and changes in the way results are reported in other scientific... more
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      PsychologyStatisticsData AnalysisExperimental Analysis of Behavior
Scien ti fi c hypot he sis and type of the stu dy de fi ne va riab les that ha ve to be mea su red. Mea su re men ts are de ter mi ned by four dis tin ct sca les of measu re me nt; no mi nal, or di nal, in ter val and ra tio, pro du ci ng... more
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      Computer GraphicsData PresentationNormal Distribution
can be translated into accurate predictors of health risk, even at an early stage, and can be combined with alarm-triggering systems in order to initiate the appropriate actions. The paper presents the design and implementation of a... more
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      Information SystemsHuman Computer InteractionCardiologyData Analysis
This study aims to investigate teacher's and students' perceptions on the use of Canva in teaching writing. The descriptive qualitative method was used in this study. An English teacher and four students from SMPN 2 Kesugihan,... more
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      Computer ScienceCreativityDocumentationMathematics Education
The logarithmic transformation has long been used to present data that have both large and small components that are significant, such as neutron scattering data, or to present data that perhaps cover a wide range of time-scales, such as... more
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      AlgorithmsData AnalysisData ManagementData Visualization
Islamic boarding school is one of the unified educational built on the concept of Islamic culture, which includes learning Arabic called Bi'ah Arabiyah as its implication process, with the emphasis being centering on the aspect of... more
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      Mathematics EducationArabicIslamControl Management
This study aims to describe the business development strategy carried out by Seblak Putri Setu during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. Data collection techniques were carried out by... more
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      Data CollectionKolokiumPaymentData Presentation
At present, the Extensible Markup Language (XML) is popular for both data presentation and data transfer activities. XML Documents follow XML Schemas. It is possible to use them as database schemas and databases. An XML Schema can be... more
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      XMLXML SchemaData EngineeringProtocols
We describe the query interfaces of a practical biological database system-GPCRDB. Distinguishing features of the system include: an embedded smart query engine (for query relaxation), smooth integration of navigation with the more... more
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      HistoryHuman Computer InteractionIterative MethodsNavigation
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      GeneticsGrid ComputingRelational DatabaseArtificial Intelligence
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      PhysiotherapyData AnalysisClinical AuditAudit
This study aims to analyze the management of inactive archives carried out by KUA Karanganyar District, Kebumen Regency on the procedures for structuring and storing inactive archives of marriage certificates and inactive archives of waqf... more
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      DocumentationData Presentation
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The Extensible Markup Language (XML) rapidly establishes itself as the de facto standard for presenting, storing, and exchanging data on the Internet. However, querying large volume of XML data represents a bottleneck for several... more
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      XMLGrammarEstimationData storage
a) (b) Figure 1: Volume visualization of multi-dimensional data with our proposed method. (a) Volume rendering results; (b) the user interface of our multi-dimensional transfer function design. In our design, a parallel coordinates plots... more
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      Image ProcessingData VisualizationGaussian processesUser Interface Design
These is one of the formats of the final presentation as an student of the MA on "New Performative Practices" at DOCH/UNIARTS, Stockholm. The whole presentation proposed a re-placement of the already existing texts delivered by Quim... more
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      ChoreographyData Presentation
In everyday software development, you often encounter the same problems again and again. Rather than solve the same problem each time, it makes sense to document the solution and re-use it. Design patterns are essentially documented,... more
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      Computer ScienceGrid ComputingObject Oriented ProgrammingEducational Technology
c 2011 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,... more
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      CartographyVibrationsGlobal Positioning SystemMobile Computing
2010 stellte die SLUB Dresden ihren Katalog von einem traditionellen OPAC auf eine kommerzielle Discovery-Lösung um. Von Beginn an wurde daran gearbeitet, die Katalogseiten als integralen Bestandteil des... more
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      Data ManagementOpen DataLibrary ManagementResource Discovery