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L’autofiction est un « phénomène » littéraire qui a supplanté l’autobiographie. Ce nouveau roman du « Je » est officiellement qualifié en 1977 par Serge Doubrovsky dans le fameux texte de quatrième de couverture de son roman Fils. Ce... more
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      AutobiographyMarguerite DurasSerge DoubrovskyAutofiction
L’objet de la présente thèse de doctorat, qui s’inscrit dans une approche interdisciplinaire du fait littéraire, est le courant littéraire canadien (québécois) de langue française dit écritures migrantes. Le terme d’écritures migrantes... more
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      Francophone LiteratureFrancophonieQuébec StudiesMigrant and Diasporic Literature
Възхвала на различния Човекът, който ходи с бавна крачка по улицата на изгнанието, си ти, съм аз. Разгледай го добре, това е просто личност. Тук нямат никакво значение ни времето, ни приликите, ни усмивката през сълзи, защото чужденецът... more
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      Littérature québécoiseTraductionLittératures francophonesDany Laferière
Nivel de conocimiento en el manejo estomatológico de la paciente gestante en internos de odontología de tres universidades peruanas, 2009 TESIS para optar el título profesional de Cirujano Dentista AUTOR Pedro Iván Hinostroza Medrano
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    • Dany Laferière
Cette recherche offrira une lecture en contrepoint du roman L’Énigme du retour (2009) et de la deuxième version de Chronique de la dérive douce (2012), de Dany Laferrière. Tandis que le premier se présente en tant que le journal intime... more
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      Caribbean LiteratureFrancophone LiteratureHaitian LiteratureLittérature Francophone
This article examines Dany Laferrière’s practice of rewriting themes, characters, and scenes from his early works. It argues that his repurposing of novelistic material, which may suggest the exhaustion of authorial creativity, is in fact... more
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      RewritingDany Laferière
Este artigo apresenta expressões culturais negras de origens afro-brasileiro-caribenhas como formas de comunicação e formas de representação que se contrapõem a ethos norte-hemisféricos e a narrativas de perspectivas euro-ocidentais... more
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      CosmovisionAfrican Diaspora StudiesHaitiCinema
At its most fundamental level, a nation is simply a substantial group of people who share and acknowledge some cultural trait that binds them together meaningfully. Claims of nationhood can result from shared history, shared language,... more
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      Film StudiesLiteratureBalkan StudiesBalkan Literatures
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      Postcolonial TheoryTayeb SalihDany Laferière
Les jeunes Blanches de Montréal du premier roman de Dany Laferrière semblent être des proies faciles pour les « nègres » du quartier Saint-Louis. Mais en sont-elles seulement les « proies »? Et si elles le sont, de quel(s) type(s) de... more
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      SexualityStereotypes and PrejudiceSigmund FreudMichel Foucault
El presente artículo consiste en un estudio comparado que abarca la mayor parte de la obra publicada de Dany Laferrière, Junot Díaz y Jamaica Kincaid, tres voces fundamentales de la diáspora antillana en Norteamérica. Se emplea... more
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      Comparative LiteratureDiasporasGender and SexualityCaribbean Studies
Dany Laferrière's Comment faire l'amour avec un nègre sans se fatiguer (1985) and Rawi Hage's Cockroach (2008) both present readers with disadvantaged, non-white immigrants to Montréal who are straddling rejection and integration. They... more
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      LiteratureImmigrationImmigration StudiesRace and Ethnicity
Текст, прочетен на представянето на франкофонския брой на "Литературен вестник" (бр. 10, 15-21.03.2017) в Литературен клуб "Перото" на 18 март 2017 г. Последван е от превод на откъси от произведения на Дани Лафериер, публикуван във... more
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      Littérature québécoiseLittératures francophonesLittérature HaïtienneDany Laferière
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      PsychologyAuditingLearningIngenieria De Sistemas
This is a revised version of a course I offered for the first time in Spring 2015. The reading list is slightly different to attempt a broader representation of First Nations and Inuit perspectives.
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      Native American StudiesMulticulturalismLiteratureRace and Ethnicity
CAPITULO II: MARCO TEORICO 2.1 Antecedentes 2.2 Base Teórica 2.3 Definición Operacional de términos CAPITULO III: METODOLOGIA 3.1 Tipo y diseño de la investigación 3.2 Lugar de estudio 3.3 Población de estudio 3.4 Criterios de selección... more
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      PsychologyAuditingLearningIngenieria De Sistemas
... Fase intermedia 176 El juicio oral 178 ... fuertemente vinculados por la Constitución, y desde luego, aquél sector del ordenamiento que regula el juicio previo, es decir, el Derecho ... Derecho Constitucional e Instituciones... more
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      PsychologyLearningIngenieria De SistemasGeología
CAPITULO II: MARCO TEORICO 2.1 Antecedentes 2.2 Base Teórica 2.3 Definición Operacional de términos CAPITULO III: METODOLOGIA 3.1 Tipo y diseño de la investigación 3.2 Lugar de estudio 3.3 Población de estudio 3.4 Criterios de selección... more
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      PsychologyAuditingLearningIngenieria De Sistemas
CAPITULO II: MARCO TEORICO 2.1 Antecedentes 2.2 Base Teórica 2.3 Definición Operacional de términos CAPITULO III: METODOLOGIA 3.1 Tipo y diseño de la investigación 3.2 Lugar de estudio 3.3 Población de estudio 3.4 Criterios de selección... more
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      PsychologyAuditingLearningIngenieria De Sistemas
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      PsychologyLearningIngenieria De SistemasHealth Science
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      French LiteratureCaribbean LiteratureFrancophone LiteratureContemporary Literature
The often contentious division between English-speaking Canada and French-speaking Canada is perhaps the most familiar aspect of Canadian multiculturalism for most outsiders, but the reality is much more complex. Whether one considers the... more
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      MulticulturalismCanadian LiteratureQuebecois LiteratureBlack Canadian History