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Dealing with themes of forgiveness, revenge, responsibility, and self-interest, Cianfrance's film is unabashedly, relentlessly and almost defiantly sentimental. It wears its sentimentalism like a badge of honor and makes it work by... more
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      Film StudiesLiterature and cinemaShakespeareFilm Analysis
There are two ways to watch Roger Michell's My Cousin Rachel.
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      English LiteratureFilm StudiesFilm TheoryLiterature
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      Queer StudiesWomen's StudiesFilm StudiesAdaptation
A reading of Du Maurier2s macabre tale about the consequences of an eye operation.
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      Science FictionDaphne du MaurierThe Uncanny and Macabre
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      Gothic FictionFemininityDaphne du MaurierGothic Romance
A comparative analysis of the character of Mrs Danvers as portrayed in Rebecca book by Daphne du Maurier and its movie adaptations of 1940 (by Alfred Hitchcock), 1997 (British TV series), and 2020 (Netflix).
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      Daphne du MaurierMovie Analysis
Daphne du Maurier's 'Frenchman's Creek' has probably surprised other folklorists, as it did the authors of this article, with its representations of a very familiar traditional ballad figure. Thomas J. Rountree linked the novel with 'The... more
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      FolkloreEnglish LiteratureWomen's HistoryOral Traditions
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      Daphne du MaurierUnreliable narrators
L'elaborato tenta di indagare la multiformità dello schermo sonoro di Alfred Hitchcock prendendo in esame specifico due film come "Blackmail" (1929), prima pellicolla all talkie d'Europa, e "The Birds" (1963), avanguardistico lavoro... more
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      MusicologyVisual StudiesFilm Music And SoundSilent Film
The critical consensus that Rebecca is a faithful adaptation stems from ignorance of the du Maurier novel and a simplistic interpretation of Hitchcock’s complex, nuanced remarks about the film’s production. He radically departed from the... more
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      Film AdaptationAuteur TheoryAuteur StudiesClassical Hollywood
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      Cyprus StudiesLawrence DurrellOthelloWilliam Shakespeare
Kensington Gardens has influenced many artistic and literary ideas, with a strong emphasis on childhood imagination, fantasy and magic. The natural beauty of the Gardens has inspired the artists and writers, who have moulded British... more
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      Robert BrowningElizabeth Barrett BrowningRossetti, ChristinaIris Murdoch
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      NarrativeFilmDaphne du Maurier
Este trabajo pretende investigar en la configuración del personaje de Rebeca de Winter en la película Rebeca de Alfred Hitchcock (1940). En el film, la difunta Rebeca queda configurada a través de la descripción que terceros hacen de ella... more
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      Gender StudiesFilm AnalysisLGBT IssuesFilm Noir
The paper compares two short stories dealing with a similar topic of horror, The Apple Tree by Daphne Du Maurier as well as The Apple Tree by Elizabeth Bowen. They are examined for their distinguishing elements both in terms of... more
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      English LiteratureGothic LiteratureModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Elizabeth Bowen (Elizabeth Bowen)
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      Clinical PsychologyPsycholinguisticsHindiCognitive Poetics
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      British LiteratureFeminist Literary Theory and Gender StudiesDaphne du MaurierFemale subjectivity
Novelists’ constructions and discussions of morality during the Romantic period reflected the social and political upheavals of their time. This period was deeply marked by the French Revolution, which gathered both support and... more
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      RomanticismVictorian LiteratureGothic LiteratureOscar Wilde
In the main part of this term paper, I argue that the country house and its adjacent gardens and landscape have three main functions in relation to the plot of Daphne du Maurier's novel Rebecca: First, the depiction of Manderley adds to... more
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      English LiteratureGardens in literatureDaphne du MaurierEnglish Country House Literature
Stairway to heaven. La metafora dello sguardo dall'alto1 1. Per cominciare… una biblioteca! Nel film Il cielo sopra Berlino, del 1987, di Wim Wenders, c'è una scena che rimane particolarmente impressa nel cuore e nella mente di chi ama... more
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      Johann Wolfgang von GoetheGiacomo LeopardiGregory BatesonPiero della Francesca
Part Two of the paper covers the significance of the rooms and interiors of Menabilly, discovered by Daphne du Maurier during her secret visits to the estate, and their depiction and symbolic meanings as the rooms of Manderley estate, in... more
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      HistoryLiteratureWomen WritersDaphne du Maurier
Nel presente saggio ci dedicheremo con più attenzione all’analisi della condizione della donna pazza (o ritenuta tale) in alcune opere importanti della letteratura straniera: ci occuperemo in particolar modo di un must della letteratura... more
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      English LiteratureJean RhysCharlotte BrontëHenrik Ibsen
Conference Paper: Evelyn Waugh and Daphne du Maurier’s most beloved creations prominently feature the English country house as a locus of a past that refuses to be forgotten. The beginning of Brideshead Revisited (1945) and Rebecca... more
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      English LiteratureSelf and IdentityPostcolonial TheoryNarrative and Identity
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      Gothic LiteratureGothic Fiction and the horror filmHenry JamesDaphne du Maurier
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      Nineteenth Century StudiesNineteenth-century ArtNineteenth-Century Literature and CultureDaphne du Maurier
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      English LiteratureSigmund FreudDetective FictionThe uncanny
A look at the conscious and subconscious pools of information and experiences and their influence on the development of the plot structure and the unfolding of the story in the 'Rebecca' by Daphne du Maurier. The essay sites the author's... more
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      Literary ResearchDaphne du MaurierMysteriesSubconscious
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    • Daphne du Maurier
A look at real life personality who inspired the she-part of the Rebecca character of the book 'Rebecca' by Daphne du Maurier.
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      Literary ResearchDaphne du MaurierMysteriesRebecca Daphne Du Maurier
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      English LiteratureLiteratureHorror FilmGothic Literature
A review of du Maurier2s melodramatic novel, memorably filmed in 1951 and remade in 2017.
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      MelodramaCrimeDaphne du MaurierCornwall
Based on the data of modern post-Fregean logic (J. Hintikka, B. Lourié and others), the author considers the plurality of virtual worlds in Carlos Ruiz Zafón’s tetralogy The Cemetery of Forgotten Books (2001–2016). Turning to the idea of... more
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      Spanish LiteraturePhilosophy of LiteratureWalter BenjaminContemporary Fiction
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      Cognitive NarratologyModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Katherine MansfieldShort story (Literature)